“It’s important to remember that everyone is different, and while most seasonal episodes of depression occur in the winter, up to 30 percent of people will experience summer depression,” says Samar McCutcheon, MD, who is a psychiatrist specializing in depressive, bipolar, and anxiety disorders at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. People with summer-pattern seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — aka “reverse SAD” — typically experience common symptoms of depression for about four or five months each year when the weather is warmer, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). RELATED: 12 Surprising Facts About Depression

Summertime SAD: Know the Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms of SAD include feeling depressed most of the day almost every day, having low energy levels, losing interest in activities you used to enjoy, difficulty concentrating, or feeling hopeless or worthless, the NIHM notes. In addition, people with summer-pattern SAD may experience:

Agitation and restlessnessAnxietyInsomniaLack of appetite, resulting in weight lossInstances of violent behavior

According to the NIHM, a doctor or a mental health professional may diagnose and treat you for summer-pattern SAD if you:

Have symptoms of major depressionHave depressive episodes that happen in the summer months for at least two years in a rowTend to have depressive episodes more frequently during the summer than at any other point of the year

RELATED: 8 Depression Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

What Causes Summertime SAD to Strike?

Although experts don’t know exactly what causes summer-pattern SAD, like all mental disorders, it’s likely related to a variety of factors, including biological, environmental, and psychological factors. “Summertime can be a time for fun, relaxation, and freedom from school, work, and other obligations. But for those people vulnerable to depression, summertime can feel like too big and too sudden of a change,” explains Karen Lim, MD, who is a psychiatrist with Prairie Health in American Canyon, California, specializing in both general and child and adolescent psychiatry. On a biological level, some research suggests — like other forms of major depressive disorder — it may be partially linked to the brain chemical serotonin, per the NIMH. Other research indicates that some people with SAD produce too much melatonin — a hormone that affects your sleep cycle — which may leave you fatigued, the NIMH explains. And in people with SAD, these changes to serotonin and melatonin levels can make it difficult to adjust to longer or shorter days, disrupting your daily routine as well as your sleep, behavior, and mood. What’s more, the risk of developing SAD is higher if you’re a woman, you have a relative with a mental illness, or you have major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, or another mental illness, according to the NIMH. RELATED: 6 Ways You Can Help a Loved One With Depression

How Do I Know if It’s SAD or the Summertime Blues?

Even if someone doesn’t have depression, they can still go through a less severe version of warm-weather mood changes often referred to as the “summertime blues.” It’s not an official diagnosis because symptoms by definition aren’t severe enough to be categorized as depression, and experts say it’s difficult to estimate how many people are affected. “It’s certainly something that we see in clinical practice,” says Melissa Shepard, MD, a psychiatrist in private practice and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Symptoms are similar to that of SAD (low mood and a lack of energy), but less debilitating, says Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a New York City–based neuropsychologist who is on faculty with Columbia University’s PhD program in clinical psychology in New York City. Summertime blues, like SAD, can have a range of causes, Dr. Shepard says. The glumness may stem from schedule changes, including having fewer or more disrupted routines in the summer: “We know that having a routine is really important in preventing depression,” she adds. Parents of young children may suddenly find themselves having to keep their kids entertained during the work day instead of being able to send them to school or day care, Dr. Hafeez adds. Or in the case of students on summer vacation, they no longer have classes or activities to fill their day. For some, those disruptions can be stressful, Hafeez explains. The weather can be another contributor to summertime blues. Many people find the heat and humidity to be intolerable, leading them to hole up in their homes and avoid exercising or cooking because of the weather, Hafeez says. “Isolation, inactivity, and eating unhealthy takeout can all contribute to low moods and low energy levels,” she explains. And as is the case for SAD, longer days and shorter nights can interrupt sleep patterns, causing people to have less energy during the day. RELATED: 8 Health Problems Linked to Not Getting Enough Sleep

How to Cope With Summertime SAD

Whether you’re struggling with summertime blues or clinically diagnosed summer-pattern depression, these strategies (along with expert treatment in some cases) can help you manage your symptoms.

