Read on to learn more about this famous melon, including its health benefits and how to add more to your plate. In both ancient Greece and Rome, watermelon was coveted for its purported medicinal properties and was cultivated in India around the seventh century. From there it made its way to China in the 10th century, and then to the rest of Europe during the 1200s. It is thought that watermelon was brought to North America by both colonist and slave trade ships. Although no one is exactly sure about the true origins of the watermelon, it’s a fact that generations of Americans have prized the fruit. Its high water content is refreshing on a hot summer day, and its sweetness rivals that of ice cream and other calorie-rich and processed snacks. This perhaps explains why the watermelon is the most widely consumed melon in the country. Today, there are more than 200 varieties of watermelon grown in North America, but China is the top producer worldwide, according to the National Watermelon Promotion Board. In the United States, bright-red-flesh varieties are the most popular, but watermelon comes in yellow- and orange-flesh versions as well. Watermelon is also related to squash, pumpkin, and cucumber.

Calories: 46Total fat: 0.2 gram (g)Carbohydrates: 12 gDietary fiber: 0.6 gProtein: 1 gSugars: 9.4 gWater content: 139 g (watermelon is about 92 percent water)Calcium: 11 milligrams (mg)Iron: 0.4 mgMagnesium: 15 mgPotassium: 170 mgVitamin C: 12 mg (a good source)Vitamin A: 43 micrograms (mcg)

Watermelon is particularly noted for its beta-carotene content, which is a form of vitamin A. Like other types of fruit, watermelon is a good source of vitamin C.

Boosts Hydration

Watermelon contains about 92 percent water. The Egyptians reportedly placed watermelons in royal tombs to make sure the dead had a source of water, while Hippocrates — the Greek father of medicine — prescribed watermelon to treat heatstroke, per the University of Missouri. Staying hydrated is a smart move when it comes to your health because optimal water intake keeps joints lubricated, keeps organs functioning properly, and helps regulate body temperature, among other benefits, according to Harvard University. Eating foods rich in water, such as watermelon, can help you hit your daily hydration goal.

Reduces Blood Pressure

The diuretic effects of watermelon and the potassium content in the fruit can help combat excess sodium intake. With 170 mg of potassium per 1-cup serving, watermelon is just one of the key foods that can help you achieve a healthy potassium intake. The American Heart Association recommends 4,700 mg of potassium per day for the average adult. Potassium is critical for preventing high blood pressure by aiding the excretion of stored sodium in urine, and it lessens blood vessel tension. While noted for beta-carotene, watermelon also contains another carotenoid called lycopene. This naturally occurring chemical is red and is only present in red-flesh watermelon varieties. According to MedlinePlus, lycopene itself is known for its potential positive effects on high blood pressure, and it may also help ward off heart disease.

Lowers Cholesterol and Fights Inflammation

Although more studies are needed, signs point to watermelon as a good addition to a plant-based battle against inflammation and for heart health. Research has thus far established watermelon as one of many antioxidant-rich fruits that may help manage cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Promotes Healthy Skin

According to a 2022 review, antioxidants such as carotenoids found in watermelon can help protect skin from free radicals and also help protect skin lipids, which may decrease the risk of premature skin aging. Additionally, previous research notes that increasing intake of dietary water may help improve skin hydration and elasticity, among other benefits. When it comes to weight loss, though, watermelon alone won’t cut it. It’s important to incorporate other fruits and vegetables into your diet in the long term to cut calories while also increasing your intake of important nutrients. You’ll want to avoid fad diets that focus on watermelon as the sole food you eat — these types of diets may make you lose weight temporarily, but you’ll only gain it back once you get back to your normal eating habits. According to Oregon State University, although watermelon is relatively high on the glycemic index (GI), with a GI of 76, a serving of watermelon contains about 12 g of carbohydrates. That means the fruit has a glycemic load (GL) of about 8, which is low. GL is a scale used to determine whether a food is likely to raise your blood sugar levels when you eat a realistic portion. You can calculate the GL of a food by taking its GI and multiplying it by the amount of carbs per serving and then dividing that total amount by 100. Another major exception is a watermelon allergy. While not common, some people who have allergies to ragweed pollen as well as fruits from the gourd family may have an allergic reaction to watermelon, explains the Mayo Clinic. Unfortunately, aside from getting a blood test, there’s no way to know for sure if you’re allergic to watermelon until you have a negative reaction after eating it. Some signs include hives, swelling, and breathing difficulties. More severe reactions may be life-threatening. Other minor side effects from watermelon include upset stomach, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. This is most likely to occur after you’ve eaten too much of the fruit. The rind offers other clues to a watermelon’s overall edibility. First, the watermelon shouldn’t have any dents or bruises. No matter what its size, it should also be symmetrically shaped. According to the National Watermelon Promotion Board, a healthy watermelon will have a yellow spot on the bottom — this is part of the normal ripening process from when the melon grew on the ground. A whole, uncut watermelon should be left at room temperature until ready to use. Always rinse the watermelon rind before cutting. Once cut, place any leftover chunks in an airtight container and store in the fridge.

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Do You Need to Remove Seeds From a Watermelon?

It’s perfectly safe to eat watermelon seeds, according to the National Watermelon Promotion Board. They don’t cause any harm and won’t cause anything to “grow” in your stomach. Some people prefer to spit the seeds out while eating, while others simply eat the flesh and seeds together without the hassle. If you don’t want to deal with the seeds at all, look for seedless varieties. Nutritionally speaking, the only difference between watermelons with seeds and watermelons without seeds lies in the way they’re produced. Seedless watermelons are created with different numbers of female and male flower chromosomes, which make the end product sterile. Therefore, the seedless watermelon, true to its name, can’t produce any seeds. Contrary to popular belief, seedless watermelon is not genetically modified. You’ll still gain the same nutritional benefits found inside the seedless watermelon flesh as you would with a regular seeded watermelon.