Testing how far we can walk (assisted or unassisted) and how fast we can do it is often the way many MS neurology appointments begin. In many cases, once someone has progressed to needing a wheelchair for mobility, insurance will no longer cover elements of therapy — physical therapy and occupational therapy, for example — because a paperwork threshold has been crossed. RELATED: All About Assistive Devices for MS Mobility

When Our Legs Don’t Work, We Use Our Hands and Arms

Here’s the thing, though: For people who have lost most of the function in their legs, their arms and hands become their legs, both literally (in the case of operating their wheelchairs) and figuratively (as the next major set of limbs upon which they rely for strength, exercise, and independence). Even if a good bit of mobility in the legs is retained, those of us who use walking aids — like sticks and canes, forearm crutches, walking frames, and rollators — rely heavily on the strength and agility of our hands and arms to get around. At a conference for MS Ireland in September 2018, I heard many wonderful speakers. One of them, Gavin Giovannoni, MB BCh, chair of neurology at Blizard Institute in London, spoke to the very topic of maintaining and strengthening our hands and arms in advance of possible limitations with the legs, as well as after. Sure, Dr. Giovannoni has been preaching about the importance of upper extremities long before the hashtag #ThinkHand became a thing. RELATED: 6 Hand Exercises for Multiple Sclerosis

It’s Time to Focus on Mobility, Not Just Leg Function

For people who are facing progression of their disease or continued weakening or numbness in their legs, or those who lost the use of those limbs to MS from the very beginning, maintaining dexterity and ability north of the equator is of upmost importance. Many medical insurance plans, however, don’t approve medications or other therapies to help keep us mobile after it’s no longer our legs that get us around. If we can no longer step toward an object we need, we must be able to reach for it. If we are unable to ambulate from point A to point B, it will be our arms that get us there. If we take our health seriously and can no longer use a treadmill to increase our cardiovascular rate, it will be our upper body that does the work. Our legs are our legs, and our arms are our arms. But for those without the use of their pins, our arms are our legs. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis