But a new study has called one of the most popular dietary supplements, and one many folks have been taking for years to lower cholesterol and boost heart health, into question. Omega-3s, it turns out, might not be all they’re cracked up to be for cardiovascular health — at least not ones that are formulated in a certain way. Omega-3s have been a supplement mainstay because of the key role these fatty acids are known to play in our heart and brain health. Since your body doesn’t produce these nutrients on its own, the only way to obtain them is through outside sources. Seafood — particularly oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna — is a rich natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. A wealth of evidence suggests that individuals who eat seafood at least twice a week have a lower risk of dying of heart disease. Many people take supplements that contain omega-3 fatty acids in the belief that these will also help protect them against cardiovascular disease. And some research has found that omega-3 fatty acid supplements significantly reduced the odds of heart attack. But a research team at the Intermountain Heart Institute in Utah says that if taken a certain way, omega-3s don’t do much for your heart, and in some cases may even be harmful. RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Omega-3s

Omega-3s That Contain Both DHA and EPA Are Being Called Into Question

There are two types of omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in supplements: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA and DHA are found naturally in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel and are widely available over-the-counter in oil and capsule form, usually in combination with one another as opposed to each on their own. And it’s this combination that researchers say is the problem. “The advice to take omega-3s for the good of your heart is pervasive, but previous studies have shown that science doesn’t really back this up for every single omega-3,” says Viet T. Le, the principal study researcher and a cardiovascular physician assistant at the Intermountain Heart Institute. “Our findings show that not all omega-3s are alike and that EPA and DHA combined together, as they often are in supplements, may void the benefits that patients and their doctors hope to achieve.” For the study, which was presented at the virtual 2021 conference of the American College of Cardiology, researchers combed the Intermountain database, called INSPIRE, which is home to more than 35,000 blood samples from more than 25,000 patients dating back to 1993. In the database, researchers found 987 patients who had undergone coronary angiographic studies. An angiogram is a type of X-ray that uses dye inserted into the coronary arteries to give physicians a visual overview of how well blood is flowing through those vessels and allows for the identification of blockages and buildup along arterial walls. These nearly 1,000 patients had undergone their first angiographic study at Intermountain Healthcare between 1994 and 2012. From those blood samples, the circulating levels of EPA and DHA in their blood were measured. Researchers then tracked those patients for 10 years, looking for major cardiac problems, including heart attack, stroke, heart failure requiring hospitalization, or death. Unsurprisingly, patients with the highest levels of EPA in their blood experienced fewer major cardiac events, but when researchers compared levels of EPA with levels of DHA, the story changed a little. They discovered that patients with higher levels of DHA showed fewer positive effects of EPA, and patients whose circulating DHA was higher than EPA were at greater risk than the other groups examined. These findings contradict the commonly held view that all omega-3s are heart-healthy and that combination supplements are the best way to capitalize on their purported benefits. “Based on these and other findings, we can still tell our patients to eat omega-3 rich foods, but we should not be recommending them in pill form as supplements or even as combined (EPA plus DHA) prescription products," Le says. “Our data adds further strength to the findings of the recent REDUCE-IT (2018) study, that EPA-only prescription products reduce heart disease events.”

Other Ways to Boost Heart Health

While omega-3 combination supplements are now being called into question, there are several other proven ways to improve heart health. The American Heart Association provides seven simple ways to boost your heart health and decrease your risk of heart trouble down the line. Exercise. Your heart is a muscle, and like any other muscle in your body, it needs a good workout to stay fit. Walking even 10 minutes a day can improve your heart health and lessen your risk of major cardiac events. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Limit portion sizes and eat plenty of fruits and veggies, whole grains (such as whole-grain bread, steel-cut oatmeal, and high fiber cereals) and lean proteins like chicken and fish. Also use healthy fats, like olive or avocado oil, and trim fat from red meat before cooking. If you smoke, quit. Smoking causes myriad well-documented health problems, including increasing your risk of developing atherosclerosis, the deposit of fatty buildup on arterial walls. Keep your blood pressure in check. Elevated blood pressure can cause your arteries to lose the elasticity that’s vital to the efficient movement of blood throughout the body. This loss of elasticity can result in decreased blood flow to your heart itself and increase your risk of heart disease. Maintain a healthy weight. Carrying extra weight means your heart needs to work harder to pump blood, which puts you at increased risk of developing high blood pressure. Watch your cholesterol. Limit your intake of foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fat, and have your blood cholesterol measured on a regular basis. Maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Long-term high blood sugar can damage the blood vessels and nerves that supply the heart, making your risk of developing heart problems or experiencing a major cardiac event higher. To reduce blood sugar levels, limit sugary foods and beverages, stay active, and maintain a healthy weight.