But some lifestyle changes and home remedies may help your recovery while undergoing conventional treatment. Alternative and complementary therapies that fall outside of conventional Western medicine may provide additional relief. If you have RA, it’s important to remain active; if you don’t, you may experience increased joint instability as your muscles around your joints become weak and your tendons and other soft tissues become inflamed. In fact, exercise is considered an essential aspect of RA treatment, and typically consists of stretching, range-of-motion exercises, and aerobic strength training. (1) A physical therapist can design an exercise program for you to maintain at home, with exercises that will help keep your joints as flexible as possible, and also keep your muscles strong — further relieving pressure on your joints. Physical activity should be balanced with rest, which can help reduce joint inflammation and the associated symptoms of pain, stiffness, and swelling.

Heat treatments, such as packs or warm baths, to soothe stiff joints and tired muscles; or cold treatments for acute pain (2)Over-the-counter topical ointments, such as Voltaren gel or Tiger Balm arthritis rubSpecialized braces or splints that support the joints and allow them to restSelf-help devices, such as zipper pullers and long-handled shoehorns, to ease stress on your joints during daily activities (3)

It’s also important to maintain a healthy emotional state. Though there’s no evidence that stress itself can cause rheumatoid arthritis, it may affect the severity of your RA symptoms and pain. Relaxation techniques, visualization exercises, group counseling, and therapy (such as cognitive behavioral therapy) can help you deal with the inevitable stresses of living with RA. (4) These therapies include the following:

Homeopathy: treatment built upon the belief that “like cures like,” so treating symptoms with small amounts of natural substances that produce similar symptoms in healthy people. Turmeric, arnica, and poison ivy are often used to treat RA.Magnet therapy: exposing painful joints to magnets, which purportedly correct disruptions in the body’s energy fieldHydrotherapy: exercise performed in water, including water aerobics and swimmingBalneotherapy: immersing yourself in mineral-rich waters, such as hot or cold springsCryotherapy: exposing your body or achy joints to extreme cold for a short timeSauna therapy: exposing your body to heat to warm your core temperature (5)

But studies looking into these therapies for RA have found no benefits or are inconclusive, sometimes due to small numbers of participants or poor study designs. (6,7,8) You should always check with your medical provider before trying any complementary or alternative therapies. Other such therapies include acupuncture, tai chi, and yoga, which research suggests may be more promising. Overall, studies examining the effectiveness of acupuncture for management of RA-related pain are inconclusive. While some studies have shown potential benefits, the conclusions are inconsistent and more studies are needed. (9) Additionally, a review of complementary and alternative therapies for RA found no benefit of acupuncture over “sham acupuncture” for pain relief. (11) But one study in that review found that people with RA who received acupuncture felt better about the state of the disease. A Taiwanese review published in April 2018 in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine concluded that acupuncture is “worth trying” and can improve function and quality of life for patients with RA. However, the authors, whose work focuses on Chinese medicine, noted that there’s a lack of well-designed studies and clinical efficacy regarding acupuncture for RA. (12) With that said, tai chi, which is a form of low-impact exercise, appears to be safe to try for RA and doesn’t exacerbate RA symptoms. Though tai chi may not reduce the inflammation-related symptoms of RA, a review published in November 2016 in the journal Canadian Family Physician found that the practice may confer some benefits for depression and anxiety, lung disease, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain — all issues that people with RA may also experience. (13) Some individual studies have found that yoga may help people living with rheumatoid arthritis by improving physical function, increasing grip strength, and reducing inflammation — specifically decreasing the number of tender and swollen joints. These studies have also shown that some forms of yoga can reduce pain, disability, and fatigue, and improve health, mood, and quality of life. (14, 15) And in an Indian study published in February 2019 in the journal Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, researchers found that practicing yoga five days a week for two months can significantly decrease the severity of physical and psychological symptoms of RA. (16) But systematic reviews have found mixed evidence for yoga for people with RA. (6) If you do decide to try yoga for RA, avoid Bikram yoga and other high-intensity forms of yoga. (1) Fish oil, for instance, contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, and studies have suggested that this substance may help relieve tender joints and morning stiffness, reducing the need for anti-inflammatory drugs. But fish oil should be used with caution because it can interact with blood pressure medication. A review published January 2017 in the journal Nutrients found that marine oil supplements (all oils of marine origin, including from whole fish, seals, and mussels) can help reduce pain in patients with RA. (17)

Plant Oils and Essential Oils That May Help Ease Symptoms

Plant oils, such as black currant seed, evening primrose, and borage seed, may also be beneficial as they contain omega-6 fatty acids — specifically gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA. A Cochran review of herbal therapies in RA found that these oils, in addition to omega-3 fatty acids, probably improve pain, may improve function, and likely don’t increase unwanted side effects in people with RA. (18) In a report published in June 2015 in the journal Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, researchers found that combining the herbal remedy Triperygium wilfordii Hook F (thunder god vine) with methotrexate — a common RA medication — works better than the methotrexate (Trexall) alone. (19) But this herbal remedy can cause severe side effects that may not be worth the intended benefits, according to the NCCIH. (6)

What About Turmeric and Other Medicinal Foods for Pain Relief?

Research has shown that curcumin — a major active component of turmeric — also has anti-inflammatory properties that may make it helpful for RA and numerous other conditions. A review published in August 2016 in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that there’s scientific evidence that curcumin could help with RA, but it’s difficult to draw definitive conclusions due to the quality and size of the studies reviewed. (20) Because curcumin is rapidly removed from the body, several formulations exist on the market to increase its bioavailability — how much of the substance circulates in the body. Curcumin is generally safe, but as always, talk to your doctor before taking it. Additionally, a well-controlled study published August 2019 in the journal Clinical Rheumatology found that coenzyme Q10 — a naturally occurring nutrient in the body that’s also available as a supplement — could help reduce swollen and tender joints in people with RA. (21) Other supplements under investigation include:

Pomegranate extractBoswelliaGingerGreen teaCinnamonValerian (8)