Hotels also pose potential health risks that predate the pandemic — from down pillows, which can trigger an allergic reaction in some people, to the age-old problem of (sorry) bed bugs. Before you panic, one good thing to come out of the pandemic is that many hotels are taking extra measures to safeguard guests’ health, such as improving ventilation in common areas and individual guest rooms and implementing more robust cleaning procedures. Plus, if you’re fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you are extremely well protected against the virus, which might help alleviate any hard-to-shake coronavirus anxiety. With more people in the United States getting their COVID-19 jabs, infection rates dropping, and travel restrictions easing, you may want to plan a long overdue trip and book a stay at a hotel. Just be sure to read what experts have to say about the potential risks and how to avoid them. RELATED: Coronavirus Alert: The Latest News, Data, and Expert Insights on the COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Germs in High-Touch Places Can Pose a Threat

Most people know that viruses and bacteria can linger on surfaces like door handles and toilets, particularly in a public place like a hotel. But research shows that the highest concentrations of germs are found in spots many of us don’t hesitate to touch as soon as we set down our bags — like TV remotes and light switches. That said, we now know that surfaces are not the main way people get COVID-19; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) puts the risk of becoming infected this way at less than 1 in 10,000. “Can you catch COVID-19 from a remote control? Theoretically, yes, but in practice, I don’t think this has ever been shown,” says Paul Pottinger, MD, an infectious-disease doctor at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. Indeed, you are at far greater risk if you are unvaccinated and spend time indoors and unmasked in common hotel areas such as the lobby or fitness center. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you should leave the disinfecting wipes home. “There are other infections besides COVID-19, such as the common cold and flu and some nasty stomach viruses that can be spread through touching surfaces,” says Martin Cohen, ScD, a professor of environmental and occupational health sciences at the University of Washington School of Public Health in Seattle. It still makes sense to clean surfaces such as light switches, doorknobs, and remotes — or anything that gets touched often — as soon as you enter your room for the first time, says Dr. Cohen. “Some hotels now take extra care with things like remote controls because of these concerns,” he says. Whether you do your own disinfecting or not, “Washing your hands thoroughly and frequently is an important way to reduce the risk of getting ill,” he emphasizes. RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning and Disinfecting Surfaces in COVID-19 Times The main way the virus spreads is through direct exposure to an infected person, according to the CDC. Still, it’s possible that aerosols can pose a threat even after a person with COVID-19 has left the room. The CDC recently acknowledged that this is a risk. To dramatically shrink the odds of transmission, get vaccinated. Here’s what else you can do.

Select a hotel with an upgraded ventilation system. Visit the hotel’s website before you go or call to ask about the system they have in place and how often they change air filters. While the CDC does not recommend any specific manufacturer or product, the agency does highlight tools to improve ventilation, including high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) fans and filtration and ultraviolet germicidal irradiation.Turn on the fan to bring outside air in if the heating and cooling system allows.Open windows and doors to bring new air in. Even slightly opening a window can be beneficial.Request a room that has been unoccupied for a day. If that’s not possible, keep in mind that there is usually a four- or five-hour window between checkout and check-in times.Make sure your hotel requires staff (including cleaning and maintenance staff) to wear face coverings.

RELATED: Should You Disinfect Your Hotel Room During the Pandemic?

3. Bathrooms Can Be a Danger Zone

Germs may actually be the least of your worries in a hotel bathroom, says Gaylen M. Kelton, MD, a professor of clinical family medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine and the director of IU Travel Medicine, both in Indianapolis. Bigger threats to healthy travel are slips and falls. “When traveling, more accidents happen from falls in showers than anything else,” says Dr. Kelton. Blame the unfamiliar facilities (maybe you have a walk-in shower at home, but there’s only a bathtub shower at the hotel). Or maybe the floor is still slippery from the last cleaning. Whatever the situation, be sure to scope things out to ensure you keep your footing. Another often-overlooked danger in the bathroom? Scalds and burns. “Hotels have the hot water set at a higher temperature than in most homes, so you need to gauge the temperature appropriately before stepping under the spray,” says Kelton. A final water warning for international travelers: Kelton says that if you aren’t going to drink tap water anywhere else on your trip, don’t do it at the hotel either. That means using bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

4. Allergens May Await

Down comforters, pillows, curtains, and carpets hold potential allergens that may trigger a reaction in particularly sensitive travelers — allergy and asthma sufferers, we mean you. Now that many hotels allow pets, people with allergies to animal dander may be exposed if the room hasn’t been adequately cleaned with a good quality vacuum with a HEPA filter, points out Cohen. “Whether animals are allowed or not, there could also be dust mites, which are normally found in carpet and bedding,” he adds. “Those are potent allergens for some people.” The lingering smell of cigarette smoke is a common irritant as well. Most hotels in North America offer the option of nonsmoking rooms, but they may be harder to find internationally, says Kelton. Kelton suggests calling ahead to ask if the hotel offers hypoallergenic rooms or if they can tell you what cleaning products they use — harsh solvents or laundry detergents can be irritating if you have sensitive skin. Some hotel chains will also allow you to preorder foam rather than feather pillows, since the latter can trigger allergies. If you have sensitive skin, Kelton advises against trying those tempting free toiletries. “Using a new soap or shampoo may cause a reaction,” he says.

5. Bed Bugs Are Still Out There

What’s most surprising about bed bug infestations is that they’re still a problem. Since the late 1990s, there has been a worldwide resurgence, and they have now been reported in all 50 U.S. states, often in hotels. The blood-sucking insects feed on people, but may go unnoticed for a while because it can take several days for the bite marks to appear, according to the CDC. Bed bug bites often start out as small pricks but can become inflamed and itchy. If you scratch them too much, you run the risk of developing a secondary skin infection. While bed bugs don’t spread disease, they can keep you up at night. (Just the thought of them may give you nightmares!) To reduce your risk, follow these steps.

Check the mattress, box spring, and behind the headboard for signs of bed bugs, including brown spots (which could be the bugs’ feces) and bed bug skins, as well as any live bed bugs. The bugs tend to hide in mattress piping.Do not put your luggage or other personal items on beds or other soft, upholstered furnishings that may harbor bed bugs. Put clothing and luggage on dressers or luggage racks.Keep your suitcases, briefcases, and computers and their cases closed when not in use.

Taking these precautions involves some extra time (and detective work), but it all translates to a better travel experience. And couldn’t we all use that right about now? Additional reporting by Becky Upham.