Besides soy milk’s sterling nutritional profile, there are many reasons why you might want to try his beverage in your coffee, smoothie, or cereal. Maybe you dislike the taste of cow’s milk or are trying to avoid dairy, and you prefer soy milk to other nondairy alternatives. Or maybe you’re living with a milk allergy or are lactose intolerant, which means you have trouble digesting a sugar called lactose (the carbohydrate found in cow’s milk), says Barbara Schmidt, RDN, the nutrition lifestyle program specialist at Norwalk Hospital in Norwalk, Connecticut. Per the Mayo Clinic, this intolerance can cause a variety of uncomfortable gastrointestinal side effects, including diarrhea, gas, and bloating; in this case, drinking a plant milk is a wise choice.

Calories: 100Fat: 4.9 gramsCarbohydrates: 7 gFiber: 2 gProtein: 7 gCalcium: 380 milligrams (mg)Iron: less than 1 mgPotassium: 289 mgSodium: 96 mgVitamin D (D2 + D3): 453 international units (IU)

Soy Milk vs. Dairy Milk

Of all the plant milks, soy milk is broadly speaking the most nutritionally similar to a low-fat cow’s milk. (It’s included in the “dairy” category in the USDA’s 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans for this reason!) “I call the soybean the incredible, edible bean. With all nine essential amino acids, soy milk is a good source of protein and is balanced in fats and carbs,” says Schmidt.

Soy Milk vs. Other Plant-Based Milks

Soy milk also bests almond milk in terms of protein, as traditional almond milk may have fewer calories (just 47 per cup), but offers just 1.6 g protein, per the USDA. There are some “added protein” versions of almond milk that use pea protein to bump up the protein content, but you will need to check product labels to verify. Pea milk itself is a good source of protein, offering 8 g protein per 240 milliliter (ml) serving, says the USDA. Rice, oat, and coconut milks are other popular choices. Like almond milk, rice and oat milk contain less protein per serving than soy milk, according to information provided by Rice Dream and Planet Oat products. According to Califia Farms, coconut milk offers 4 g fat (of which 3.5 g is saturated) per 1 cup serving, and no protein.

It’s a Nutritious Choice

Schmidt prefers cow’s milk and other dairy products, like yogurt, because it offers a stellar source of calcium. Hever, on the other hand, recommends plant-based foods, and she advises her clients to choose soy milk as their milk (nondairy or otherwise) of choice because it’s rich in protein and low in saturated fat.

Like Other Plant-Based Foods, Soy Milk May Fight Disease

Plant-based foods like soy are associated with a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease, plus lower blood pressure, “bad” cholesterol, and body weight, per Harvard Health Publishing. “I love soy because it’s rich in isoflavones [plant chemicals that belong to a group called phytoestrogens], particularly genistein,” says Schmidt. A review published in January 2022 in Frontiers in Pharmacology suggests that genistein has anti-inflammatory properties that may potentially reduce the risk of various chronic diseases. “More research needs to be done, but some studies show that it reduces the risk of cancer and potentially osteoporosis, and the compound can also help reduce menopausal symptoms,” she says. For example, one clinical review found that genistein may not only reduce the risk of cancer, but may also act as a complement to certain anti-cancer drugs. According to other research, soy isoflavones may reduce the bone loss that contributes to osteoporosis. The plant compounds in soy may also be heart protective, though this remains a topic of controversy among some scientists. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency can’t support any specific claims about soy lowering the risk of heart disease, because studies conflict on whether this is a direct relationship. Per an article published June 2019 in the Journal of the American Heart Association, it’s worth noting that the majority of studies evaluated by the FDA to assess soy’s potential benefits for heart health have examined soy protein isolate (that is, just the soy protein), rather than soy-based foods (like soy milk or tofu).

Soy Milk May Ease Menopause Symptoms

Additionally, research suggests that phytoestrogens reduce the severity of menopause symptoms — particularly hot flashes. In fact, for those looking to eat a diet that decreases the risk of cancer, whole soy foods are a smart addition. “[Whole] soy foods have been shown to decrease breast cancer recurrence and mortality in breast cancer survivors, and to reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancers, as well,” says Hever.

How Much Soy Milk per Day Is Safe to Drink?

You can feel confident in drinking soy milk, says Hever, who follows guidelines from the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) for moderate soy consumption: one to two servings daily of whole soy foods, including soy milk, edamame, soy nuts, and tofu. For instance, if you are planning on having a tofu stir-fry for dinner, you can still include 1 cup of soy milk in your morning smoothie. The AICR adds that studies indicate that consuming up to three servings of soy foods per day is not associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.

Is There Anyone Who Should Avoid Soy Milk?

If you are allergic to soy, avoid soy milk. Another consideration is thyroid disease. According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, some research suggests that soy products may interfere with thyroid hormone replacement medications used to treat hypothyroidism, though soy isn’t thought to directly impact your thyroid’s natural hormone production. Talk to a doctor or endocrinologist before you incorporate soy milk into your diet if you have a history of thyroid disease, especially if you’re currently taking thyroid medications. “Otherwise, it is an excellent food for everyone else,” says Hever. If you’re pregnant, you can consume soy. Likewise, if you have had breast cancer, it’s okay to consume a moderate amount of soy. If you want a little flavor, opt for unsweetened vanilla. Hever recommends choosing organic if it’s in your budget. Finally, read the label to make sure your soy milk is fortified with extra vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin D. (Soy milk doesn’t naturally contain calcium.) “This ensures the nutrients resemble cow’s milk the most,” says Schmidt.