If I cheat on my diet, will that cause a multiple sclerosis (MS) relapse?Can I stop exercising during the holidays?If I cut back on my workouts now, will it set me back in my fitness goals?

Everyone needs a break now and then. But how long of a break and what you do during that break can potentially affect your fitness goals — for better or for worse.

Can You Afford to Take a Break From Your Fitness Regimen?

Let me start by answering the questions posed above. “Cheating” on your MS diet, or eating something that’s not strictly healthy once in a while, will not cause a MS relapse. It may make you feel a bit off for that day, but it takes more than an indulgent snack or meal to trigger an MS exacerbation! Stopping your exercise program during the holidays has its pros and cons. Some pros are that it gives you some extra rest, which may be needed —  it may actually spur a growth in lean muscle. And it can give you the time to reevaluate your routine and tweak it or even create a new one. Some cons are that unless you are disciplined enough to restart your program after the holidays, taking a break can throw you off your routine indefinitely. In addition, taking too much time away from exercise may start the muscle atrophy process, in which muscles weaken, and it may negatively affect your mind-set, as well. Cutting back on your workouts during the holidays can certainly affect whether and when you achieve your fitness goals, but if there are physical, mental, or social reasons you need to cut back at this time, that may be what you have to do. Once you’ve fulfilled your social obligations or had the rest you need, you can reset your goals and continue working toward them. RELATED: How to Keep Your Fitness Goals on Track This Holiday Season

The Fine Line Between Stress and Burnout

When it comes to working out, there is a fine line between the stress of taking things to the limit and burnout, or taking things too far. Pushing yourself physically does put stress on the body, but putting too much stress on your body is counterproductive and can lead to fatigue, injury, and illness. For some people with MS, it’s difficult to take even one day off from the gym once they get into a routine and set their sights on a goal. Such a person may feel lost or feel that their routine is broken if they take a break. But taking that weekly day off, and even a short daily break, can make a huge difference in a person’s energy level. And taking a physical break prevents against mental drain, too. If you work with a fitness trainer, your trainer should help you set boundaries on your workouts as you get in shape. Some people with MS who are using exercise to fight back against the condition have a tendency to go overboard and push beyond their limits. And while their desire is understandable, they or their trainer must implement healthy limits to keep them from burning out quickly. RELATED: Postworkout Muscle Recovery: How to Let Your Muscles Heal and Why

How Do You Know if You’re Burned Out?

Burnout comes from persistent stress, whether emotional or physical, and it leaves you feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. Stress itself is not burnout, but being under extreme stress day after day will inevitably lead to burnout. Let’s take a look at how you may act and feel if you’re burned out:

You may withdraw from people or activities.You may feel emotionally blunted or flat.You may feel helpless and hopeless.You may feel detached or depressed.Your normal attitude may be replaced with cynicism and pessimism.You may have insomnia.You will likely have no energy for either exercise or daily responsibilities.

If any of these describe how you feel, don’t ignore it. Take a break from your fitness routine and focus on rest and self-care. Be sure you’re following a nutritious diet and getting enough sleep. Don’t try to get back to strenuous exercise too quickly. If you wish to do something active, take a walk. The amount of time it takes to recover varies from person to person, so continue to listen to your body — and your mind — and do what’s right for you.

The Bottom Line: Listen to Your Body and Use Common Sense

The bottom line, at any time of year, is to use common sense in your fitness journey. Listen to your body and don’t push yourself to that burnout point. Having the motivation to be the best you with MS is important, but you may lose that motivation if you don’t follow a smart plan to success. If you’re having trouble coming up with a fitness plan that works on your own, seek the advice of a qualified MS fitness expert to help you in this goal.