Not surprisingly, when we asked the psoriatic arthritis community to share their top tips for managing their condition day-to-day, one theme that came up frequently was how to combat fatigue, conserve energy, and get better sleep. Read on for some of our favorites — and check out more on Tippi Psoriatic Arthritis.

Adopt the Spoon Theory

The idea behind the Spoon Theory is to imagine your daily energy as a handful of spoons. Say you have 10 spoons a day — each task, activity, or chore you do takes spoons away. So while getting out of bed may take one spoon, going to work may take three. Using the spoon theory can help you become more aware of your energy limits — and plan accordingly.

Conserve Energy During Everyday Tasks

When you only have so many “spoons” to utilize each day, it’s important to take steps to conserve your energy. Start with these smart strategies.

Improve Sleep Quality

You likely know that practicing good sleep hygiene — like going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, and creating a cool, dark environment that’s conducive to sleep — can help you get a better night’s sleep and wake up feeling well-rested. But these tips can further increase your ability to fall (and stay) asleep each night.