The global outbreak of a novel strain of the virus SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease that it causes has claimed more than 3,400 lives, with more than 100,000 people infected so far. While the number of cases in the United States is nowhere near as significant as in other parts of the world, the situation is serious and worsening. What do you need to know to protect and prepare yourself and your loved ones? Everyday Health discussed the coronavirus crisis with Mark Mulligan, MD, the director of the division of infectious diseases and immunology at New York University’s Langone Health, and the director of the NYU Langone Vaccine Center. Dr. Mulligan, who is also a contributor to Sirius XM’s Doctor Radio channel, talks about steps that you can take to minimize the risk of infection. The following is an edited transcript of the interview. Dr. Mark Mulligan: There are many things that we can do to help protect ourselves against this novel coronavirus. These things include what we call social distancing, [which means] avoiding contact with sick individuals [and] trying to stay six feet away from somebody who’s coughing or might be sick. Don’t feel shy on public transportation, for example, about moving away from somebody who’s coughing. Don’t go to work if you’re sick. Stay home until at least 24 hours after a fever. For elderly individuals, avoid unnecessary visits and interactions. EH: Hand-washing seems to be key to avoid becoming infected or spreading the disease. MM: We should wash our hands as often as we can, and avoid touching our eyes, our nose, our mouth, and our face. MM: The virus does appear to be able to be spread by droplets that land on surfaces. And it might survive there for a brief period of time. EH: Who is most at risk of becoming infected and developing complications? MM: It’s really the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions that will have the most severe infections. EH: While everyone is focused on the coronavirus, shouldn’t we still be concerned about influenza? MM: So much of what will be causing [people to] cough will not be this novel coronavirus. We’re still in flu season. It’s really important for everyone to get their flu shot. We don’t want to have our hospitals filled up with flu patients. One way we can all contribute to our efforts to fight [the new] coronavirus is to be sure we’re protected against other respiratory viruses. EH: Is there any silver lining in how this outbreak is playing out? MM: For 80 percent of us who get infected, healthier and younger people will do just fine. Children seem to do very well with this infection. EH: What is the outlook in terms of how the outbreak may progress, and what treatments might become available? MM: Treatments and vaccines will be coming. It may take several months or a year for some of those. And we also have hope that the springtime will bring warming weather and make it less likely for this virus to be transmitted person to person. EH: What would you say to people who are feeling anxious and fearful? MM: There’s really no place for panic or excessive fear. It’s a time for reaction and preparation, but not for overreaction. RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus