Today, you can purchase a home blood pressure kit, also known as a sphygmomanometer, at your local pharmacy or discount store. A home blood pressure kit includes an arm cuff, a system that registers pressure, and in some types of monitors, a stethoscope. There are various types of blood pressure monitoring devices, and they all have pros and cons. All types work well only if you are using a cuff of the correct size, so start by asking your doctor what size you should purchase. Mercury Blood Pressure Kits A mercury blood pressure kit is the type of monitoring device you normally see in your doctor’s office. It works when gravity moves a column of mercury to determine your blood pressure. A mercury blood pressure kit is considered the most accurate way to test your blood pressure, since it doesn’t need to be readjusted over time. But mercury spills can be hazardous, so these kits are not often recommended for use in the home. There are, however, mercury blood pressure kits designed for home use, which include a hand-inflatable cuff attached to a stethoscope. These home kits are more lightweight and safer than those used in healthcare settings. Aneroid Blood Pressure Kits Aneroid kits are lightweight, portable, and inexpensive devices that can monitor your high blood pressure at home. These devices use a hand-inflatable blood pressure cuff and a built-in stethoscope, and the blood pressure reading is generated via a pointer on a dial. The major disadvantage of aneroid monitors is that they can become damaged over time and lose their accuracy. You should take your aneroid monitor to your regular doctor’s visits so you can check it against a mercury monitor. Digital Blood Pressure Kits A digital home blood pressure kit is an easy-to-use device that has a built-in stethoscope and displays your blood pressure on a digital screen. Automatic digital kits make measuring your blood pressure even easier by automatically inflating the wrist or arm cuff. Digital kits are more expensive and more sensitive to body movements than other types of blood pressure kits. And since these devices are complex, they must also be regularly checked for accuracy against mercury monitors. Pros and Cons of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Home blood pressure monitoring is a safe and effective way for most people to keep track of their blood pressure between visits with their doctor. Home monitoring may be especially beneficial if you:

Are starting a medication to manage hypertension and want to see how well it is workingHave coronary heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, or another condition that warrants frequent blood pressure monitoringAre pregnantHave white-coat hypertension (high blood pressure that only appears at the doctor’s office)Are elderlyCould have masked hypertension (high blood pressure that only appears when you are away from the doctor’s office)

Home monitoring is not recommended for some people, including those who have heart arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, since a home blood pressure kit may not be accurate for them. Keeping Track of Blood Pressure Kit Readings If you monitor your blood pressure at home, it is a good idea to keep a chart as a record of your blood pressure readings. You can take this chart with you to health care visits so your doctor can see how your blood pressure has fluctuated over time. Talk to your doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of home blood pressure monitoring. He or she can tell you what blood pressure level range is normal for you and work with you to ensure that your device is accurate by checking it against a mercury device at least once a year.