— Jacqueline, Michigan Despite popular beliefs about how blood sugar levels relate to craving, there is very little if any evidence indicating this to be true. Food cravings are largely a psychological phenomenon that relates to old habits and learning. The most likely reason that we see cravings in folks like you who have developed type 2 diabetes may simply be that the history of eating patterns that contributed to the development of the diabetes is persisting. Here’s the good news: As is the case with all learned behavior, cravings can be “unlearned.” Cravings can arise in several ways. If you have used food to reward yourself, make yourself feel better when stressed or upset, or celebrate certain special events, depending on how frequently you do this, those foods can become associated with any of the above examples. When you feel these emotions, or are in the situations associated with that food, that association triggers thoughts about the food — in other words, a craving. The problem is that over a lifetime, the number of subtle triggers that become solidly paired with these foods grows. So it’s sometimes impossible to put your finger on the cause of the craving, which leads people to assume it’s being triggered by some internal physiological need (which is probably not the case). The good news is that there is a simple answer: Stop pairing consumption of the craved food with the craving. Of course, even simple answers are not always easy. Fighting cravings can be tough. They are powerful and very real. So here are a few tips to get you started: Delay. Wait 10 to 20 minutes (or as long as you can) before giving into the craving. In the best-case scenario, often the craving will subside in that time period, and you will not eat the food at all. However, even at those times when you aren’t able to fully fight off the craving, the time delay helps reduce its power. Distract. Just thinking about the craved food during the delay can maintain the power of the craving. By distracting yourself and trying not to think about the craved food, you will ensure that the craving weakens. Avoid. Finding alternatives to your most difficult-to-control foods that are equally satisfying and consuming these in moderation in a planned way (not in response to a craving) allows you to not feel deprived while controlling consumption of the food. Alternatively, some people seem to do well consuming a small amount of the actual craved food at planned times, but recent evidence suggests that this may in fact prolong the removal of the cravings. Remember, you can take control of cravings. Q2. I am working outside this week as a volunteer for a sports event. The temperature is about 110 degrees. We are constantly given sports drinks to replenish our electrolytes. As a diabetic, is it safe for me to drink these? While it is important to prevent dehydration and replace electrolytes that you might lose through excessive sweating, you must also consider the amount of carbohydrates and calories that you are consuming throughout the day. Below is information on some common sports drinks. You can see the difference in the amount of carbohydrates and calories.

Gatorade: 50 calories, 14 carbohydrates (grams)Mountain Dew Sport: 95 calories, 24 carbohydrates (grams)All Sport: 70 calories, 19 carbohydrates (grams)Rehydrate: 40 calories, 10 carbohydrates (grams)Performance: 100 calories, 25 carbohydrates (grams)

So for example, if you consume four 8-oz bottles of Gatorade, you have taken in 200 calories and 56 grams of carbohydrates — and those values double if you are drinking 16-oz bottles. The calories and carbohydrates can add up quickly, causing high sugar levels. The best practice is to look at each brand’s calorie and carbohydrate counts and the number of drinks that you are consuming a day to determine if it is within your daily caloric and carbohydrate requirements. It’s also a good idea to supplement sports beverages with plain water. Learn more in the Everyday Health Type 2 Diabetes Center.