“I think we’re seeing a lot of experimentation with new ideas on social media as a way to stay engaged and connect,” says Harry Lewis, EdD, a psychiatric social worker and educator in New York City. “People are trying new things by necessity, forced out of their comfort zone.” The tools or platforms you choose to use may depend in part on what devices and services you have available to you. It may also depend on your personality, or your tendency toward extroversion or introversion. RELATED: Coronavirus Outbreak: Latest News, Expert Advice, and Coping Strategies for COVID-19

How Personality Affects Your Social Choices

In pure terms, an introvert prefers quiet and solitary experiences, while an extrovert looks for novel experiences that maximize social connections, according to Psychology Today. An introvert will be more gratified by their inner experiences and by one-to-one interactions or small gatherings than, say, a crowded party, while an extrovert will be invigorated by the stimulation of lots of people at once. The distinction between the two types of personality is biochemical, according to Jenn Granneman, a journalist and the author of The Secret Lives of Introverts. Extroverts, Granneman says, receive a “dopamine reward” every time they achieve their goal of social connection, which leads them to get energized and excited by that possibility. Dopamine is a hormone that is also a neurotransmitter, a type of chemical compound that carries impulses from one part of the brain to another, and from the brain to the rest of the body. While introverts have the same amount of dopamine in their bodies as extroverts, they are believed to react differently to a surge of it, leading them to feel overwhelmed by or uninterested in the same social situations that cause an extrovert to feel stimulated. In truth, most of us are not pure extroverts or introverts. “Most people are mixes of both characteristics, and some are more [of one temperament] than others,” says Dr. Lewis. Still, our preferences for real-life social interactions can help inform what type of social activities we may enjoy online.

Virtual Social Options Tailor-Made for Extroverts

If you like to talk and be heard, then Zoom is for you. Use of the web conference video chat service has exploded in recent months, from 10 million daily users to 200 million, according to the company’s blog. Zoom works well for any group activity with multiple participants — school, work meetings from home, AA meetings, happy hours, karaoke parties, and dinners. Zoom can bring people together easily and quickly. One popular aspect of Zoom is its grid layout — often referred to as the Brady Bunch grid — which allows participants to see everyone else in the gathering. When a participant speaks, the grid lines surrounding his box change color. A meeting host controls the audio and can mute all participants, as needed. The surge in the use of Zoom was accompanied by a spate of “Zoom bombings,” resulting from public posting of Zoom links for events. This trolling, common to all popular social media, can be minimized by establishing a meeting password and following a number of other suggestions from Zoom to keep unwanted guests out. Another option for group calls of up to 32 people is FaceTime, provided all participants are using Apple products, such as an iPhone, iPad, or Mac. This can be a good option if you wish to meet with the same group of people multiple times, as explained by as explained by Macworld. Beyond group meetings or coffee breaks, what else might extroverts enjoy? For those wishing to belt it out, they can easily host a karaoke party on Zoom. Or how about a singalong or dance party on Eventbrite to help crush the boredom of being shut in? And if you don’t find the type of event you want on these platforms, why not create your own online event on Meetup? Finding a way to volunteer during the coronavirus pandemic may also help extroverts feel socially engaged, even as they stay safely away from others.

Virtual Social Options More Likely to Appeal to Introverts

For an introvert, the importance of connecting online minimizes the chance of getting too isolated during this time of physical distancing. “Those living alone, in particular, really need it,” says Lewis. FaceTime and phone calls with one or two people are good options for people who prefer talking with just one person or a smaller group. It’s also possible to join a large Zoom group, turn off your camera, and just listen, if the event interests you but you don’t plan to speak to the group. Even email or texting can be satisfying ways to communicate with friends and stay in touch. Video games can provide a more solitary activity. Some options include Words with Friends and Wordscapes, which even has tournaments for the competitive types. Netflix viewing parties (available at netflixparty.com) are a great way to watch a movie remotely with only a few friends. For an introvert artist, Instagram and Facebook are some ways to showcase your artistic work and ideas without having to actively engage with others, beyond comments, likes, and shares. And even though being social is important, introverts may sometimes need to take breaks from the stimuli of any social media. Taking time to read a book, write, work on a sewing project (such as a cloth mask!), or engage in some other creative endeavor.

Virtual Social Options for Either Type

For all personality types, meditation can provide much-needed stress reduction, and now teachers can beam right into your house. Kelli Douglas offers free online group meditation at noon EDT every Friday. Dan Harris provides daily livestreams at 3 p.m. EDT on Ten Percent Happier and can be followed @danbharris on twitter. A range of online workouts are available to satisfy all types — from yoga to more aerobic fitness options. Even though marathon season isn’t happening outdoors, virtual races, complete with leaderboards, enable runners to follow their own courses. A community of runners stokes motivation. Likewise, a cycling and running app made by Strava can track progress. Races for causes can provide inspiration and a way to contribute. No matter what your temperament and interests, there’s something out there to help you stay connected socially and get through this period of staying home and physically distancing. Use this time to find online options that feel comfortably familiar or that stretch your social boundaries in exciting new ways.