RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About the Cold and Flu Tonsillitis is caused by either a viral or bacterial infection. Antibiotics are prescribed when tonsillitis is thought to be the result of the latter type of infection (as they can help symptoms and prevent complications), but not for tonsillitis caused by viral infections (because antibiotics don’t work against viruses), Dr. Rowan says. “But in most cases the infections will resolve on their own without any antibiotics,” Rowan adds. And especially in these cases, managing tonsillitis symptoms at home is important to reduce pain and help you feel better as soon as possible. RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Strep Throat Treatment For tonsillitis caused by a viral infection, antibiotics are not recommended, says Dr. Clark. “The infection would typically resolve itself within five to seven days without any intervention,” he says. And if symptoms are still present at the end of that period the patient would be asked to return for a re-evaluation. RELATED: How Doctors Diagnose and Treat Tonsillitis  Clark says to think of the following steps as supportive care strategies that can aid in tonsillitis recovery: (1)

Getting adequate restConsuming an adequate volume of fluidsAvoiding cigarette smoke (including secondhand smoke) and other respiratory irritantsAvoiding acidic foods and beveragesEating a soft diet (foods that are soft and easy to chew and swallow)

Using a cool-air humidifier to lessen dry air that may further irritate the throat can also help recovery. (1) And he adds that the following can be thought of as soothing measures to make you more comfortable while healing:

Sipping cold or warm beverages such as tea with honey or lemon (Babies under one year should not consume honey due to risk of botulism.) (2)Eating cold or frozen dessertsSucking on iceSucking on hard candy is just as effective as medicated lozenges. Caution should be used with small children due to choking and aspiration risk.Gargling with warm salt water

RELATED: More on What You Can Do at Home to Manage Cold and Flu Symptoms Recommended pain relievers include: (1)

acetaminophen (Tylenol)ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)

Both pain relievers have different advantages and potential downsides, Clark adds:

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen have both been shown to reduce throat pain in randomized studies and will also help reduce inflammation and fever. (3)There is some data to suggest that ibuprofen is more effective for pain than acetaminophen, but the difference is small. (3)The risk profile for acetaminophen and ibuprofen are similar, although it has been suggested that ibuprofen should be avoided in dehydrated patients due to the increased risk for kidney damage. (4)Aspirin should be avoided in children as it can cause Reye’s syndrome. (5)

While you may see some purported benefits of complementary and integrative therapies for tonsillitis — such as probiotics, herbal therapies, homeopathic therapies, and dietary supplements — there are currently no quality, clinical studies to back up these treatments, according to Clark. In some cases these therapies may actually be harmful, he adds. (6) So like all therapies used, including mainstream treatments, it’s best to discuss with your doctor the potential benefits, risks, quality of the evidence, and costs before starting a new therapy or approach.