Tapping, or EFT, is a mind-body therapy that draws on the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice of acupuncture, and it is used today as a self-help approach in modern psychology. It involves tapping key acupressure points (acupoints) on the hands, face, and body with your fingertips while focusing on uncomfortable feelings or concerns, and using positive affirmations to neutralize those feelings, according to EFT International (PDF). Research suggests that EFT tapping can relieve stress, diminish cravings, improve performance, and even help relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But how does it work? And can tapping your acupoints really make a noticeable difference in your mental and emotional state? We turned to research and experts for answers. While acupuncture dates to about 100 BCE, per the aforementioned research article, the EFT tapping approach that many people in the United States know and use today was developed by engineer Gary Craig in the 1990s and is largely inspired by the work of clinical psychologist Roger Callahan, PhD, per EFT International. Craig’s process, which most people can learn in about five minutes, describes how to tap through different points while saying a particular statement, tuning people into what they are feeling, says Alex Ortner, the Newton, Connecticut–based co-owner and chief marketing officer of The Tapping Solution, a company that provides EFT tapping resources to consumers. This process evolved over the years as Craig put EFT tapping into practice, and other licensed therapists have put their own spin on the therapeutic approach. Today, many people use EFT tapping to relieve everyday stress and anxiety, improve performance, and reduce food cravings. Separately, EFT tapping is also used in clinical settings by licensed practitioners to treat patients with PTSD, trauma, phobias, and other mental health issues. Per TCM, the human body has more than 2,000 acupoints, and these points are connected by pathways, or meridians, through which life-force energy (called “chi”) flows, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. TCM holds that this energy flow is responsible for overall health, and disruption of the flow may cause disease. Stimulating specific acupoints is thought to improve the energy flow and, by extension, overall health, per Johns Hopkins. Research suggests that there’s a physiological response to the stimulation of these acupoints — they’re not simply random sites on the body. After examining acupoints under a microscope, scientists discovered that they contain a high density of nerve endings, nerve fibers that control heat and cold, and a high concentration of white blood cells, according to a review. Other research found that stimulating acupoints produces a variety of brain chemicals, including endogenous opioids (pain-relieving chemicals), serotonin (which helps regulate sleep, mood, and memory), and gamma-aminobutyric acid (which has a calming effect on the body), according to a past research article (PDF). “Tapping on acupuncture points has been around for thousands of years, but now we can actually measure the effects by looking at gene expression, brain waves, hormones, and neurotransmitters,” says Dawson Church, PhD, founder and CEO of EFT Universe, an EFT training, certification, and education organization. “We’re really building up an inventory of research on what this technique can do for the body.” (Dr. Church has led research studying the effects of EFT tapping on PTSD and obesity.)

What Are the EFT Tapping Points?

Eyebrow (EB) Where the eyebrows start at the bridge of the noseSide of the Eye (SE) On the bone along the outside of either eyeUnder the Eye (UE) On the top of the cheekbone under either eyeUnder the Nose (UN) The area beneath the nose and above the upper lipChin Point (Ch) The crease between your bottom lip and chinCollarbone Point (CB) About two inches below and to the side of where your collar bones meetUnder the Arm (UA) On each side, about four inches beneath the armpitsTop of the Head (TOH) Directly on the crown of your headKarate Chop (KC) The outer edge of the hand, on the opposite side from the thumb

However, EFT tapping involves more than stimulating these acupoints — it also incorporates mental focus. One of the first steps in tapping is to identify a feeling or situation that’s bothering you and create a statement that acknowledges the feeling or problem, followed by a phrase of acceptance. For example: “Even though I’m overwhelmed with work, I deeply and completely accept myself.” This is known as a setup statement, and according to EFT International, it lays the groundwork for what’s called “the disconfirming experience.” This means that it helps us see our issue for what it really is, as opposed to our emotional response to it. Countering a negative thought with a positive affirmation also serves to neutralize it, theorizes the research article (PDF, noted above), which provides an overview of EFT and other energy therapies. And when you calm your brain and body by working with tapping, you may be more apt to accept these neutral statements as true. Church feels that this works with patients with PTSD in a clinical setting: “In tapping sessions with a certified clinical EFT practitioner, the practitioner will remind you over and over again about the traumatic event, which lights up the neural pathways that carry the signals of adverse experiences.” Tapping these acupoints at the same time during this exercise provides a soothing signal to the brain that may rapidly calm the body’s stress response to that traumatic memory. Over time, clinical tapping sessions teach the brain to respond to stressful memories in a neutral way. After clinical EFT, people retain the details of the traumatic memory minus the emotional response, or they have a lessened experience of the emotional response, Church explains.

