Nationwide, death rates from fall-related traumatic brain injuries rose from 3.86 fatalities for every 100,000 people in 2008 to 4.52 fatalities per 100,000 in 2017, a 17 percent climb, according to the CDC report. Death rates were about 8 times higher among adults 75 and older — at about 54 fatalities for every 100,000 people — than they were for adults 55 to 74 years old, the study also found. “A fall can happen to anyone of any age, but this study found the most notable increases in fall-related TBI deaths were observed among persons 75 and older, and highlights the importance of expanding prevention efforts to prevent falls and TBIs among older adults as the U.S. population ages,” says study coauthor Alexis Peterson, PhD, a brain injury researcher at the CDC in Atlanta. Fall-related deaths from TBIs are becoming more common in part because the population is aging and because older people are generally at greater risk than younger individuals, Dr. Peterson says. The fatality rate from these injuries may also be climbing because elderly people have a greater risk of falls today than they did a decade ago, Peterson adds. These deaths may also be increasing as more people live longer with chronic health problems that might compromise their balance, stability, coordination, or vision, the study team notes. Inactivity may also make people more likely to fall, and more apt to hit their head when they do, says Cathie Sherrington, PhD, of the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health at the University of Sydney in Australia. “As people in developed countries are less active than in previous generations, some older people are less physically capable than in previous generations, thus increasing the risk of injury,” says Dr. Sherrington, who wasn’t involved in the CDC study. “Changing social patterns may mean also that older people are more likely to be alone than in previous generations and may be more at risk of falling while attending to household or garden tasks.” Death rates varied by state, in a pattern that suggests less access to care in rural areas might contribute to fatalities, according to the CDC report. Some of the highest fatality rates were in Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Some of the lowest fatality rates were in New Jersey, Indiana, and New York. Men were also roughly twice as likely as women to die from fall-related TBIs. In 2017, 6.31 men out of every 100,000 died from these injuries, compared with 3.17 in every 100,000 women. The gender gap might be due to more men working in jobs or doing tasks that involve ladders or heights, resulting in more falls from long distances that result in more severe injuries, the study team notes. RELATED: What Is a Concussion?

When Is It a TBI?

One in 10 American adults fall each year, according to the CDC. Falls are a leading cause of TBIs, head injuries caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body or a penetrating wound that disrupts normal brain function. The severity of TBIs can range from a mild concussion with a brief change in mental status to loss of consciousness or amnesia and more lasting physical and mental health impairments. With milder injuries, people may recover within a matter of days or weeks, but more severe cases can result in months or years of recovery and sometimes leave lasting challenges with things like movement, speaking, behavior, emotional regulation, and cognitive function. One limitation of the CDC study is that researchers relied on data from death certifications, which might not always accurately describe whether a fall-related TBI was involved, the study team notes. In trauma cases, multiple injuries might also contribute to the cause of death. RELATED QUIZ: Do You Know the Signs of a Concussion?

Tips for Preventing Falls

Older people may have an increased risk of falls because taking multiple types of medication makes them prone to dizziness or impair coordination; because they have poor balance; or because they have trouble seeing, according to the CDC report. Exercise to improve strength, balance, and coordination is one way to prevent falls, particularly among older adults, according to the CDC. People should also get regular eye exams and hearing tests, speak to their doctor about whether medication interactions might cause falls, and take steps to ensure their home is well-lit and free of trip hazards, the CDC recommends. Among other things, fall-proofing a home might involve anti-slip pads under rugs, extra lighting on stairs, more handrails in bathrooms and showers, and improved lighting.