Headaches and the Common Cold

How do you know when you have a common head cold as opposed to a flu virus? Common cold symptoms are less serious than flu symptoms and they usually come on more slowly. You can expect a common cold to last as long as 10 days. Symptoms usually start two to three days after exposure to a cold virus — the incubation period. There is no cure for the common cold because viruses, unlike bacteria, do not respond to antibiotics. And unlike the flu, common colds can’t be prevented because they are caused by more than 200 different viruses. So if you have a headache and other symptoms due to a common cold, all you can do is take care of yourself and wait it out.

Cold Remedies for Headache and Other Symptoms

There is no remedy that can make your cold go away any faster, but there are things you can do to relieve some of the symptoms, especially when you need a clear head at work:

Add moisture. Moistening your upper airway can help loosen secretions and can relieve pressure and congestion. You can do this with saline nasal drops, a humidifier, or by taking a hot, steamy shower. Drinking plenty of fluids helps keep your mucous thin and moving.Over-the-counter pain relievers. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) will help alleviate headache, sore throat, and fever. Make sure not to use aspirin as a pain reliever for kids, as it could lead to a dangerous condition known as Reye’s syndrome.Decongestant nasal sprays. These sprays will open up your nasal passages but must be used with caution, because they can cause a rebound effect that makes your nose even stuffier than before. Don’t use these sprays for children unless you check with your doctor first.Cough and cold preparations. These over-the-counter medicines may combine decongestants, cough suppressants, mucous thinners, and pain relievers. They are mostly safe for adults, but carefully read the side effects. Those that contain antihistamines can make you drowsy and should not be used at work if you need to be alert. These medications are not recommended for children.

Headaches From Other Causes

If over-the-counter medications don’t help and your headaches persist, it’s time to consider other possible causes. One possibility is a sinus infection. With a sinus infection, pain is usually localized over one or more of the sinus areas in the forehead, around the eyes, and over the upper teeth. Sinus pain may get worse with movement. “A cold typically lasts for less than five days and is due to a virus,” says Jordan S. Josephson, MD, a sinus specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. “Secretions from a cold usually clear over time and do not need to be treated with an antibiotic. However, if your cold lasts more than seven days or you have increasing fever or pain, consider seeing your doctor to make sure you have not developed a sinus infection. If the mucous turns yellow or green, then an antibiotic may be needed.” Any time a headache is the only symptom, it is not likely to be due to a cold, flu, or sinus infection. You may be experiencing a particular type of headache:

Tension headache or muscle contraction headache. This is the most common type of headache. Up to 75 percent of people get tension headaches. It may occur frequently, even daily. The pain is usually on both sides of the head and is often described by patients as a throbbing headache.Migraine headache. Six percent of men and 18 percent of women experience migraine headaches. The pain is most often one-sided and pulsating, but can also exist all over the head. Migraine headaches usually come on gradually, reach a peak, and then slowly decrease. The pain may be more severe than tension headache pain and accompanied by visual disturbances and nausea at the onset. Migraine headaches may last from 4 to 72 hours and are often made worse by bright light and movement.Cluster headache. Less common than a migraine or tension headache, cluster headaches occur in about 1 percent of the population, mostly in men. The pain is severe, one-sided (often around the eye), and can be accompanied by nasal congestion and tearing of the eye. The headache occurs in clusters, from every other day up to eight times a day for several weeks.

In most cases headaches, sinus discomfort, and other symptoms caused by the common cold do not require a call to your doctor. While a headache is a common cold symptom, it can also signal a larger medical problem. If your headache lasts much longer than five days, is severe, or accompanied by vomiting or visual disturbances, make an appointment with your doctor right away. Know that any time a headache is the only symptom, it is not likely to be due to a cold, flu, or sinus infection. Here are some symptoms of related conditions that should prompt a call, especially if you’re not sure if it’s a cold or allergies or something else entirely:

Severe cold symptoms during pregnancyCongestion that lasts more than two weeksSevere headachesHigh fever that lasts more than three daysTrouble breathingEar pain or ear dischargePersistent nausea or vomitingInfluenza or cold symptoms that improve and then come back

Mild headaches and other head cold symptoms that go along with a common cold are usually nothing to be concerned about. The average adult gets two to four colds every year. Call your doctor if you have symptoms that suggest other causes of headaches or other related conditions that may require attention.