The three common types of viral hepatitis — A, B, and C — are different. Hepatitis A does not require treatment and will clear up on its own in a few weeks or months. But hepatitis B or C, may develop into a chronic, long-term infection and can spread to sexual partners. Hepatitis can be spread by contact with infected body fluids such as:

BloodSerumSemenVaginal fluid

Sexual spread of hepatitis can occur through sexual intercourse and through other types of sexual contact that involve exposure to infected body fluids. If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis, part of your responsibility is to keep your sexual partners safe. People with hepatitis should be especially careful to practice safe sex, which means using latex condoms to avoid acquiring or transmitting viral hepatitis.

Hepatitis A and Safe Sex

Hepatitis A is most often contracted through eating or drinking something that has been contaminated with the feces of an infected person. Contact with feces of an infected person through sexual activity, including anal sex or oral-anal activity, can result in the spread of hepatitis A to a sexual partner. Even a condom may not be protective, because handling a contaminated condom may lead to spread of the virus onto hands and into the mouth.

Hepatitis B and Safe Sex

“All three forms of viral hepatitis may be transmitted sexually, although hepatitis B is most commonly transmitted sexually,” explains Michael B. Fallon, MD, professor of medicine at The University of Texas Medical School in Houston. Once you have been diagnosed with hepatitis B, you should tell your partner so he or she can be tested. If your partner does not have hepatitis B, and is not already immune to hepatitis B, a vaccine is recommended. “Sexual partners of individuals with hepatitis B should consider vaccination to prevent acquiring infections,” says Fallon. Hepatitis B immune globulin — which works like an antibody, quickly fighting infection — can also be given to a partner who has been exposed to your body fluids within two weeks after exposure to prevent infection. Even after your partner has been vaccinated, you should always use a condom. RELATED: Hepatitis C Treatment Gets an Ambitious Makeover

Hepatitis C and Safe Sex

As with hepatitis B, the time to tell any sexual partner about your diagnosis is before you have sex — or if you have already had sex, before you have sex again. Again, if you are having sex you need to use condoms and avoid risky sexual activity. “In patients with hepatitis C in stable monogamous relationships, the rate of transmission appears to be in the range of 2 to 4 percent per year,” says Fallon. Even though the chance of transmitting hepatitis C is lower if you are having sex with only one partner, you still need to be responsible and cautious. “Since there is no effective vaccine… prevention is of particular importance in this group,” warns Fallon. Using condoms will decrease the risk of transmitting your hepatitis C infection to your partner.

Tips for Safe Sex With Hepatitis

Talking about sensitive issues like sex and hepatitis can be difficult, but it is your responsibility to protect your partner — and to protect yourself from additional infections. Think ahead and plan out what you want to say. Consider discussing the issue with your doctor or getting the advice of a trusted friend before talking to your partner. When it’s time, find a private place where you can talk to your partner without interruption.

Hepatitis and Your Sex Life   Hepatitis Center   Everyday Health - 17