1. Identify Your Summertime Triggers

Dr. McCutcheon says pinpointing what triggers your summertime blues can help you zero in on the best coping strategies for you. Possible triggers include heat and humidity, financial stresses related to a need for more childcare or vacations, and body-image issues made worse by wearing warm-weather clothing that shows more skin, explains McCutcheon. Another trigger can be the expectation of summertime bliss. “One of the hardest parts of summer depression is people are expected to be happiest in summer,” she says. “This can cause people who experience summer depression to feel especially bad about having depressive symptoms.” Some experts believe that exposure to intense, direct sunlight can contribute to summertime depression, says Steven Dubovsky, MD, chair of the department of psychiatry at the University at Buffalo in New York. He adds that wearing sunglasses outdoor during the hotter months may help. RELATED: How to Cope With Anxiety and Depression

2. Make Sleep a Priority

People with summertime depression can develop insomnia or irregular sleep schedules, says Dr. Lim. “The long, sunny days and warm nights can make it hard to sleep, which can harm mental well-being, but prioritizing and regulating your sleep can improve your mood,” Lim explains. Turning to online relaxation aids and apps may help you get some solid shuteye, Lim says. Options include:

Mobile apps that promote relaxation, such as Aura ($59.99 per year) or Calm ($69.99 per year)Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, videos on YouTube, which produce positive, relaxing feelings in response to gentle stimuliHypnosis videosRelaxation story times, such as the Get Sleepy and Boring Books for Bedtime podcastsNature soundsWhite noiseBinaural beats — a sound illusion created by listening to two tones with different frequencies simultaneously.

On the other hand, it may be helpful to completely unplug from technology before bed, advises Lim. Using smartphones, laptops, and tablets before turning in can disrupt melatonin production and raise anxiety and stress, making it more difficult to drift off to sleep. Although some research suggests that an overproduction of melatonin in the body may play a role in SAD, you may benefit from a low dose (1 to 5 milligrams) of melatonin an hour before bedtime if disturbed sleep is having a negative impact on your mental health and other relaxation techniques don’t help, says Lim. “Melatonin can help to restore the body’s usual sleep-wake pattern,” she says. RELATED: Blue Light: What Is It and How Does It Affect Your Sleep?

3. Establish a Routine and Stick With It

Following a consistent routine can help you feel more motivated and put-together, explains Lim, acknowledging that this is often easier said than done for people with depression. “The schedule should start with the basics: Wake-up time, brushing teeth and bathing time, mealtimes, schedule for any medications, and bedtime,” says Lim. “Beyond this, if you feel comfortable, add time for family, social, self-care, exercise, and creative activities,” she suggests. How can you help yourself stick to a routine? Lim recommends you:

Write your routine down in a calendar or planner.Use a scheduling or productivity app, such as Productive ($6.99 per month).Set reminder alarms for different parts of your routine.Write memos for yourself on sticky notes.Ask loved ones to help you stay on track (within reason, Lim adds).

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4. Make Space for Your Emotions

When you’re overwhelmed by your emotions, it can cause you to shut down, explains Rachel Landman, a licensed mental health counselor and assistant director at Humantold — a New-York-City-based provider of compassionate psychotherapy services. “Providing a space to actually experience the feelings helps our bodies to not have to shut down as much,” she says. “I recommend a minimum of 10 minutes a day to sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and feel all your feelings. This can be either guided or done on your own — there is no right way to meditate or be mindful of what is happening inside of you.” RELATED: 9 Solo Activities for Managing Loneliness

5. Create a Values and Actions List

Identifying your core values — the principles that matter most to you — can help you set up a doable and effective daily routine. How to do that? Landman recommends making a list of your top three to five values in life, such as spending time with friends or eating healthy, delicious food. For each of these values, she says, come up with one to two actions that you can do to accomplish each value. For example, if seeing friends is one of your values, one behavior to accomplish it could be reaching out to a friend and making plans, Landman says. She recommends striving to accomplish at least one of your values every day. RELATED: How to Cope With Work-From-Home Burnout

6. Avoid ‘Depression Traps’

Sometimes, the ways people try to cope with depression aren’t in their best interest — and excessively engaging in them can lead to hard-to-break habits, cautions Lim. Common “depression traps,” or unhealthy coping behaviors, include:

