Up to a third of the U.S. population deals with chronic bloating and stomach distension, according to a study published in the April 2020 Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. And that’s just on normal days. You could say that Thanksgiving is a main event, bloatingwise. “When food is the focal point of the day, we tend to eat more frequently — sometimes all day — and the menu is usually chock-full of rich foods and decadent desserts containing more sodium and sugar than typically consumed,” says Jennifer Clemente, a board-certified nutrition specialist and an Institute for Functional Medicine practitioner in Hampton Bays, New York. It’s not unusual to overeat way past your point of fullness, too. “Top it all off with a few drinks, and we have the perfect storm for bloating, gas, and feeling really stuffed,” she says. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. You aren’t destined to wear pants with an elastic waistband or nap the rest of the day away. Follow these tips for what to do before, during, and after Thanksgiving dinner to avoid the usual post-meal side effects. RELATED: 11 Tips for Better Digestive Health

Before the Big Meal

Eat lighter, but still eat. A large brunch, followed by heavy appetizers, and then a big dinner can turn into an all-day eating affair. “Try to eat lighter in the early part of the day so you’re actually hungry for your meal,” says Clemente. On the other hand, don’t avoid eating in order to “save up” for dinner — approaching a large meal when you’re ravenous can easily lead to the overeating you’re trying to avoid. Breathe deeply. You might stop to give thanks right before digging in, but it’s also smart to take a few breaths. “Deep breathing before a meal can actually help your body get into ‘rest and digest’ mode and prepare for the meal,” says Katelyn Wilson, RD, an integrative registered dietitian specializing in digestive health in New York City. While further study is needed, a review published in October 2020 in Medicines (Basel)found that diaphragmatic breathing may help with such digestive issues as chronic constipation and acid reflux. Get bitter. Purchase digestive bitters, which you take a small amount of before a meal. “They help to increase stomach acid production and bile, both of which are key ingredients to the digestive process,” says Clemente. Also helpful? Eating bitter vegetables (which provide similar properties), such as kale, dandelion, mustard greens, arugula, collards, or broccoli rabe, she says. These green sides might not be the showstopper of the meal, but you’ll be glad you have them on your plate to balance out all that richness. RELATED: The 10 Best and Worst Foods to Fight Belly Bloat

During the Big Meal

Avoid trigger foods. It’s understandable that, on a special occasion, you might give yourself permission to eat certain foods even though you know they will react poorly with your GI system. (Example: The cheese and cream in the scalloped potatoes.) “For those with digestive conditions or food intolerances, eating foods that you are sensitive to can cause bloating. For some people, it’s worth it for a special meal. But if you want to avoid being uncomfortable, make sure you check with the host so you can choose the dishes that work best for you,” says Wilson. Chew well. Slow down and chew each bite, advises Wilson. Doing so delivers many perks, including putting you in tune with your fullness cues to avoid overeating, and reducing the risk that you’ll swallow a lot of air while chewing fast, both of which contribute to bloat. Also remember that digestion begins in the mouth. Chewing completely “will make it easier for your body to break down your food,” she says. Keep the chat light. A few drinks in, and suddenly everyone’s getting into a deep political discussion. “I advise avoiding charged conversations that may stress everyone out over the dinner table. Stress diverts energy away from digestion, so keep the conversation light during the meal,” says Clemente. Of course, you can’t control the talk at the table (and trying will lead to more stress), but you can excuse yourself from talk that doesn’t serve your mental health. RELATED: Dessert Recipes That Are Good for You

After the Big Meal

Move. Some form of gentle physical activity, such as a walk with the fam, will help get your digestive system moving, says Clemente. Movement also encourages gas to move along, says Wilson. Sip wisely. An after-dinner drink might keep the night jovial, but you’re better off with a warm libation like ginger or peppermint tea, both of which stimulate digestion, says Clemente. In a review of ginger’s health properties in Nutrients in January 2020, the researchers concluded that ginger helps food leave the stomach more quickly. If you want something more cocktail-like, bring a bottle of kombucha, pour it in a pretty wineglass, and imbibe with everyone else. “Kombucha has a little alcohol, but contains lots of probiotics to help soothe the system,” says Clemente.

A Word About Turkey and Tryptophan

Feeling stuffed isn’t the only common side effect of a turkey dinner with all the fixings (and pumpkin pie!). People often feel groggy after eating so much, and for a long time, the amino acid tryptophan was blamed. This essential nutrient helps our bodies make the hormones melatonin, which regulates sleep and wakefulness, and serotonin, which plays a role in appetite and mood, according to MedlinePlus. Turkey and other proteins contain tryptophan, but research cited in an article in Scientific American found that even when participants consumed larger-than-usual amounts, as is often the case on Thanksgiving, not enough reached the brain to cause drowsiness. More likely, experts say, is that eating a large, carb-heavy meal may trigger the parasympathetic nervous system (sometimes called “rest and digest”). One small study of just 18 men, published in June 2018 in Molecular Metabolism, found that a meal high in calories and carbs appeared to induce sleepiness, particularly in those with obesity. Another study, of 52 men, published in the July–August 2019 issue of Nutrition, indicated that those whose diets included more produce and healthy fats experienced less post-meal fatigue compared with those who ate a lot of processed meat and fast food. So if you want to avoid the dreaded food coma this holiday season, it pays to watch your portions and choose your foods wisely. If you overdid it anyway, the best remedy is to get off the couch and get moving, says Clemente. Physical movement boosts energy, and even something as simple as a walk is a great way to combat sleepiness after a meal, she says. It’s also an activity anyone can participate in, which makes it a nice family tradition to start.