The new nutrition facts label is intended to help people make better-informed choices about the packaged foods they eat. Americans continue to consume more packaged foods and fewer whole ones each year, according to research published in January 2022 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, so it’s increasingly important for shoppers to understand the nutrition lingo on these labels. And many people still don’t know exactly what they’re putting into their bodies: According to research conducted by Attest, only 9 percent of Americans were able to identify the healthiest option when shown a selection of cereal bars (13 percent selected the least-healthy option). As Americans increasingly turned to processed convenience foods at the grocery store, they wanted to know what was in them, which spurred the federal government to develop the first labeling standards, according to a report, Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Examination of Front-of-Package Nutrition Rating Systems and Symbols. The laws in the 1970s identified many of the same information we see on packaged foods today, including the number of calories; grams of protein, carbohydrate, and fat; and the percentage of the U.S. recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein, vitamins A and C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, and iron. “You’ll find the label on any food or drink that comes in a package,” says Elisa Bremner, RDN, who’s based in Armonk, New York, and is an adjunct professor at Westchester Community College. This includes drinks like canned soda, packaged energy bars, and frozen meals — although exemptions are made for companies with limited distribution. You also won’t find a nutrition facts label on fresh whole foods like bananas and strawberries, because those typically have the same nutritional composition from item to item, while commercially produced granola bar brands can vary a lot, Bremner says. The USDA does keep a searchable database of whole foods if you’re curious about their nutritional breakdown.

Calorie count display It’s now in larger, bolder text.Serving sizes With the new label, they’re more representative of the portions people actually eat. In the past, for example, a 20-ounce (oz) bottle of soda may have included nutritional information for more than one serving, even though most people would consume the entire bottle in one sitting, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Updated serving sizes provide a more realistic estimate of the calories actually being consumed. It’s important to note that serving sizes are not recommended portion sizes. And for foods that might be consumed in one sitting — such as a bag of chips — the new label features dual column labels that provide calorie and nutrition information for both one serving and for the whole package.Added sugar There is now a separate line to show how much of the total sugar comes from added versus natural sources.Good fat vs. bad fat Nutrition labels now break down how much of the total fat in a product comes from saturated and trans fats.New nutrients Labels are now required to show vitamin D and potassium content (vitamins A and C are no longer required, likely because they are no longer considered “nutrients of concern,” says Bremner).Lower sodium limit Food labels reflect the new, slightly lower RDA of 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day (down from 2,400 mg per day).

“This information is meant to be based on the amount a person typically eats of the product, like one cup of cereal,” says Andrea Goergen, RDN, the owner of Cultivate Healthy in Washington, DC. “It is important to note, however, that some similar products use different serving sizes, like ¾ cup of cereal, making it important to pay attention to accurate nutrition comparisons.” Calories are listed on the nutrition facts label first, in a larger bolder font than the rest of the label. Below them you’ll find the specific amounts of macronutrients — fat, carbohydrates, and protein — plus sodium and cholesterol listed in grams (g) or milligrams (mg), with the percentage of the daily value (DV) that amount delivers in a column to the right. “The percent daily value is a quick way of estimating the degree to which a food can help you meet your nutritional needs,” says Yawitz. “Generally speaking, a percent daily value of five or lower is considered ‘low’ for that nutrient, while 20 percent or higher is considered ‘high.’” The FDA has exact requirements for wording on packages based on these DVs; to be called “rich in” or an “excellent source” of a nutrient, a food must provide 20 percent or more of it, while to be “a good source” or even use the phrase “contains” or “provides,” a food must have between 10 and 19 percent DV per serving of that nutrient, according to a report. Some food packages may call this out on the front by stating that a food is low-fat or high-protein. There are official definitions for those terms: A food can be called “low-fat” if no more than 30 percent of its total calories come from fat, according to the FDA, while “high-protein” foods must deliver at least 20 percent of the daily value (DV) of protein. No official definition for “low-carb” exists. It’s important to note that on a nutrition facts label, both fat and carbohydrates have separate lines below their totals to show how many of those grams come from different types of fat (saturated fat and trans fats) or carbs (fiber, total sugars, and added sugars). This is helpful for judging whether the majority of those nutrients come from healthy sources (such as heart-healthy mono- or polyunsaturated fats) or unhealthy ones (such as trans fats). The DV for saturated fat, the kind found in animal protein, full-fat dairy, and coconut products, is 20 g, per the FDA. “There’s been some controversy lately as to whether saturated fat is truly unhealthy,” says Yawitz; some research indicates it may even have a protective effect on cardiovascular health. There is strong evidence that unsaturated fats do promote health and longevity, however, so those sources are preferred. “I typically tell my clients to limit saturated fat to 10 percent of their total daily calories and to look for foods that have some total fat with little to no saturated fat on the label,” Yawitz says. Similarly, carbohydrates can be broken into healthy sources like fiber and unhealthy ones, like added sugar. “Added sugars are one of the newer features on the nutrition facts label and are an indication of how much sugar has been added to the product in manufacturing,” says Goergen. Some sugars, like lactose in milk, occur naturally, but others, including cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, agave, and molasses, may be added as sweeteners. This label change makes that distinction clear. In the bottom portion of the nutrient label are the main vitamins and minerals that are required to be included: vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium. “The updated nutrition facts label includes detailed information about calcium, vitamin D, iron, and potassium, simply because most Americans don’t get enough of these nutrients,” says Yawitz. A food may — and likely does — have additional nutrients, but they are typically not called out on the label. To get any given food’s complete nutrition info, you can contact the manufacturer directly. “It’s good to be acquainted with all parts of the label,” says Bess Berger, RD, the owner of Nutrition by Bess in Teaneck, New Jersey. “However, most people do not need to pay much attention to cholesterol.” The current thinking on cholesterol is that saturated fat has much more of an impact on blood levels of cholesterol than intake of dietary cholesterol itself. And this is when DVs really come in handy. “They provide quick guidelines for choosing healthier packaged foods,” says Yawitz. “Whenever possible, I have my clients aim for a percent daily value of 5 percent or lower for added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat — all nutrients that can increase your risk of chronic disease.” The label can also help you create balanced meals. “Any packaged food that is high in total carbohydrates should also have a bit of fat, protein, or fiber,” adds Yawitz. “These nutrients can help keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent sweets cravings later in the day.” When reading a nutrition facts label, look at the serving size first. “This helps put the nutrient information into context and allows comparison between products,” says Goergen. Serving size is the amount of food customarily consumed for a particular food, not the recommended portion size. If, for example, the serving size for a food is ½ cup and you eat 1 cup, you’ll be getting double the calories, fat, and other nutrients. It’s not a bad idea to actually measure out the recommended portion sizes of the food to ensure you’re eating the amount you think you are. Serving size is also important when comparing products. “You want to make sure that you’re comparing apples to apples, so converting different serving sizes to the lowest common denominator can be extremely helpful,” says Goergen. “For instance, how does 5 g of fiber in a ½ cup serving of cereal compare with 7 g of fiber in a ¾ cup serving? If you actually eat one cup of cereal, you would get 10 g of fiber from the first and 9 g of fiber from the latter.” Here are some other things to look for on a nutrition facts label to make healthier food choices.

