Jennifer Clark, diabetes educator and nurse practitioner at the University of Chicago Medical Center in Illinois, is sympathetic to people who may be seeking alternative treatments. “I think people are concerned about being on a lot of medications, especially insulin,” she says. Of course, cost is a primary concern, especially if you’re taking several drugs. Despite health insurance coverage, many people have high deductible plans or steep copays. There’s also a stigma associated with taking medication, despite its benefits. Side effects of medication are another concern. Glucophage (metformin), the first line diabetes drug, may cause stomach upset, yet the side effects tend to wear off with time, says Hayley Ball, CDE, a clinical pharmacist at Northeast Medical Group, part of Yale New Haven Health in Connecticut. Talk to your doctor about taking the extended release version, which is tolerated better, or about separating the dose or taking it with food. You may also search for an alternative treatment because eating healthy can be expensive, and changing your lifestyle takes commitment, time, and patience that many people may not have the bandwidth for. “It’s something that takes months to see the results from, so it can be kind of frustrating for people,” Ball says. Yet it can be a challenge figuring out whether the treatment plan you are reading about is a legitimate diabetes cure or a diabetes scam.

The Worst Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Scams You May Find Online

Put the following in the questionable “diabetes cures” column:

‘Natural’ Supplements

Sometimes, people seek out alternative treatments that are billed as “natural” and “safe” in hopes of lowering their blood sugar or losing weight to increase insulin sensitivity. But there are a few problems here: First, the FDA doesn’t regulate supplements, so you can never be sure whether they’re safe. Second, “natural” is a blanket term that the FDA also hasn’t defined, so brands can use it willy-nilly on packaging without providing evidence that the product doesn’t contain artificial ingredients. Third, many of these supplements may not even work, Ball says. Even scarier, the FDA warns that the ingredients in these supplements may contain harmful ingredients or may be marketed as over-the-counter products when they should actually be marketed as prescription drugs. Rumors abound about over-the-counter supplements for diabetes, such as acai berries and Tahitian noni juice, but there is no evidence that these will help you better control your health. Glymetrol, a vitamin and mineral supplement, is another product promoted as a natural way to control blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. “The government is not regulating this product, and I am not aware of any clinical trials supporting its claims,” says Clark. Chromium and cinnamon are the only two supplements that research shows may have an impact on blood sugar levels. Yet studies vary — some have shown these supplements are better than the placebo, while others have not. Because the research so far is limited, cinnamon and chromium supplements should never replace prescription medication for diabetes. Still, these may be a good option if you’ve been diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes that is borderline, and you’re also making diet and lifestyle changes. “Using these supplements with lifestyle changes has been shown to potentially drop blood sugars slightly,” Ball says.

Diabetes Informational Products

There are several e-books and online programs that promise to help you gain control over your blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, help you stop taking diabetes medication, and even reverse diabetes with protocols that are again billed as safe and natural. Experts say that although these products sound promising, chances are they’re not worth your time. Any treatment that has been backed by research and is proven to work will be published by the American Diabetes Association and be available to anyone for free. “Anything that requires payment without information ahead of time immediately should be suspicious,” Ball says.

Extreme Diets

In the quest for quick weight loss, there are online subscription diet plans that may restrict your total daily calories to as few as 500 per day. Although these plans can help you lose weight fast, they’re not realistic or easy to sustain. “If you’re willing to suffer those few weeks and get the weight off and see the difference, that’s wonderful. But you’re still going to have to adopt lifestyle changes to maintain that,” Ball says.

Erectile Pumps

Medicare recipients who have diabetes have been targeted with useless devices and supplies by those looking to cheat the system. In 2011, a 49-year-old Illinois man was sentenced to more than three years in prison for shipping unwanted penis enlargers or erectile pumps to Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes. Although he claimed the devices helped improve bladder control and urinary flow, prosecutors said the pumps served no medical purpose. In addition to these scams, there is also concern about excessive spending on erectile pumps for Medicare beneficiaries. A 2014 report by the inspector general for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found Medicare paid $172 million for penis pumps between 2006 and 2011. Although erectile pumps may help improve your blood flow and correct diabetes-related sexual issues in men, these devices can be painful and cause bruising. Also, they only last for 10 or 15 minutes. “It might be something that works, but [it’s] very short term,” Ball says.

