Now that’s all changing. “We have taken good care of patients with telehealth,” says Raymond Cross, MD, director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. Telehealth is medical care given by a doctor via a video or audio call on a computer, tablet or phone, rather than an in-person consultation. And while the COVID-19 pandemic may have encouraged many doctors to start doing virtual appointments — and sped up the e-health trend in general — telemedicine is here to stay, suggests a study published in September 2020 in the journal Gastroenterology. James Marion, MD, a gastroenterologist at the Feinstein IBD Clinical Center at Mount Sinai in New York City, sees this in his own practice. Given the interest in telehealth, “It’s important for physicians, healthcare systems, and hospitals to have a means for patients to take advantage of this,” he says. While virtual healthcare can become an important part of your care, it may not be the best service for everyone or every situation. Here’s how telehealth is changing IBD care — and how it can help you. If you don’t yet have a preferred doctor, don’t know where to start, or are looking for a second opinion, you can visit virtual platforms such as Zocdoc, MDLIVE, and Doctor On Demand.

2. Telemedicine helps you streamline your visits.

If you have a question about a recent test or medication change, it’s easy to hop on a virtual visit with your doctor, who will explain the results or information. Plus, if your condition is stable, “The physical exam is not that vital,” says Cross, adding that in the vast majority of cases, it doesn’t change a doctor’s recommendations. If your condition is worsening, your symptoms are changing, or you need to show your doctor something on your body, then you should schedule an in-person appointment.

3. With telehealth, you could see your IBD doctor for an appointment faster.

For practices that are well-versed in telemedicine, your doctor may have specific days dedicated to seeing patients virtually. “It can allow a practice or outpatient clinic to be nimbler to accommodate patients,” says Dr. Marion. For example, if you are having a flare and need to speak with a doctor right away, a provider may be able to schedule a telehealth appointment sooner than an in-person appointment. (This differs depending on where you go, but it may save you a trip to an immediate care clinic.)

4. Telehealth can connect you to a wider variety of doctors. 

Some university hospitals and specialty centers provide integrative, or multidisciplinary, care. This means that along with seeing a gastroenterologist, you can also visit mental and behavioral health professionals, licensed social workers, nutritionists, and even members of a research team, if you qualify for a research study. In this case, Cross — and other doctors — prefers to see new patients in person, since it’s easier to ferry people from room to room. (Technology is trying to catch up to smoothly accommodate this type of appointment.) After that initial appointment, though, it can be easier to see a handful of providers via telehealth rather than having to schedule multiple in-person visits.

5. Telehealth allows doctors to make virtual “house calls.” 

One of the perks of a virtual visit is the ability for your IBD doctor or gastroenterologist to come to you through your computer, says Marion. This gives your provider a peek into your home and living situation. “You learn an enormous amount about your patients this way,” he says. Your doctor can then use their knowledge of your home environment to better tailor care, such as lifestyle changes, to your needs.

6. Telehealth allows you to invite support partners to your appointment. 

Virtual consultations allow you to recruit family members or friends for your visit — and they don’t have to travel anywhere. “If you’re making a decision about surgery or a new medication, it can be overwhelming,” says Cross. “Having a friend or family member there as your notetaker can be really helpful.” Be sure to let your doctor know if anyone else is on the call.

7. Telehealth can just be one part of your care. 

If you’re interested in virtual care but don’t want to abandon the in-person visit, don’t worry; your doctor doesn’t really want to either, says Marion. What’s most important is that you and your doctor feel comfortable with your appointments. That may mean in-person appointments, virtual appointments, or a combination of both — as is often the case. For example, you can see a primary doctor locally and schedule a virtual visit with a specialist at a larger center. Both doctors can then work together as a team. The GI specialist may prescribe your treatment, and your primary care doctor can help you manage that treatment, coordinate any tests you may need, and more.