Scan for fiber. Choose foods that are good sources of fiber, meaning they contain at least 3 g per serving.Compare similar products. “I recommend comparing labels to limit added sugar and to find lower-sodium versions of the products that you love,” says Goergen.Scrutinize added sugar. Most of the sugar in the American diet comes from packaged foods, such as sugar-sweetened beverages, desserts, and snacks, according to the CDC. The current dietary guidelines recommend no more than 12 teaspoons (tsp) of sugar (about 50 g) a day, but most Americans average 17 tsp a day.Be wary of front-of-package claims. “Food manufacturers use all kinds of catchphrases and buzzwords to make their products stand out on grocery shelves,” says Yawitz. “But unfortunately, many of these claims — like ‘natural’ or ‘healthy’ — are meaningless.” A list from Food & Nutrition magazine deciphers some of the more common claims that are regulated.Glance at the ingredients list. Ingredients are listed in the order of quantity by weight. So if a food’s first ingredient is sugar or corn syrup, it’s not a nutritious choice. If it’s whole-grain flour, then it’s probably a good choice. This is also a good place to spot allergens or other things you may want to avoid. “A lot of packaged foods contain surprise ingredients,” says Yawitz. “The ingredients list clearly states whether a food contains any of the eight major food allergens, which you might see in parentheses next to an ingredient, like ‘whey (milk)’ or listed after the word ‘contains’ at the end of the list.” The FDA has a good reference for spotting major allergens.

For example, women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) will want to pay particular attention to carbohydrates. “As a PCOS dietitian, I tell clients that the most important part of the label is often carbs and sugar,” says Berger. “A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that a traditional slice of bread contains about 15 g of carbs. When you have a snack that is 32 g of carbs, you’re eating about the equivalent of two slices of bread. This might be a lot or it might not. It depends on how you balance your intake.” Other chronic health conditions have similar considerations. Here are some basic things to know if you want to …

Manage Type 2 Diabetes

There is no official diabetes diet, but the American Diabetes Association did publish a nutrition consensus report in 2019. When you have type 2 diabetes, your carbohydrate intake is extremely important. “Many people think it’s just the sugars they need to watch out for,” says Bremner. “Although it’s certainly important to limit sugary foods, the total number of carbohydrates is critical.” Generally, she says, you can deduct the number of fiber grams from that, because fiber isn’t completely digested by the body, and it slows the release of glucose. When you do that, the result is often referred to as “net carbs.” For more information on net carbs, see this guide from the American Diabetes Association. Protein and fat also slow the release of glucose, so you have a bit more leeway on carbs when you choose a food that is more balanced by macronutrients, Bremner says. In addition to choosing a food with a moderate amount of carbs, it’s also important to choose one that contains protein, fiber, fat, or some combination of these, or to pair the food with a source of these nutrients, such as whole-grain crackers with peanut butter. Sharon Puello, RD, CDCES, a certified diabetes care and education specialist in Yonkers, New York, recommends choosing foods that contain three or more grams each of protein and fiber per serving.

