Learning more about why they happen — and how to be fully prepared for potential emergencies — can help you gain some control over this unpredictable condition.

What to Do When You’re Having Frequent Bowel Movements

If you’re having frequent bowel movements (more often than usual) for more than two or three days, call your doctor, Dr. Isaacs says. You might need to be tested for infection or change your medications. It’s also important to have a personal plan of action for managing urgency. This can also help reduce stress, a potential trigger of Crohn’s disease flares. Consider these strategies:

Try an over-the-counter antidiarrheal drug. “This can help with diarrhea and tighten up the sphincter,” Isaacs says. Unfortunately, it won’t treat an underlying infection that may be causing your symptoms, which is why you need to see your doctor if you continue to have loose stools.Skip the caffeine. “Caffeine-containing products can increase bowel movements,” Isaacs says. And caffeine can be found not only in coffee but also in chocolate, soda, and even ice cream.Cut down on sugar. Cutting out high-sugar foods — sweets, cereal bars, sugary sodas — may help decrease diarrhea and cramping, Isaacs says.Drink water. If you’re experiencing diarrhea, it’s important to stay hydrated. (Just avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks, such as sweet teas and certain sports drinks.)Stick to your Crohn’s-friendly diet. You should keep a food journal to learn which foods aggravate your symptoms or cause trouble during a flare. But that doesn’t mean your diet has to be bland, Isaacs says. Experiment with the foods you can eat to find dishes that appeal to you.Carry an “I Can’t Wait” card. Members of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation can apply for the “I Can’t Wait” card, which helps explain the condition to others. Some states also have restroom-access laws that give priority to people with conditions such as Crohn’s disease.Map out bathrooms. When you’re away from home or the office, be sure to note where the restrooms are before you need them. Airports and sports arenas should have location maps available online, and there are toilet-finder apps you can download to your smartphone.Pack for emergencies. Being prepared for unexpected bowel movements can help put your mind at ease. Keep wet wipes, spare underwear, clothes, slip-on shoes, and a plastic bag for soiled items within reach.Use ointment. Frequent bowel movements can result in irritation and even infection of the skin around the anus. Consider using a salve, such as petroleum jelly, to protect your skin.Ease into a warm bath. A soak in the tub can soothe inflamed tissues. Since bubble baths and scented products can irritate skin, opt for an oatmeal bath instead. Gently pat dry and moisturize the area after your soak.Make time for rest. Although physical activity is a good idea for everyone, being physically active can also lead to frequent bowel movements. When possible, take opportunities to sit and rest.Consider talk therapy. If your bowel movements are causing you stress, talk it out with a professional. Lowering your stress levels might help you gain more control over your symptoms.