Standard EFT Protocol

According to EFT International, the standard EFT protocol is used by the majority of EFT practitioners worldwide. It involves these steps:

Identify something that’s bothering you (e.g., a stressful situation).Rate the intensity on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 is the worst).Create a statement that describes your issue and includes a component of self-acceptance, like “Even though I’m stressed about work deadlines, I am doing my best and fully love and accept myself.”Repeat a shortened version of that statement while you tap each point on your body several times, such as “Even though I’m stressed with work, I fully love and accept myself.”Rate the intensity from 0 to 10 again and repeat the steps until the number decreases and you feel better.

Clinical EFT Tapping

This is the evidence-based form of EFT tapping that’s primarily used to treat PTSD, phobias, clinical anxiety, and other mental health issues. “There are a million forms of EFT, but this is the only one that’s been validated in over 100 clinical trials,” Church says. Clinical EFT tapping can only be done with a certified clinical EFT professional. It combines memory recall, verbal statements, and tapping a set of eight acupoints (the same as standard EFT minus the karate chop point), per clinical guidelines published in December 2018 in Healthcare (Basel).

1. May Relieve General Stress and Anxiety

Experiencing everyday stress and anxiety is a common reason that people turn to EFT tapping. EFT may have a quieting effect on the amygdala, the stress center in the brain, which helps people feel calmer and able to think more clearly after tapping, Dr. Stapleton says. A study published in November 2020 in Psychological Trauma, which directly replicated an earlier study, found that people who were in the EFT tapping group saw significant decreases in cortisol compared with people who received information about how to cope with anxiety (known as psychoeducation). The authors note that their findings support those of the original study, indicating that EFT may be an effective method for lowering stress in both standard and clinical applications. And after reviewing 14 studies, the author of a review and meta-analysis found that EFT tapping led to a significant improvement in participants’ anxiety scores. However, the author notes that there are few studies comparing EFT to standard anxiety treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy, so more research is needed to determine how EFT tapping might compare to other conventional healthcare methods.

2. May Aid Weight Loss

Tapping may help people lose weight by reducing food cravings. “You might say, ‘Today, I will not eat that chocolate pastry, [and I fully love myself],’ and repeat that tomorrow and the next day, and after a while the cravings subside,” Church says. In fact, research suggests that EFT tapping may create changes in the part of the brain that triggers cravings in the body. Brain scans of 15 obese adults who practiced EFT tapping for four weeks showed changes in parts of the brain that activate cravings, according to a small study. Another small study found that 76 dieters who practiced EFT tapping lost an average of 1 pound a week during a six-week online EFT course. Moreover, the dieters continued to lose weight in the year that followed, though it’s unclear if they continued tapping after the trial was complete, so more research is needed to better understand how EFT tapping may help reduce food cravings or support weight loss.

3. May Soothe Depression, Pain, and Cravings

Research suggests that tapping may also help with depression, pain, and cravings. A meta-analysis of 20 studies published in 2016 in Explore found that clinical EFT was highly effective in reducing depressive symptoms, and study participants maintained these effects over time. Tapping was also more effective at helping to treat depression than interventions such as diaphragmatic breathing or supportive interviews. And a study published in February 2019 in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine found that 203 people who underwent a four-day clinical EFT training workshop experienced significant decreases in resting heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol. They also saw improvements in anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, and cravings, and reported a significant increase in overall happiness. The authors note that research investigating physiological improvements after EFT is limited, and this study adds to the body of literature suggesting benefits across a spectrum of physiological systems. More research, including targeted studies examining each physiological benefit, is needed.

