As I sit and type today, I am surrounded by boxes, tubs, bags, and packages of holiday decorations that have been vomited from said storage space through that portal to the garret. Add to that the sound of heavy downpours of hail on the roof windows in advance of a North Atlantic storm, and I’ve all the heralding of winter I need. I spent the morning making sure the garden was storm-proofed: barbecue into the shed, planters tucked into corners, all missile hazards secured as best I could. It got me thinking about other winter precautions — multiple sclerosis (MS) preparations — that I should likely sort out for their annual undertaking.

Organizing My Space Helps Keep Me Safe

First up, the physical stuff. Just as we set out this morning to secure whatever might do damage in the coming storm-force winds, I need to take a look at the tripping-falling hazards in the house. We all accumulate stuff, even though I try to keep that to a minimum. “Everything has a place, and a place for every thing” is a mantra of my MS existence. If I leave something somewhere it doesn’t belong (even something as simple as a reusable shopping bag that needs to go back in the car), it can become a hazard if it’s left somewhere I’m used to traversing without obstruction. The addition of holiday accoutrements to the living spaces makes for new furniture arrangements, new stuff in new places, and sparkles and lights in dim corners of winter-darkened spaces. Extra planning and additional cautions must be observed between now and February, when a fine stretch is once again observed in the evenings. Share Your Bad Weather Self-Care Tips on MS Tippi

Fully Charged Batteries Are a Must for Bad Weather

Obvious things for winter power outages are batteries, candles, blocks of ice in the freezer (to keep the fridge cool an extra day or so if unopened), extra blankets at the ready, and the testing of emergency contact plans. Batteries are a big one in our daily lives. Making sure all devices like phones, tablets, and laptops are fully charged in advance of a storm can be a lifesaver — a real one in case of emergency. If electric mobility devices are used to get around the house, having a spare battery (fully charged) is also a good idea in the event outages are long-lasting or frequent.

Extra Foodstuffs On Hand and Prescriptions Filled

As winter — storms or not — can be difficult for those of us with mobility issues, a stock of basic supplies and prescriptions is a good idea as well. An extra package of dry pasta, a bag of rice, and some tinned or frozen veg can get us through in a pinch. Refilling prescriptions a week or so before they run out can be the medication equivalent of a loaf of bread in the freezer and a box of powdered milk in the larder.

Remind Friends That a Check-In Is Appreciated

For longer periods of difficulty — weather-related or MS-induced — having a few friends, neighbors, or relatives who are familiar with our situation who can be called upon to collect a few bits or to help us in a pinch is always a good idea. As the holidays are upon us, a simple “gift of thanks in advance” goes a long way and reminds folks to check in if they don’t hear from us for a few days, storm or no storm. A bit of forethought can go a long way to making potential difficult times a bit easier. Thoughts, however, get us only so far. Carry out a few of the things on this list, and fill in others that are specific to your situation. It will make for an easier mind — one thing we could all use a bit more of these days. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Cheers, Trevis