— Christina, Mississippi Coughs are a common complaint seen by doctors, and their duration helps determine the likely cause. A cough that lasts less than three weeks is defined as acute, sub-acute cough lasts three to eight weeks, and chronic cough lasts more than eight weeks. Because your boyfriend’s cough is in the sub-acute group, the most likely causes include post-nasal drip, acid reflux, persistent infection, and asthma. It is interesting to note that strep throat is not associated with cough — in fact, having upper respiratory symptoms such as cough and runny nose makes the diagnosis of a strep throat less likely. Your boyfriend may have a persistent post-nasal drip or an asthma-like cough caused by inflammation from bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae or Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Another possibility is whooping cough, caused by Bordetella pertussis. It has recently been recognized that pertussis is a common cause of cough in adults. A thorough examination and appropriate testing is indicated for sub-acute and chronic cough. The good news is that the cause of the cough can be established in more than 90 percent of cases, and getting the appropriate treatment should improve your boyfriend’s symptoms. Learn more in the Everyday Health Cold and Flu Center. Q2. Now that it’s been shown that cough and cold medicines are dangerous for young children, what can I give my child if she’s suffering from a bad cough? Candace, I get asked this question almost every day! As a mother of a 17-month-old, I know how difficult it is to have your child go night after night coughing and not getting good sleep. The danger with over-the-counter medications has really been with parents overdosing children. Cough preparations with multiple active ingredients in particular have been confusing for parents and have led to unintentional overdoses because parents were not aware of what was in the medicines. Because of the new warnings about the dangers of cough and cold medications and because of the many studies that show they are not effective in young children, I avoid them. I recommend that parents try placing their child in a steamy bathroom for 10 to 20 minutes several times a day or giving multiple baths. This is particularly good for the dry, barky cough. Also, new studies have shown that dark honey is an effective treatment for cough. I frequently recommend this option for children over the age of 1. If a child has a history of asthma, I often suggest they use either albuterol or Xopenex a couple of times a day during a viral cough/cold. Young children can get up to 10 colds and coughs a year! If you are concerned about a cough or cold in your child, it is always okay for you to take your child to the pediatrician to have him or her evaluated, though steamy bathrooms, honey, and patience are all helpful options. Q3. How concerned should a typical person, especially a parent, be about the swine flu, or influenza H1N1? As a mother and pediatrician, I want to put the swine flu in context based on the facts we have so far. There seems to be so much fear, and much of that stems from the unknown nature of this virus strain. I want people to be informed so they can take appropriate precautions, and yet not become paralyzed by the hysteria that is surrounding this issue. It is important to be aware of the swine flu virus. If you or your child develops a fever and respiratory symptoms, it could be the swine flu. The “typical flu” vaccine does not protect against the virus, but there is another vaccine that does. There are also effective medications (Tamiflu and Relenza) that can be used for treatment. So am I panicked about the swine-origin influenza H1N1? Not really. I am extra-conscientious about washing my hands after being in the playground, and I try to not stand next to a coughing person on the subway. But, in general, I am continuing life as usual.

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