Although many women experience yeast infections, women with type 2 diabetes are at a greater risk, especially if their blood sugar levels are higher than normal. “No one knows exactly why yeast infections are more common [in women with type 2 diabetes], but there is a definite association with how well a person’s diabetes is controlled," says Vincent Woo, MD, endocrinologist at the University of Manitoba Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, Canada. An increased level of blood sugar from diabetes affects the entire body, not just the blood. “Elevated blood sugar appears in the mucus of the vagina and vulva, so they serve as an excellent culture medium for yeast,” says Daniel Einhorn, MD, a former president of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and medical director of the Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute in San Diego. Yeast gets energy from sugar, so in an environment that is moist with sugar, yeast may overgrow.

Diabetes and the Ability to Fight Yeast Infections

The effects of diabetes on the body become more obvious as time goes on. People who don’t keep good control of their blood sugar may develop complications related to the constantly high levels. One such complication is a difficulty in fighting off infections, either bacterial or fungal. Dr. Einhorn explains, “Some women, especially those with poorly controlled diabetes, have some compromise in their ability to fight off any infection.” This means that once a yeast infection has begun, getting rid of it may not be that easy.

Yeast Infection Treatment

Treatment of a yeast infection is the same for people with diabetes as for those without it. “These infections are managed the [same] way as any other yeast infection. All the standard agents will work,” says Einhorn. Over-the-counter treatments consist of antifungal vaginal creams and suppositories, which are used for one to seven days, depending on the product. Your doctor can tell you which product is best for you. If you get yeast infections very frequently or they don’t completely go away, your doctor may treat you for longer periods of time or prescribe a yeast infection medication called Diflucan (fluconazole). This is an effective treatment for yeast infections, but it shouldn’t be used if you’re pregnant. Although most women believe they can tell if they have a yeast infection, this isn’t always the case. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many women often misdiagnose themselves and buy over-the-counter yeast infection treatments that are ineffective for their problem. This is dangerous because the real problem is not being properly treated. If you’re not certain that you have a yeast infection, or if your symptoms don’t go away with over-the-counter treatment, see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Lowering Your Risk for Yeast Infections

While yeast infections can’t always be prevented, you can lower your risk of developing one, even if you have type 2 diabetes. Some tips that may help prevent yeast infections include:

Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes.Wear cotton underwear.Eat yogurt with live cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Still, notes Einhorn, “The most important [way to prevent yeast infections] is to optimize glucose control, so that the sugar in the secretions from the vulva and vagina doesn’t promote the buildup of yeast.” For more on diabetes complications, check out Diabetes Daily’s article “Diabetes and Infections”!