Those tart arils can help keep your body healthy and disease free. Plus, they may be just what you need to add a punch of flavor to everything from your salad to your seltzer. Let’s explore the pomegranate — its history, what makes it so healthy, and how to add it to your diet. A few centuries ago, the fruit was brought over to North America, and it’s now grown in California and Arizona. (3) Nearly every part of the pomegranate has been researched for potential health benefits, and thanks to promising results, it’s blown up in popularity. These days, you’ll easily find pomegranate in the form of supplements, juice, powders, extracts, and, of course, the fruit itself. (1) Part of the pomegranate’s reputation as a trendy superfood can be traced to POM Wonderful’s arrival on the market in the early 2000s. (4) Before then, many people only thought to use pomegranates in holiday salads, but the creators of POM Wonderful popularized pomegranate juice by funding many studies that touted the fruit’s potential health benefits. Nowadays, it’s easy to find pomegranate juice in conventional grocery stores, not just health-specific ones. The pomegranate arils have plenty of other nutrients, too, and are a great addition to your daily recommended serving of fruit, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate guidelines. A ½ cup serving offers: (7)

72 calories27 grams (g) carbohydrates89 g sugar5 g fiber (about 18 percent daily value, or DV) (8)205 milligrams (mg) potassium (about 4 percent DV) (8)9 mg vitamin C (about 10 percent DV) (8)3 micrograms (µg) vitamin K (about 3 percent DV) (8)33 µg folate (about 8 percent DV) (8)

Helps protect against heart disease. There’s some evidence that pomegranates may help lower cholesterol, which in turn can lower the risk of heart disease. (13,14)Anti-inflammatory properties. The fruit’s vitamin C content has anti-inflammatory properties, which may protect against many common diseases, such as certain types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. (15,16)Lower high blood pressure. The antioxidants found in pomegranates may help lower high blood pressure, which can keep the arteries, heart, and brain functioning well. (17,18)Help with erectile dysfunction (ED). One study found that drinking 8 ounces (oz) of pomegranate juice each day helped nearly half the study participants see an improvement in their erections. (19)Protection against certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer. Some small studies suggest drinking pomegranate juice can help slow the spread of prostate cancer cells. (20)Help with rheumatoid arthritis. One 2021 review found that pomegranate could help manage rheumatoid arthritis complications by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. But there is a chance that pomegranate juice might affect medication absorption rates in a similar manner to grapefruit juice.

Although there are many touted benefits of pomegranates, stronger research is needed to confirm them. (1) That said, pomegranates are part of a healthy diet and may aid in weight loss efforts because they contain fiber, which contributes to feelings of fullness. You may end up eating less as a result and could therefore lose weight. They could be especially beneficial for weight loss when eaten instead of candy or dessert. (21) The fruit itself should be a kind of squared off circle. A pomegranate with this shape means the seeds inside the fruit have reached their juiciest potential. (22) When you get the pomegranate home, keep it away from direct sunlight. It’s best to keep it in a cool, dry place. Or you can store it in your refrigerator for up to two months. Once you crack open the skin and extract the arils or juice, keep them in the refrigerator and enjoy within five days. (21) Or, if you’re not ready to eat them yet, you can store the arils in the freezer for up to one year. Next, you’ll score the skin of the pomegranate a total of three or four times until you can easily break it into smaller pieces. Place the pieces of the fruit in a bowl of water and use your hands to release the arils from the rind. The arils will sink to the bottom of the bowl. When you’ve extracted all the arils in the fruit, toss the rind, which should be floating at the top of the bowl, and strain the rest of the bowl’s contents until you’re left with only the arils. (21) You can enjoy the arils as is, or you can place them in a blender to release their juices. After a few pulses (don’t blend too long or the juice will become cloudy), strain the juice from what’s left of the seeds, and enjoy. (23)

Can You Eat Pomegranate Seeds?

Yes, the pomegranate seeds are absolutely edible. In fact, the seeds and the juices surrounding the seeds (together called arils) are the parts of the fruit that you’re supposed to eat. The arils are commonly found in salads. You can also add them on top of yogurt or to water for a little extra flavor. (21) Pomegranate extract is also good for you for all the same reasons that pomegranate juice is. It’s a concentrated version of the juice, so you can tap an even more concentrated dose of benefits. You’ll find pomegranate extract sold as a liquid or as a supplement. Just keep in mind that the majority of the fiber is removed when pomegranate juice or extract are made. As a result, you won’t reap quite the same filling benefits from either of these foods as you would from the fresh pomegranate. Pomegranate juice could interact negatively with some medications, including blood thinners and medications that treat high cholesterol and high blood pressure. (13) It’s smart to check with your doctor before deciding to take any form of pomegranate regularly so they can advise on safety. (1) Here are some recipe ideas featuring pomegranates, pomegranate juice, and pomegranate molasses:

Pomegranate Roasted CarrotsSmoothies and smoothie bowlsChampagne PunchPomegranate DuckChia Seed Pudding

A: Yes. In fact, the arils (which are the white pomegranate seeds plus the juice around them) are the only part of the pomegranate that most people eat. Q: Is it good to drink pomegranate juice every day? A: Can’t get enough of pomegranate juice? Don’t hold back. It’s perfectly fine to enjoy a serving (8 oz) each day. Just check the label on the juice you’re buying to make sure it doesn’t contain added sugars, which drive up the calorie count and can make the beverage unhealthy, possibly leading to weight gain. Q: Why are pomegranates good for you? A: Pomegranates are jam-packed with antioxidants, which help prevent or delay cell damage and could be the reason that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps ward off health issues. (5) Pomegranates also are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Q: What are some of the benefits of pomegranates? A: Pomegranate in its various forms has been linked to several health benefits, including improvement in heart health, minimizing the risk of certain cancers such as prostate cancer, and helping people with erectile dysfunction. Q: Is pomegranate juice healthy? A: It sure is — as long as it’s fresh or pure pomegranate juice and does not contain extra sugar. One cup has about 135 calories and counts toward your fruit intake for the day. Q: What is pomegranate extract and is it safe? A: Pomegranate extract is a concentrated version of pomegranate juice. You may find it in liquid form, but you can also find it in the form of a supplement or powder. Note that the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate supplements (not just pomegranate extract supplements but supplements across the board), so there isn’t any oversight on the quality and safety of the product. Some companies have gotten in trouble for overstating the health benefits of the products they’re selling. Keep that in mind and approach juices and supplements with caution. (1)

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