The chances of having a second DVT or pulmonary embolism, in which a blood clot travels to the lungs, are about 11 percent after the first year and about 40 percent after 10 years, according to research published in a 2007 issue of Haematologica. Other studies have put recurrent risk of DVT at around 11 to 15 percent within one year. Your personal risk depends on factors such as the cause of your first DVT, how long ago you had it, and other factors, like having cancer. But there are also a number of changes you can make in your life to reduce your chances. DVT Risk Factors DVT stems from a number of different causes. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute explains that blood clots may form because of damage to the lining of a vein or tissue, because your blood is thicker than normal, or because your blood isn’t moving as quickly as it should. Whether it’s the first instance or recurrent DVT, risks for DVT include a genetic risk for clotting, hormone use or pregnancy, surgery, injury to the vein, cancer, and periods of immobility, says vascular surgeon Luigi Pascarella, MD, assistant professor of surgery in the division of vascular surgery at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. Medication and Stockings for DVT If you have had DVT, your doctor may prescribe medication to help prevent a recurrence. Some people will be able to stop taking that medication with a doctor’s permission about three months after their episode and take it again only during periods of high risk, such as surgery, according to clinical practice guidelines published in Chest in 2012. Others may need to take blood-thinning, or anticoagulation, medication for a longer time to prevent DVT. Your doctor might also recommend compression stockings, which lightly squeeze the legs and help blood flow. “A patient with history of recurrent DVT is recommended for lifetime systemic anticoagulation and compression stockings,” Dr. Pascarella says. “While compression stockings do not prevent recurrence of DVT, they do reduce the risk of post-thrombotic syndrome [vein damage resulting in pain, swelling, and hyperpigmentation] and the development and recurrence of venous ulcers.” Your doctor could also recommend additional testing to determine whether you have an underlying condition that increases your DVT risk. If you do, your treatment plan will also need to address this condition. 7 Ways to Reduce Recurrent DVT Risk Follow these steps to reduce your risk of having another DVT:

Take medications as prescribed. Taking blood-thinning medication according to your doctor’s instructions should help reduce your risk.Check in with your doctor. As your overall health status changes, make sure that all your doctors know about your DVT risk so they can help you with any treatment adjustments you need. For example, knowing about your DVT risk might cause your doctor to make different recommendations regarding hormone treatments, cancer treatment, or surgery.Get fit. Being more physically active and achieving a normal weight could help reduce your risk. “Deep vein thrombosis is usually associated with increased weight and low mobility in postsurgical and debilitated patients,” Pascarella says. And people who are overweight or obese have a higher risk of recurrent DVT than those at normal weight, according to a review of research published in Scientifica. How much you should exercise or how quickly you should lose weight will depend on your current health and fitness, so work with your medical team to develop an exercise program that suits your situation.Stop smoking. Tobacco use may be a cause of DVT, says Pascarella. And smoking cigarettes has been shown to multiply the DVT risk from other factors, like being obese, according to research published in PLoS Medicine in 2013.Keep good records. Take note of when you had your DVT, where in your body it occurred, and how it was treated. This information could help doctors better manage your treatment for other conditions.Stay in motion. In addition to doing regular exercise like walking or swimming, you should try to be active throughout the day, Pascarella says, especially during long trips by car or plane. In general, if you sit for long periods, get up and walk or stretch every hour or so, he recommends. If you’re in a situation where you can’t move easily on your own, talk with your doctor or physical therapist about how to move.Be cautious with leg massage. People who are in treatment for DVT could loosen a clot with vigorous massage, according to the University of Texas at Austin’s University Health Services. Check with your medical team to find out whether some form of massage is an option for you and, if so, what technique to use. How to Prevent DVT From Coming Back - 99