What really sets white and sweet potatoes apart is their beta carotene content, which is the antioxidant pigment that colors sweet potatoes a beautiful orange, says Darsa. Beta carotene is indeed healthful. People whose diet included the highest level of beta carotene had a 17 percent lower risk of premature death from all causes compared with a group who ate the least amount, according to a study published in May 2016 in the journal Scientific Reports. But essentially, says Darsa, some people consider sweet potatoes a “whole grain” and view eating a white potato akin to having, well, potato chips or french fries. A baked, boiled, or roasted white potato is not the same as refined, heavily processed foods. Any type of potato is a nutrient-rich whole food. Calories There are 125 calories in a white potato versus 108 calories in a sweet potato. Protein There is 1.9 g of protein in a white potato versus 1.3 g protein in a sweet potato. Fat Both a white and sweet potato have 4.2 g of fat. Carbohydrates There are 20.4 g carbs in a white potato versus 16.8 g carbs in a sweet potato. Fiber There is 1.4 g of fiber in a white potato versus 2.4 g in a sweet potato, the latter of which is a good source. Sugar There is 1.6 g of sugar in a white potato versus 5.5 g sugar in a sweet potato. Potassium There is 372 mg potassium in a white potato versus 219 mg in a sweet potato, making both minor sources of this nutrient. Vitamin C Both a white and a sweet potato have 12.1 mg of vitamin C, making both a good source of this nutrient. Comparing the two, you’ll see that while white potatoes have more calories, it’s only by 17 calories, which is really negligible. There is slightly more protein in a white potato, a few more grams of carbohydrates, and 70 percent more potassium compared with a sweet spud. The mineral is essential for cardiovascular health, as it counteracts sodium to lower blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (If you are on a potassium-restricted diet because of kidney disease, check with your doctor to see whether white potatoes are appropriate for you.) Sweet potatoes also win out for their fiber with an additional 1 g of the digestion-friendly and filling nutrient. Also, both types of potatoes provide a good source of vitamin C. If you are eating less fruit (which tends to be naturally rich in vitamin C) or limiting your intake, a potato or sweet potato is a good way to get more of this vitamin, says New York City–based Lauren Antonucci, RDN. Vitamin C is essential for producing collagen (essential for bone health) and forming blood vessels, according to Mayo Clinic. Although sweet potatoes have more grams of sugar than the white variety, you can feel okay choosing either white or sweet. “They both have the same number of grams of total carbohydrates, so they will be metabolized the same way,” she says. A large white potato weighs more than 10 oz and clocks in with 375 calories and 61 g of carbohydrates, per the USDA. The amount of carbohydrates in a food will affect your blood sugar, and eating a large potato may unknowingly send your glucose levels soaring when managing diabetes. Tracking your carbohydrates, on the other hand, can help you balance your intake to control blood sugar levels, notes the American Diabetes Association. A more appropriate serving is a potato that can fit in the palm of your hand. If you can’t find a spud that small, then just eat half or split it between two people. But a small study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition on overweight men and women eating a reduced-calorie diet showed that including potatoes in their diet did not cause weight gain. “While it is easy to overeat chips and fries, people do not gain a ton of weight by eating regular potatoes,” says Antonucci. That’s mainly because regular potatoes are self-limiting, she adds. It’s really difficult to sit down to a pile of plain potatoes and eat too much of them, as you’ll fill up and stop. There are so many ways you can enjoy potatoes in a healthy way. For example, cut into strips and bake in the oven to make “fries.” Chop up to add to a soup (or puree and stir in a soup to make it “creamy”). Drizzle with olive oil, wrap in a foil packet, and grill. Toss into a frittata. You can even mash a steamed sweet potato and put into a yogurt bowl with nut butter. (Really!) You can find a way to top your spud with whatever you’d like, just use serving sizes as a guide, says Darsa. That means 2 tablespoons (tbsp) of sour cream, plain Greek yogurt, or a pat of butter on a baked potato or dipping roasted potatoes in 2 tbsp of ketchup. Butter and sour cream might not be traditionally “healthy” (they add saturated fat), but as long as you’re sticking with the recommended serving size, Darsa says, it is okay to include these on your potato, particularly in the context of a nutritious meal. New potatoes (a variety of potato that tends to be smaller and has a lighter, thinner skin) are a particular favorite of Antonucci’s because they have an innate smooth, buttery flavor that doesn’t need anything added to taste great. Simply boil the small spuds until tender and enjoy. “The poor potato has gotten such a bad rap,” says Antonucci. “It’s a food that grows in the ground that has fiber and is filling. We’ve gotten so confused that many people are afraid to eat potatoes. They are easy to cook and healthy,” she says. In other words: Eat the potato.