While working from home can have its perks (attending meetings in sweatpants, anyone?), for many people the change in work environment and schedule has been a headache — literally. “My experience and what I’ve heard from other physicians is that a lot of people are reporting worsening of their tension headaches and migraines since the pandemic began,” says Katherine Hamilton, MD, an assistant professor of clinical neurology and a headache specialist at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia. “I think there are numerous reasons that we’re seeing that,” Dr. Hamilton adds. Tension-type headaches are the most common type of headache, and they tend to be milder; they can sometimes be treated with over-the-counter medication or don’t require treatment, says Hamilton. “They have different characteristics from migraines in that they tend to affect both sides of the head and cause a dull, pressure-type pain,” she says. “Migraines tend to be more severe and debilitating, are often one-sided, and cause more of a pulsing, throbbing pain; other symptoms can include light sensitivity and nausea,” says Hamilton. Both types of headaches can be triggered by environmental factors and changes in your routine, according to Hamilton. If your headaches or migraine symptoms have become more frequent or more severe since you began working from home, here’s why that may be happening and what you can do about it.

Increased Screen Time May Mean More Frequent Headaches

Staying put at home in a situation like the coronavirus pandemic can lead to as much as 60 percent more screen time, according to the Nielsen polling company. “That means the average person is spending more than 13 hours on digital devices during the course of a day,” says Paul Karpecki, OD, a member of Eyesafe Vision Health Advisory Board, a company that makes technology designed to filter out blue light from electronic displays. “If you have any potential issue that can cause headaches, it’s more likely to come out in a situation like that, where you put that much strain on the system,” Dr. Karpecki says. It’s estimated that between 85 and 90 percent of people with migraine experience sensitivity to light, particularly the blue-tinted light that’s most commonly emitted from phone and computer screens, according to the American Migraine Foundation. There are a few things you can do if you think extra screen time is giving you more headaches, says Karpecki.

Try to limit your screen time to daylight hours. Research published in February 2019 in Chronobiology International provides evidence that blue light can disturb your natural circadian rhythm and disrupt your sleep schedule.Consider using technology like Eyesafe — in a screen protector, for example — which filters out blue light.Give your eyes a chance to relax by periodically (every 20 minutes or so) moving your gaze to something farther away, which can help reduce eye strain.Take occasional breaks to help keep your eyes moist. Blink rates go down about 75 percent when we’re on digital devices, says Karpecki. Research published in JAMA Ophthalmology suggests a link between migraine and dry eye.

Poor Positioning or Posture Can Cause Tension

“A lot of us quickly pivoted to working from home, and we don’t have the ideal office setup,” says Hamilton. That can mean poor positioning or posture, which can increase the likelihood of a migraine-related or tension-type headache, she says. “When you’re on your laptop, you can end up hunching forward more, which can lead to tension in your neck and shoulders.” Optimizing the ergonomics of your home office to make it more comfortable and to encourage better posture can go a long way, says Hamilton. “Ideally, you want to have a setup where you are able to take an upright posture so you’re able to look straight ahead at your computer if you can,” she says. That may mean adjusting your desk or table or using books or other props to get optimum positioning, she adds. “This can help you avoid the position where your head is forward and your shoulders hunched,” says Hamilton. Even if your posture is great, taking breaks to stretch is a good idea, especially for your shoulder and neck muscles, she adds.

Lack of Sleep and Changes in Diet Can Trigger Migraine Attacks

Getting out of your normal routine is a big factor in the increase of headaches and migraine attacks during the pandemic, says Hamilton. “I explain to my patients that the migraine brain likes things to be as steady and stable as possible, which can be especially challenging now in the time of COVID-19,” she says. For many people, the pandemic has meant changes in schedule, sleep, and eating habits — all factors that can tip someone over to triggering a migraine, says Hamilton. “For example, if you’re not going into the office, you may be going to bed and getting up at different times and sleeping too much or too little,” she says. Both sleep loss and oversleeping can trigger a headache, according to the American Migraine Foundation. Changes in meal schedules and caffeine intake can be an issue too, according to Hamilton. She advises people to establish a regular routine for sleeping, eating, and exercising when you’re working from home. “It’s okay if that routine is not exactly the same as what you did before you worked from home; the idea is just to maintain it consistently,” she says. Hamilton suggests the following tips to reduce the likelihood of a migraine attack and improve your overall well-being:

