According to the American Migraine Foundation, migraine is considered chronic when a person has 15 or more headache days per month, with at least eight of those days meeting criteria for migraine. Chronic migraine can be a very disabling condition. However, the earlier chronic migraine is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome is for people to live a more active and productive life. Britt and Zoe, who live in Central Florida and asked to only be identified by their first names, are not alone. Migraine runs in families, as 70 percent of sufferers are found to have a hereditary influence. In fact, a child has a 50 percent chance of having migraines if one parent suffers from them, and a 75 percent chance if both parents suffer, according to the National Headache Foundation. Britt, a medical writer and mother of three girls, comes from a migraine family. “My father had chronic migraines, and my daughter and I have the same. We all have similar perfectionistic personalities too.” “My migraines started in middle school, but it wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties when they worsened that I sought medical treatment,” says Britt. “Diagnosed with chronic migraines, my primary care physician recommended antidepressants. I prefer natural therapies and was unwilling to try a prescription at the time.” Britt tells of having a CT (computerized tomography) scan of the brain and seeing many neurologists and other physicians. “I don’t like the side effects of migraine medication, so I was reluctant to go that route.” Zoe recalls how her migraines also started early in life: “I have had headaches since I was in elementary school. But around the time of puberty, the headaches turned into migraines and then chronic migraines. I was diagnosed in my mid-teens and have been living with these since that time.” Many of Zoe’s migraine triggers revolve around school: academic stress, slouching at her desk, and straining her neck. But weather changes, perfumes, teas, coffees, caffeine, cold foods, and sugar can trigger her migraines too. “When I get a migraine, it becomes much harder to focus on my school work or a project,” Zoe says. “I don’t want to go to my part-time job or swim team practice or do anything at all. I get really grumpy.” “When I feel a migraine coming on, I retreat and go into my own space, which is not always easy with two younger sisters,” says Zoe. “I must be somewhere dark and quiet and then I try to sleep. Sometimes I go on a short walk outside and then lie down. I avoid looking at screens of any kind [like smartphones or TV].” Zoe was prescribed migraine medication but mostly turns to over-the-counter medicines and lifestyle changes for management. “I take ibuprofen and sometimes acetaminophen. Sometimes a cup of coffee will help my headache.” For Britt, nausea is rare with her migraines, but her vision does get fuzzy. “With severe migraine, I have trouble with light and sound and smells. I have to go into my bedroom and shut out all sensory input.” Focusing on a holistic regimen, Britt manages her migraines with a low-stress lifestyle, getting regular sleep, and eating healthy food. “I also avoid migraine triggers to reduce the incidence of headache.” “I use other stress-relieving and bodywork interventions, including yoga, massage, chiropractic, and acupuncture regularly,” Britt says. “Sometimes I can catch the migraine early and ibuprofen helps.” Both Britt and Zoe talk about their migraines with family, friends, teachers, and coworkers. “I am very open about it,” Britt says. “I’ve had so many migraines I have learned to function with them.” Zoe is upfront with her teachers, swim coach, and coworkers when she’s having a migraine day. “I like being open and honest with them so they know what’s going on and that I’m not just goofing off.” “This fall I head to Emory University, my parents’ alma mater, and will live on campus,” Zoe continues. “I feel confident that I know my body and the warning signs of migraine and can be a successful student.”