Control Inflammatory Conditions Such as Eczema, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Multiple Sclerosis

Anti-inflammatory diets have become popular, and sites such as the National Eczema Association, Arthritis Foundation, and National Multiple Sclerosis Society each have dietary information and guidelines for those specific conditions. “When living with inflammatory conditions, reviewing a food’s added sugar content is key, as sugar can contribute to inflammation,” says Puello. “It would be ideal to take in as little as possible, without switching to nonnutritive sweeteners.” You’ll also want to check the ingredients list for foods that you may be allergic to, which is a concern especially with eczema.

Manage Digestive Conditions Such as Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation has information and dietary recommendations on its website. “While oftentimes we try to choose foods with high fiber content to help positively affect digestion, in some instances we’re looking for the reverse,” says Puello. “In ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s flares, as well as diverticulitis, low-fiber foods are often the key to relief.” What exactly does this mean? “In these cases, you would be looking for foods with 1 g or less of fiber per serving,” explains Puello. “When you have ongoing digestive issues, checking the ingredients section of the nutrition label is also very important, as being able to identify what may have triggered a flare in your condition starts with knowing what’s in the foods you’re eating.”

Mitigate Risk Factors for Heart Disease Such as High Cholesterol or High Blood Pressure

The American Heart Association lists dietary guidelines and recommendations for heart health on its website. When it comes to controlling high cholesterol, pay particular attention to saturated fat, trans fats, and added sugars. “Regarding high cholesterol and risk for heart disease, saturated fat is still the number to watch, although research now shows that sugary foods also contribute to risk,” says Bremner. “On the flip side, look for foods that are high in fiber — the ‘broom’ that helps sweep cholesterol from our system!” For trans fats, nutrition labels are tricky. “The nutrition facts label can have 0 g listed next to trans fat, as long as the product has less than 0.5 g of trans fat per serving,” says Goergen. “That goes for any of the nutrients, including saturated fat and cholesterol. So a simple trick is to look in the ingredients list for ‘partially hydrogenated’ oils to see if any trans fats have been added.” Another ingredient that may be a source of trans fats? Shortening. For high blood pressure, keep an eye out for sodium content. “It’s unbelievable how many foods contain excessive sodium, as food manufacturers use it as both a preservative and a flavor enhancer — i.e., to get us to eat more!” says Goergen. A low-sodium food contains 140 mg or less per serving, so take note if you are having more than the serving size listed on the label.” When possible, as with canned beans, look for “no-salt-added” foods. “Beware of products labeled ‘reduced sodium,’ says Bremner. “It’s all relative, and a reduced-sodium soy sauce might still contain over 500 mg of sodium per tablespoon.” Also helpful: Choosing foods with a higher potassium content. “Traditional wisdom says to limit sodium intake to improve blood pressure, while modern thinking is that a balanced intake of potassium and sodium is what really makes the biggest positive impact on blood pressure,” says Puello. The daily recommendation for potassium is 4,700 mg and for sodium, 2,300 mg, so, when you look at a nutrition facts label, the ideal product would have at least as much potassium as sodium, if not more.

Maintain a Healthy Weight or Lose Weight

“Eating lots of added sugar can increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health problems,” says Yawitz. Choosing foods with decreased or no added sugars is step one for eating to maintain a healthy weight or to lose weight. But don’t forget other nutrients. “Obviously calories are important, but they don’t give you the whole picture,” says Bremner. “You want to scan the label for protein, fiber, and fat (in moderation), all of which will help keep you full for longer.” And don’t necessarily reach for fat-free foods. Some, such as fat-free peanut butter, may contain added sugar to compensate for the alteration. “A lot of times when people are looking to lose weight, they look for fat-free foods,” says Puello. “But fat slows digestion, helping you feel fuller for longer.”

Build Muscle or Fuel Your Cardio Workout

“You need protein to build muscle, and you also need carbohydrates,” says Bremner, “Carbohydrates are our body’s primary fuel, and proteins are the building blocks — so combined they provide energy and essential material.” That said, what you choose to eat before a workout really depends on what type of workout you are fueling. “If you’re the person going to the gym for a leisurely stroll on the treadmill to get in some movement, then your regular meals throughout the day are likely sufficient,” says Puello. “But if you engage in routine strenuous activity, you want a higher-carb food. Because fiber and fat can slow down digestion, this is one time where your ideal food is lower in fiber and fat. When looking at a nutrition label, your target food is high in carbs, low in fat and fiber, and with some protein included.” Compared with people who don’t read nutrition facts labels, those who use them were more likely to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and drink fewer sugar-sweetened beverages, according to a study published in February 2018 in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Comparing the labels of similar products can also help you choose wisely, Berger says. Ultimately, having nutrition information at your fingertips and knowing how to use it will improve your overall diet quality.