Go to bed and wake up around the same time.If you drink coffee, keep your intake consistent from one day to the next, and make sure it’s not interfering with your ability to sleep at night.Have regular meals at around the same time every day.Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

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Physical Activity May Help Reduce Stress and Headaches

Hamilton also recommends that her patients with migraine get regular exercise, which can decrease stress as well as improve sleep and mood. “Physical activity can also have benefits if people have a lot of neck tension or tension-type headaches. Activities like yoga can help loosen up the muscles and help you relax,” she says. If you can’t get out and run or walk, try to take advantage of the various free online resources for exercise to help you keep moving and stick with a routine, suggests Hamilton. “I recommend a half hour or so of exercise at least five times a week if possible,” she says. RELATED: Your Work-From-Home Survival Guide for Self-Care

Could Something in My House Be Giving Me a Headache?

Migraine attacks and headaches can also be triggered by things in your environment, and so it’s possible that something in your house could be adding to your pain. Here are some possibilities to investigate:

Check the light. Migraine attacks are associated with photophobia, which is when bright light causes pain in the eyes or head. If you’re experiencing photophobia, avoid fluorescent or flickering lights. Even bright natural light can be bothersome, so if you’re sensitive to it, you may want to keep your window blinds at least partially closed during the brightest times of the day.Eliminate strong odors. If you live in a building that infuses the air with a scent or have roommates or family members who use strong-smelling soaps, lotions, or perfumes, the odors could be causing your headaches. Certain cleaning products can also trigger a migraine attack, according to the American Headache Society. To avoid bothersome odors, purchase unscented personal care and household products whenever possible, and ask the members of your household to do the same.Beware of dry air and dehydration. COVID-19 has most of us staying indoors more than usual. Indoor heating can dry out the air you’re breathing and dehydrate you as well, and headache and dizziness can be symptoms of dehydration.

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How Do I Tell My Boss I Have a Headache Disorder?

Headache and migraine attacks are among the top reasons people miss work. According to the Global Burden of Disease study, migraine on its own was the sixth-highest cause worldwide of years lost due to disability, and headache disorders collectively were third highest. As the old saying goes, honesty is the best policy. The wellness community website Migraine Again suggests that you briefly explain your diagnosis and state that you plan to resume your work and make up for what you missed as soon as the headache subsides. If you are regularly missing work and you have three or more severe migraine days a month, talk with your healthcare provider. You may be a candidate to take a preventive medication, according to the American Headache Society. Let your boss know that you are making lifestyle modifications and working on a treatment plan with your primary care doctor or neurologist. Your employer may be more understanding when you do need to take time off for a migraine attack if they know that you’re being proactive about preventing and treating attacks.

How Do I Get Immediate Relief From a Headache?

No medication can take away the pain of a migraine attack or headache 100 percent of the time, but there are many effective treatment options. Talk with your doctor about which therapy will safely relieve your pain as quickly as possible so that you can return to work and the activities you enjoy.

Analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can provide short-term relief for tension headaches and migraine pain, and they usually don’t require a prescription. These include medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), and acetaminophen (Tylenol). While they are generally safe to use to treat short, acute headaches, they should not be taken for chronic pain without discussing their use with your healthcare team.Triptans are a class of prescriptions drugs that were developed to treat acute migraine. If you feel a migraine attack coming on, these drugs will be more effective if you take them early while the pain is still moderate, according to the American Migraine Foundation.Gepants and ditans are new kinds of acute migraine medications that target very specific receptors on sensory nerves.Integrative and complementary therapies such as acupuncture, physical therapy, mind-body approaches like mindfulness, and certain supplements have various degrees of evidence and safety profiles supporting their use for the management of tension headaches and migraine symptoms.

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Talk to Your Doctor About Your Headache or Migraine Concerns

The pandemic is a stressful time for many people with migraine because a lot of neurology offices and medical offices are limiting inpatient visits, says Hamilton. “There are migraine patients who are unable to get procedures like Botox injections,” she adds. “If you’re afraid of disruption in your care, I suggest you reach out to your provider and do a telemedicine visit. Your doctor may be able to suggest an alternative if you’re missing a treatment,” says Hamilton. If your headaches or migraine attacks are getting significantly worse or more frequent, that’s something you could discuss in a remote appointment as well, she says. “COVID-19 shouldn’t keep you from getting the care you need,” adds Hamilton.