In general, it’s recommended that people with RA stick to low-impact activities that put less stress on the joints, according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). Although you may fear that exercise will worsen your arthritis symptoms, the right modifications can make all the difference. The ACR says that flexibility, strengthening, aerobic, and body awareness (i.e. balance) exercises are best for people with RA. High-impact sports, such as running and contact sports, are usually discouraged with RA, but low-impact activities are very beneficial.

Start With Activities You Love

When you’re diagnosed with RA or recovering from joint replacement surgery, you may be prescribed some therapeutic exercises. It’s important to start with these activities and then add in recreational exercise. You may already be familiar with the typical recommended exercises for RA — walking, swimming — but there are many other kinds of exercise you can do, even if it means making modifications. “One of the most important questions I ask all my patients is, What do you like to fill your day with?” says Ryerson Stinson, an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist at the Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network clinic in Columbia, Maryland. “That answer could be completely different person to person. And that’s where we’ll build from.”

  1. Check in with an expert. Before delving into an exercise, it’s best to make sure you know how to move in a way that doesn’t exacerbate your symptoms. “Honestly, now is a spectacular time for a telemedicine visit with an occupational therapist (OT) or certified hand therapist,” says Stinson. “The goal is to have tools in your toolbox to be able to cope with your symptoms on good days and bad days.” What helps your RA will be different from what helps others with the disease, depending on the stage of RA you have, whether you are in a flare or not, and if you have physical deformities, Stinson explains. Even in a video appointment, your OT can see how you’re doing everyday tasks, such as pinching an object, and tell if a modification can help you. An OT can also give you an education on protecting your joints or simply build your confidence in physical activity if you’ve lived with RA for a while. And these basic forms will affect how you do many other exercises. “You don’t necessarily need to work with someone for an extended period of time,” Stinson says. “But they’re likely covered by your insurance to help guide you through exercises and modifications, versus kind of just guessing on your own.”
  2. Keep it social. “The social aspect is a really critical part in our assessment and treatment of folks with RA,” says Stinson. Since group classes and gyms are closed or being kept to a minimum in many places now, you might try having a friend over in your yard for some simple stretches or resistance exercises. Or you could set up a video chat with a friend on your computer or phone and go through some lightweight exercises together virtually. If you’re looking to meet others with RA, consider joining one of the Arthritis Foundation’s Live Yes! Connect Groups in your state.
  3. Do some less obvious household chores. Doing chores can be a great way to maintain your home while staying physically active. You might do things beyond the usual sweeping and laundry, such as washing windows, changing air filters and smoke detectors, or giving your garden a makeover by digging out old plants and putting in fresh flowers. The possibilities are endless.
  4. Turn your backyard into a game zone. There’s plenty of fun to be had in your own backyard. You might invest in a croquet or badminton set, start a mini golf course, try boccie or lawn bowling, or play other low-impact yard games.
  5. Let the music guide you. “Make it exciting to get moving with music,” Stinson suggests. You could dance along to a livestream concert; stream a dance-inspired workout video, such as Zumba; or look up your favorite music videos and learn the choreography. “Use music to engage, not distract,” cautions Stinson. “Distracting yourself through exercise can cause pain.”
  6. Try a new virtual class. The benefit of so many exercise classes going virtual now is that you can take classes outside your area and with any teacher who’s online. If you’ve always wanted to learn to belly dance, there’s a virtual class for that — and just about any other form of exercise. If you want something specific to RA, the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program is taught in many YMCAs. The organization now has a virtual platform called YMCA 360 as well.
  7. Set up a home workout station. If spending a lot of time at home makes you want to just curl up on the couch, consider setting up one or more workout stations around the house to encourage more RA-friendly activity. First, check with your doctor or OT to make sure you’re doing the right kinds of exercises for your needs. Each station can have a mix of hand weights, resistance bands, a Pilates ball, blocks, and sliders. In a pinch, household items can double as workout equipment, such as a throw pillow instead of a Pilates ball, small towels on a hardwood floor in lieu of sliders, and water bottles or soup cans instead of weights.