Because pneumonia comes in different forms, treatment plans vary widely. Some people may only need bed rest, while others may require hospitalization. Roughly one-third of all pneumonia cases in this country are caused by respiratory viruses, most commonly influenza. (1) As Jason Turowski, MD, a pulmonologist and associate director of the adult cystic fibrosis program at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, puts it, “viruses set up shop and basically wreak havoc on your lungs.” Other causes of pneumonia include bacteria and fungi. Your doctor will outline a plan that’s specific to you, considering the type of pneumonia you have, the severity of the condition, your age, and your overall health. From there, you’ll know whether you can be treated at home or at the hospital, and whether or not you need antibiotics. (2) Early antibiotic treatment is successful for most bacterial infections. Certain drugs can also effectively treat fungal pneumonia. Medication is usually ineffective in treating the viral types of pneumonia — doctors will instead treat the symptoms — though these infections also tend to be milder and clear up on their own. Working closely with your doctor and following all directions will speed your recovery. People who are very old, very young, have shortness of breath, or have a high fever may need to be admitted to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics. If you need to go to the hospital, your doctor may do cultures from sputum or blood tests to identify and target the exact bacteria. Mycoplasmal pneumonia is caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which was originally thought to be a virus or a fungus, but has since been classified as a bacteria. (4) Also called atypical pneumonia, it’s a mild and common type that’s most likely to affect children and young adults. This type of pneumonia can be treated with several types of antibiotics, and usually doesn’t require hospitalization. People with more severe cases of bacterial pneumonia may be treated with oxygen, intravenous fluids, and breathing treatments to ease symptoms. Viral pneumonia caused by the flu can be treated with an antiviral medication called oseltamivir (Tamiflu), but for many other viral pneumonias, your doctor can only treat the symptoms. This means drinking lots of fluids, eating well, resting, taking medication for pain or fever, and treating breathing difficulties. Viral pneumonia may take one to three weeks to clear completely. (3) More than 10 types of fungi can cause fungal pneumonia, which is more common in people with weakened immune systems. (5) Several antifungal drugs serve as treatment for pneumonia and can be administered either orally or intravenously. Another dangerous variation is necrotizing pneumonia, a bacterial pneumonia that can result from a large number of pathogens, including staphylococcus. (6) Complicated pneumonias such as these may result in respiratory failure, which requires assisted breathing with a machine called a ventilator. In rare but severe cases, a pocket of pus called a lung abscess can form inside or around the lung due to causes that include aspiration and bacterial or fungal infections. If you have complicated pneumonia, you may need to undergo a procedure to drain the lung or remove diseased lung tissue. Your doctor may refer to this procedure as “lung scraping.” Complex cases of pneumonia caused by bacteria and fungi can lead to serious blood infections that require hospitalization and intensive monitoring. (1) Some of these home remedies include:

Getting plenty of restQuitting smokingEating a healthy dietAvoiding heavy use of alcohol

Vitamin C and warm fluids, such as tea or chicken soup, may also help by keeping mucus in the lungs loose.

A pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, which is usually either Prevnar 15 (PCV15) or Prevnar 20 (PCV20)A pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, which is Pneumovax 23 (PPSV23) 

The CDC recommends vaccination for all adults age 65 and older, as well as anyone ages 19 to 64 with certain medical conditions or other risk factors. People in these groups should receive PCV20, the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, on its own; or PCV15 followed by a later dose of PPSV23, the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. For all babies and children under age 5, or children ages 5 to 18 with certain medical conditions or risks, the CDC recommends PCV15 or PCV13 (a previously approved vaccine). The CDC also notes that in some cases for children ages 2 to 18, PPSV23 should be used. In all cases it’s important to check with your doctor to confirm the right option for you or your child. (7) Adults who are at increased risk for pneumococcal disease include smokers, people with conditions that weaken the immune system (such as HIV or AIDS), and patients with chronic illnesses (such as heart, liver, kidney, or lung disease; diabetes; or alcoholism). Anyone who smokes should also be immunized against pneumonia. Other steps you can take to help protect yourself against the illness include:

Washing your hands oftenQuitting smokingCovering your nose and mouth with a tissue or your sleeve when coughing or sneezingDisposing of used tissuesStaying home when you’re sick, and keeping your child home if they’re sick

Additional reporting by George Vernadakis