Bleach and other chlorine-based cleaning supplies are known to be irritating to the nose, eyes, and lungs. People differ in their sensitivity to these things; but those with underlying nasal allergies, sinus problems, or asthma are more susceptible because the tissues in their noses, eyes, and lungs are already inflamed — and the bleach exposure just makes the condition worse. If you have an employee safety officer or equivalent person at your work, then I would talk to him or her. Bleach found in cleaners is a notorious cause of respiratory problems, and the safety officer may either have experience with the issue or at least be able to mediate with your employer on your behalf. Also, ask around and find out if the fumes bother other workers. Chances are you are not alone. In the meantime, maybe the areas that are being cleaned with bleach could be ventilated better. Even simple fans that are positioned to blow out the bleach fumes might really help. Is there any way that you could be moved closer to a window? Finally, I would talk to your doctor and ask if more can be done to treat your sinus problems. Corticosteroid nasal sprays (such as fluticasone, mometasone, and others) are very helpful for sinus problems of all causes, provided they are used daily over time and as directed. Treatment of your sinuses might help reduce your sensitivity to the bleach fumes. Q2. I’ve been an asthma sufferer for over 20 years. About a week and a half ago I had sinus surgery to treat chronic sinus infections. Since that time my asthma symptoms have been significantly worse. Is this to be expected so soon after surgery? — Marie, Michigan No, worsening of asthma is not an expected side effect of sinus surgery. In fact, asthma often improves once the sinuses are cleaned out, as having constant drainage from the sinuses down the back of the throat can aggravate asthma significantly. I would look for a specific reason to explain why your asthma is acting up. One possibility is that you’ve caught a cold and aren’t experiencing the symptoms — except for the asthma — because your sinuses are swollen already from the surgery. Another possibility is that your asthma medications were changed prior to the surgery or just after. Perhaps you were treated with corticosteroids before the surgery and these have now been stopped. There are many things to consider, and I would encourage you to begin working with an asthma specialist, in addition to the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeon you are already working with. Both asthma and chronic sinus infections are complex problems that differ from person to person. ENT specialists are invaluable in providing dramatic interventions, like sinus surgery, that can make people feel better instantly. However, chronic sinus problems do not just go away if the factors that caused the infections to develop in the first place are still present. This would be the case for individuals with environmental allergies (for instance, dust mites or molds), occupational exposures, or problems with the immune system. If these problems are not defined and addressed, the sinus infections usually start up again within a few years. In addition, people often need to try several different combinations of medicines to get the problem under control, and this process requires ongoing attention to the details of how someone responds to a given medication. I strongly feel that sinus problems are best managed with the combined skills of an ENT surgeon and an allergist. The ENT surgeon can clean your sinuses out, and the allergist can help you prevent the problem from returning. Pulmonologists (lung specialists) are also experts in asthma, although I think an allergist would be a better choice for you, as allergists are more focused on the sinuses as well as the interaction of the person with his or her environment. Q3. What is the relationship between nasal polyps, asthma and chronic sinusitis? Some years ago, an association between these three symptoms was described by Dr. Max Samter. This is often referred to as Samter’s triad or triad asthma. Now we know some individuals with these symptoms will also develop an allergy to aspirin products. It is not unusual for an adult-onset asthmatic to develop nasal polyps and chronic sinusitis. Learn more in the Everyday Health Asthma Center.

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