Magnet Therapy

Magnetic shoe inserts are promoted as a way to heal diabetic neuropathy and increase blood flow in your legs. Magnetized water, or water that has been passed through a magnetic field to activate and ionize water molecules and change the molecular structure, is also promoted as a way to reduce blood glucose levels. Yet there is no evidence to support the use of magnets or magnetized water for diabetes, Ball says.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This first-aid staple has been promoted as a way to help your body manage oxygen better and fight a variety of ills. Improved management of blood sugar levels is one of the claims associated with hydrogen peroxide. But Clark warns that drinking this substance could damage your digestive tract.

Resold Diabetes Test Strips

Since some insurance companies are starting to restrict coverage for diabetes test strips, people are turning to the black market for supplies, which experts say is risky. Pharmacies and distributors are regulated by federal law to make sure testing supplies are stored correctly. When buying test strips online from a reseller, there’s no way to tell if they were stored correctly or are expired because they could have been repackaged in a new box, Ball says.

How to Identify Hoaxes When Seeking Treatment for Diabetes

Be on the lookout for the following clues that the advertised remedy may be a scam:

Anything That Sounds Too Good to Be True

Any diabetes treatment plan that promises an easy, quick cure for diabetes or quick relief of diabetes complications, such as neuropathy, is likely too good to be true.

Payment Required

Whether the proposed treatment requires you to buy a “natural” supplement or a program before you can get any more details about the alleged diabetes cure, be wary about websites or programs that pressure you to pay up front. Even if the program promises to repay your money after a trial period, be suspicious.

Conflicting Medication

If you’re on medication for type 2 diabetes or any other chronic health condition, you should find out whether the diabetes “cure” you are considering will interact with your other prescriptions and conditions by consulting your diabetes medical team. A questionable diabetes treatment may not mention the possibility of conflict.

Stopping Medication

The promise that you will be able to stop taking medication is tempting, especially if you’re managing unwanted side effects — but don’t do it without your doctor’s firm approval.

Lack of Scientific Support

While many alleged diabetes cures may claim that scientific research supports their approach or the ingredients in the product, you should find out more about these studies. “You want to look for studies that are published in major journals,” says Clark. Look for journal citations and find the original publication of the study results if you can. Your doctor or a librarian can help you identify responsible journals and interpret the results.

Emphasis on Mistrust of Traditional Medicine

Diabetes cure scams may promise you a cure “that your doctor won’t tell you about” implying that your medical team is withholding vital information. “If it has to be kept as a secret from the public, there’s got to be a catch to it,” Ball says.

Patient or Celebrity Testimonials

Stories from patients or celebrities may be used to persuade you to try a product — but remember that you don’t have the whole story, says Clark. “You don’t know what other medication they have been taking or what other health conditions they have.”

Special Deals

Advertising for the alleged cure may suggest that you are getting a special deal if you order immediately. You may also be promised a free gift, a two-for-one deal, or some other benefit for ordering right away.

Implied Threats

Watch out for diabetes treatment plans that imply you will do great harm to your body if you do not invest immediately in the proposed cure. This sell is a big red flag that you should avoid the product.

Continued Contact

If you supply personal information to get more details but you have not yet paid, and yet the group or program continues to pressure you after you have decided against a purchase, this is likely a scam.

The Bottom Line on Avoiding Online Diabetes Scams

If you’re unsure about a new diabetes treatment you find online, always ask your doctor or a certified diabetes educator to look into it for you first. It’s also important to keep in mind that with the transition to value-based care, many doctors are now being incentivized to keep patients healthy. “They want to give you every bit of information possible to keep the condition controlled,” Ball says. Additional reporting by Julie Revelant