Dry scooping, which involves knocking back a dry scoop or two of pre-workout powder and chasing it with a swig of water. One TikTok user, who goes by the screen name kimg966, shared a dry scooping video in late May, racking up over 7.6 million views. In it, she attempts to swallow a capful of powder, but gags and spits it out before she even has a chance to wash it down with water. Most pre-workout powders consist of a blend of amino acids, B vitamins, caffeine, creatine, artificial sweeteners, and other ingredients. Most products instruct users to mix the powder with water and claim to help enhance performance. Dry scoopers claim that by forgoing mixing the powder with water, the powder can help the body absorb the energizing ingredients more quickly, says Tara Collingwood, RDN, a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics in Orlando, Florida, and a certified personal trainer with the American Council on Exercise. “But, there is no benefit from taking powder without fluid,” she says. And you’re actually putting your health at risk by trying the trend, she warns. Twenty-year-old Briatney Portillo tried the viral health hack herself, and said it landed her in the hospital. “Taking a dry pre-workout scoop [because] I saw it trending on TikTok,” she said in a TikTok video she posted from her hospital bed. “Ending up in the hospital because I had a heart attack.” In another video posted by TikTok-er @mkaaaybabee, viewed over 2.1 million times, a woman says she stops breathing after inhaling the powder accidentally. RELATED: What to Eat Before and After Your Workout

Why Dry Scooping Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

One of the main dangers of swallowing any powder without liquid is you risk aspiration, a foreign object entering the airways, Collingwood warns. “You risk breathing in the powder as you are putting it into your mouth,” she explains, which can lead to dangerous respiratory problems, choking, or a lot of uncomfortable coughing. You also run the risk of consuming higher-than-intended doses of the supplement, which may present additional risks, according to the National Capital Poison Center. Ashley Leone, RD, owner of Gazelle Nutrition Lab in Toronto, warns that pre-workout powders tend to contain a lot of caffeine, and overconsuming caffeine can damage the heart. “If, for instance, people take in more than the recommended daily upper limit of caffeine, they can encounter side effects like anxiety and irritability, and in extreme cases, heart arrhythmias.” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that American adults consume no more than 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine in a day. This is the equivalent of about 4 to 5 cups of coffee. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it is common for pre-workout supplements to have 150 to 300 mg of caffeine per serving. The potential dangers of consuming too much caffeine include risk of insomnia, anxiety, dehydration, and abnormal heart rhythm, according to the National Institutes of Health. Another cautionary note about pre-workout supplements or powders: Dietary supplements are not regulated the same way that traditional drugs are. The FDA cannot review supplements for safety or effectiveness before companies market them, so the ingredients listed on the package may or may not be accurate. What’s more, there is no scientific evidence that dry scooping is beneficial, Collingwood adds. RELATED: Popular Supplements With Hidden Dangers

Are Pre-Workout Powders Safe if Used the Right Way?

The evidence to say definitely whether pre-workout supplements are safe or effective isn’t quite there yet. A review published August 2018 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition examined multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements, intended to be taken prior to a workout to enhance exercise performance and subsequent training. While review found that studies to date suggest the supplements may benefit exercise performance in the short term, the researchers concluded the evidence is preliminary and there are no data to answer whether taking such supplements are safe over the long term. Most studies on use of the supplements were 8 to 12 weeks or shorter. And it’s worth noting that each pre-workout product can vary significantly from others marketed for similar uses. According to a study published in January 2019 the journal Nutrients, beta-alanine, caffeine, citrulline, tyrosine, taurine, and creatine are the most common ingredients in pre-workout supplements. However, the composition varies “substantially” between formulations, with nearly half (44.3 percent) of all ingredients included as part of a “proprietary blend” with undisclosed amounts of each ingredient. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements adds that in terms of exercise and diet enhancing supplements in general, the majority of studies are small, short term, and only conducted with men. RELATED: The Best Fat-Burning Exercises for at Home and the Gym Collingwood suggests avoiding pre-workout supplements, as you are better off relying on tried and true recovery methods, like getting enough sleep at night so you’re rested and allowing your body the chance to recover after workouts, she says. And be sure to nutritious meals and snacks, and stay hydrated. “The main reason people fatigue during a workout is they run out of energy or they become very dehydrated from heavy breathing and sweat loss,” Collingwood says. Drinking water before a workout will provide the hydration you need. And depending on your schedule and eating preferences, aim to have either a meal three to four hours before a workout or a snack a few minutes or up to two hours before a workout, Collingwood says. If you do choose to consume pre-workout powders or other supplements, remember many products contain high levels of caffeine. The Mayo Clinic suggests keeping track of your overall daily caffeine consumption, including that from energy drinks, coffees, soft drinks, and other sources, so you don’t consume too much. Also, before taking any supplement, the Mayo Clinic suggests making sure it has been third-party tested by independent sources, like ConsumerLab.com, U.S. Pharmacopeia, or NSF International, as supplements aren’t regulated for safety or effectiveness by the FDA. And remember, it’s always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new drug or supplement, as they can interact with other medications you’re taking or have unintended side effects. RELATED: 7 Tips for Getting Back Into a Workout Routine if the Pandemic Disrupted Yours

The Bottom Line: Why You Shouldn’t Try Dry Scooping

If you feel the urge to join in on the dry scooping challenge, Collingwood strongly urges to resist it. In addition to the fact that there’s no evidence it will boost the effectiveness of the pre-workout powder, it may be dangerous. You’re better off taking the steps known to help boost physical performance: Eat well, sleep enough, and stay hydrated, Collingwood says. “You don’t need fancy, expensive pre-workout supplements to get an extra edge!” RELATED: Everything You Need to Know About Working Out at Home