Eating when you’re bored, but not hungryBlaming yourself constantlyPlaying video games for hours and hoursSpending a lot of time browsing on your phone or laptopWatching too much pornographyGambling often onlineSpending beyond your means or needs online and in storesDrinking excessive amounts of alcohol, using illicit drugs, or misusing prescription drugs

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7. Keep It Cool

Although you may feel pressured to enjoy the outdoors when the weather is nice, experts say seeking shade, air-conditioning, and indoor spaces can help you avoid a dip in your mood. McCutcheon recommends staying indoors during peak heat or humidity. Lim agrees, adding, “Research suggests that high temperatures can make some people feel agitated, stressed, and depressed.” To stay cool, McCutcheon and Lim advise you to:

Stay hydrated throughout the day; fatigue related to dehydration can sneak up on you faster than you might expect.Use sunscreen to prevent sunburn.Wear hats and lightweight clothes that cover your skin, plus sunglasses to protect your face and body from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

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8. Take a Social Media Break

Although social media can help people stay connected to others, it has downsides for mental health, says Clarissa Silva, master of social work, a behavioral scientist, researcher, and relationship coach in New York City. “Overexposure to social media has been linked to higher levels of loneliness, envy, anxiety, depression, narcissism, and decreased social skills,” Silva says. If scrolling through social media triggers any of these reactions for you, it might help to limit your exposure to social media or try a digital detox — a period of time where you stop using social media or electronic devices. “Optimally, limiting your social media time to 30 minutes per day can enhance outlook, increase positive thoughts, and reduce rumination,” Silva explains. RELATED: 5 Tips for Kick Starting a ‘Mindful Tech’ Self-Care Habit

9. For Parents With SAD, Share Responsibilities With Other Parents

One of the biggest shifts that happens during the warmer months is summer vacation for school-aged children and young adults. Daily challenges can become more manageable for parents with summer-pattern SAD, experts say, when you and other parents tackle them together. “For many trying to manage work and life, it can become stressful when you try to take everything on by yourself. If you have children, try and identify a network so that you can share responsibilities with other parents in order to relieve daily life stressors,” Silva suggests. One example is starting a carpool with other parents by alternating who drops the kids off for day camp or other summer activities and who picks them up. RELATED: 8 Ways to Find Some Me Time When Overbooked Is Your Norm

10. Build Self-Care Into Your Schedule

Self-care is not an indulgence. Allowing time for relaxation, social activities and other feel-good needs helps keep you healthy and helps you tackle your daily responsibilities more easily and effectively. “Including elements in your day that help you recharge and replenish is restorative and preventive for your mental health,” explains Silva. “It may be easier to think of these self-care activities as extremely important appointments with a VIP that should not be missed,” Lim adds. How much is enough? Lim recommends fitting in a minimum of one self-care activity for at least 15 minutes uninterrupted each week. And if you have time, aim for three activities or more each week. Self-care can involve addressing your physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual, or mental health, Lim explains, such as:

Trimming your nails or styling your hairReading or studyingJournaling your emotionsPraying if you’re religious or spiritualPracticing positive self-talkPlaying with your petListening to musicTaking a walkTrying a new recipeExercisingTaking a hot bathSpending one-on-one time with a close friend or family member

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11. Practice Body-Positive Self-Talk

Body image issues tend to worsen during the summer, Shepard says, especially because lighter clothing and bathing suits are much more common during the hotter months. Shepard’s advice? Remind yourself that when you’re out in public, you’re not in the spotlight, and everyone is likely more focused on themselves than on you. “You may be worrying about how you look in the bikini by the pool, but the person next to you isn’t worried about how you look — they’re worried about how they look,” she says. “Bring your mind back to the idea that you are not sticking out, and other people are not as worried about that stuff as you think they are.”

When to Get Help

“Have a very low threshold to get professional help,” Shepard recommends. It’s not uncommon for people to mistakenly believe their depressive symptoms are minor when they’re actually significant, she adds. Whether you think you have summertime blues or summer-pattern SAD, seeing a mental health professional can help prevent your symptoms from snowballing into a more severe mental health issue. Additional reporting by Angela Haupt.