The best way to avoid getting whooping cough (also called pertussis) is to get vaccinated. In the United States, the DTaP (diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis) vaccine is often given to infants and children to prevent whooping cough. As the name indicates, this vaccine also works to protect against the diseases diphtheria and tetanus. DTaP consists of a series of five injections, typically given to children when they reach the following ages:

2 months4 months6 months15 to 18 months4 to 6 years

The DTaP vaccine provides protection from the three diseases for at least five years, and then begins to fade with time. This is why booster shots are needed.

DTaP Booster Shots

Since the DTaP vaccine tends to wear off, booster shots are recommended for all age groups. Prior to 2005, the booster only contained protection against tetanus and diphtheria, but not whooping cough. This booster was recommended for teens and adults every 10 years. However, now there is a booster called Tdap for preteens, teens, and adults that provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough. Doctors recommend that people get a booster at the following times: Age 11: Since immunity from the whooping cough vaccine tends to wane by this age, doctors recommend a booster shot. Adults: Talk to your doctor about receiving the Tdap instead of your next regular tetanus booster that is due every 10 years. Some varieties of the every-10-years tetanus and diphtheria vaccine also include protection against whooping cough, so your doctor will know what’s best for you. Pregnancy: Women should receive the whooping cough vaccine when they are between 27 and 36 weeks pregnant. This not only protects them, but may also protect the baby for the first few months after birth.

DTaP Vaccine Side Effects

People who receive the vaccine may experience mild symptoms including the following:

FeverCrankinessHeadacheFatigueSoreness at the site of the injection