4. Helps Treat PTSD and Trauma in a Clinical Setting

EFT tapping has been extensively studied in people with PTSD and trauma and has been found to be an effective treatment for some, when received as a therapeutic approach from a licensed practitioner. In one small study, 58 military veterans who scored 50 or higher on the PTSD checklist (indicating clinical symptoms levels) were randomly assigned to receive conventional treatment or EFT in addition to conventional treatment. Those who performed tapping saw a significant reduction in their PTSD score — from 65 to 34, on average. Meanwhile, those who received only conventional treatment showed no significant change. Other studies have found similar results, as outlined in the clinical guidelines. However, if someone with PTSD or past trauma discovers EFT tapping on their own and tries tapping along with a tutorial, they may become distressed as they remember past events without the guidance of a licensed healthcare professional. “The risks are emotional flooding and retraumatization,” Church says. Retraumatization is the return of trauma-related thoughts and feelings, which cause you to relive the events that led to your PTSD, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (PDF). The risks typically come with doing EFT tapping on your own, versus working with a trained professional. “We recommend that people use EFT on their own for everyday stress, so if you’re late for a job interview or you have too much work to do,” Church says. “However, we don’t recommend that people who are traumatized try this on their own.” If you try tapping on your own and you begin to feel overwhelmed by the feelings or thoughts that arise, or you sense that your issues are too complex to address on your own, consult an experienced EFT practitioner, advises EFT International. You can learn more about standard EFT tapping for free by downloading an app (like The Tapping Solution), reviewing an online tutorial (like the ones offered by EFT Universe), or watching informational videos from licensed healthcare providers (like “What Is EFT Tapping”). However, people with addiction, PTSD, or other trauma must work with a healthcare professional who’s certified in clinical EFT, Church says. You can find a clinical EFT practitioner through EFT International or EFT Universe. Clinical EFT tapping is sometimes covered by insurance, so check with your insurance provider before undergoing this therapy. There are countless online tapping tutorials and sessions you can try. Often, you can find tapping sessions geared toward a specific goal or concern, such as stress, focus, fear, and relationships. Both The Tapping Solution and EFT Universe offer many free resources to get you started. You can perform a brief tapping session before work meetings or presentations, after an argument with your partner or friend, or when you need to cultivate focus. If you want to use EFT tapping for PTSD or trauma, speak with your healthcare provider. You can also find a clinical EFT practitioner through EFT International or EFT Universe. When you start your tapping session, you’ll focus on negative emotions and unresolved issues. But as you tap through your acupoints, you may notice that your thoughts become more positive, and that you start to relax or feel better. The approach to using clinical EFT tapping for PTSD or other trauma looks a bit different. For starters, you’ll be working with a certified clinical EFT practitioner. This person will likely ask you to recall the details of a traumatizing event as vividly as possible and have you pair this memory with a neutral statement. While you share the statement, you’ll tap specific acupoints. According to the clinical guidelines, a typical statement might read: “Even though I vividly recall the horror of the bomb blast, I deeply and completely accept myself.” This statement is accompanied by a tap on the acupoint on the side of the hand. From there, you’ll gently tap the acupoints at the start of the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, under the lips, an inch under the collarbone, under the arm, and top of the head with two fingers, per the guidelines. As you tap, you’ll say a shortened version of your earlier statement. Your therapist may ask you to rate the intensity of the traumatic event at various points during the session. These ratings help your therapist determine the next step in your treatment. How many sessions you’ll need may vary depending on the severity of your condition. However, clinical guidelines recommend 10 sessions for people with PTSD. There are online, app, and telemedicine options for clinical EFT. However, in-person sessions were found to reduce PTSD symptoms 91 percent versus telephone sessions that reduced symptoms by 67 percent, according to a review and survey published in 2017 in The Permanente Journal. EFT International is a nonprofit association of EFT practitioners, trainers, and students. The association provides an online directory so you can find a certified EFT practitioner. The website also has an extensive library of informational articles about EFT tapping. The Tapping Solution Foundation This is the charitable arm of The Tapping Solution. It was established in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012 to support projects that promote the use of EFT tapping for stress and trauma relief. Through The Tapping Solution Foundation, EFT tapping is being introduced into school classrooms to reduce stress and anxiety in students.

Websites We Love

The Tapping Solution Founded by Nick Ortner and his siblings in 2007, The Tapping Solution is an online resource to help you along your EFT tapping journey. Download the app, visit the blog, sign up for a class, or check out their selection of programs, books, and planners. EFT Universe EFT Universe was founded in 2010 by Dawson Church. It offers EFT tapping certifications for the treatment of PTSD, anxiety, depression, phobias, and more. The EFT Universe website is full of free resources, including a blog, tutorials, videos, case studies, books, and a free manual on EFT tapping.

Apps We Love

The Tapping Solution Get tapping with The Tapping Solution app. You’ll find tapping sessions geared toward a specific goal or concern, such as anxiety and stress, focus, fear, relationships, and more. Stress Solution This app from EFT Universe pairs you with a live practitioner who can guide you through an EFT tapping session. The app allows you to connect with practitioners 24/7, so you can find support whenever you need it.