
Red wine is a well-known migraine trigger, but other alcoholic drinks can also cause a migraine.

Weather changes

Even small decreases in barometric pressure can cause a migraine, according to a study published in December 2015 in the journal SpringerPlus. If weather is a trigger for you, ask your doctor if you should take medication at the first sign of change in the atmosphere.

Bright light

It’s believed that light “turns on” certain cells that can trigger pain. Wearing sunglasses indoors can increase your eyes’ sensitivity to light, so save your specs for outside. You can also try wearing FL-41 boysenberry-tinted lenses, which have been shown to minimize light’s triggering effect.


Both caffeine itself and caffeine withdrawal can trigger a migraine. Try not to vary your regular coffee routine, even on weekends.

Cheese and processed meats

Some people are sensitive to tyramine, a product of broken-down proteins in aged foods. You may want to limit your intake of these and other foods that are high in tyramine, including soy sauce, red wine, kimchi, smoked fish, caviar, and beer.


Poor ergonomics and the screen’s bright light can combine to trigger a migraine. Practice good posture and take frequent stretch breaks.


Not consuming enough liquids causes blood volume to drop, decreasing blood flow to the brain; the loss of electrolytes might also be a culprit. Aim to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

Hormonal changes

Migraines disproportionately affect women, which could be partly due to the fluctuation in estrogen levels. Talk to your doctor about whether you should take NSAIDs a few days before menstruation.

Hotter temperatures

The risk of migraine jumps almost 8 percent for every 9-degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature, according to a study published in March 2009 in the journal Neurology. Stay hydrated and consider avoiding outdoor activities during sudden temperature increases.