Then, in March, a few weeks after a trip to New Orleans, Smith wound up in the ER with swelling in her leg. Her emergency room visit revealed that she had a blood clot, as she thought might be the case. But to her surprise, her health problems went far beyond the clot: Doctors discovered she also had COVID-19, pneumonia, and the flu. Doctors are becoming increasingly concerned about blood clots in COVID-19 patients. A study published April 23 in the journal Radiology found that about one-third of 106 patients with COVID-19 infection had an acute pulmonary embolus, a blockage of a pulmonary artery, which often results from a blood clot that forms in the legs or another part of the body and travels to the lung. In a separate investigation also published in Radiology, scientists observed that 23 of 100 COVID-19 patients examined with a contrast-enhanced CT scan had a clot in their lungs. In Smith’s case, the clot started in her leg and moved to her lung. While her doctors are unsure about whether the coronavirus was to blame, physicians are increasingly on the lookout for clotting problems in COVID-19 patients. Everyday Health spoke with Smith to find out how she thinks she got sick, how she experienced the disease, and how she’s doing on her path to recovery.

Where Do You Think You Got COVID-19?

In the middle of March, I had returned from a long trip. As a senior customer care manager in the travel industry, I had attended a conference for five days in New Orleans. My husband, Roger, came along with me. COVID-19 may have been percolating in New Orleans, but at that time there was no media hype. Everyone was just attending presentations and having a good time. My doctor is not convinced that I got it as a result of being there. He said I could have picked it up anywhere — it could have been on a plane, at the conference, or when I got home. RELATED: Is It Safe to Travel This Summer?

How Did You Find Out You Had the Virus?

On March 23, after being home for just over a week, I started getting a chest cold while working at home. I had a very deep, nasty, wet cough. These symptoms of a chest cold did not seem to match with what people were saying about COVID-19. I didn’t have symptoms like a fever, diarrhea, trouble breathing, or a dry cough. RELATED: Could Your Gastrointestinal Issues Be a Symptom of COVID-19? Still, after a couple weeks of self-medicating on an expectorant, the cold was not letting up, and I was concerned that I might be developing pneumonia. My husband also started getting the same symptoms. I called my doctor, but then my cough was stopping, and she said she didn’t think it could be pneumonia. About three days after my coughing stopped, I’m looking at my left leg and it’s almost twice the size of my other leg. I called another doctor about this, and they said to get to the emergency room immediately. When I showed up at St. Francis Hospital in Federal Way, I said I had symptoms of a blood clot. I was whisked into a room in the ER and hooked up to IVs. They ran all kinds of tests on me — they injected me with iodine as they did a CT scan. The ER doctors discovered that I had COVID-19, influenza B, pneumonia, and a blood clot. Using an ultrasound, the doctors found that the blood clot had started in my ankle and landed in my lung. I’ve been taking medication to dissolve the clot since then and my swelling has gone way down.

How Did They Treat You When They Found Out You Had COVID-19?

I was transferred from St. Francis to St. Anthony’s in Gig Harbor, where I was put in a room that was specially tented. They had a tent on the outside of the actual hospital room where they went in and put on gowns, helmets, and gloves and then came into my room. They looked like they were in Star Wars. When they left, they had to step into a tented room and take all that gear off before they could exit the area. I had blood thinner in one arm and in the other arm they gave me double doses of two different antibiotics twice a day, including a dose of hydroxychloroquine. I was also given Theraflu. After I spent April 1 through 6 in the hospital, the doctor determined I was well enough to go home. Now I’m using a pulse oximeter to make sure my oxygen levels are good, and I have an inhaler, a plastic device that I use to increase lung capacity. RELATED: Can a Pulse Oximeter Save Your Life if You Have COVID-19? The clot had damaged the veins in my leg. The swelling is reduced now, but the leg still has a tight, stiff feeling. I’m exercising it; it’s a healing process. I’m also still taking medications to treat the clot in my lung — it takes months for a clot to dissolve. I am getting around much better, and I’m getting stronger each day. I do tire easily, but I’m down to only one nap a day instead of two or three. I met with a hematologist on May 15, and will check back in June. I am to stay on the blood thinner until October while my body continues to heal. Walking for exercise is fine — I just can’t overdo it. If I have any shortness of breath, I need to seek medical attention. I am not at high risk of dislodging the clot as long as I get plenty of rest and am moderate in my activities. The doctor reminded me that my body fought off a lot and for me to be patient with healing.

Did You Know That Some Studies Have Been Linking COVID-19 to Blood Clots?

I have just recently heard about the virus-clotting connection. My doctor attributed my clot to flying long-distance without getting up and walking around. As more information comes out, maybe we will have more firm answers.

How Is Your Husband Doing?

He went to his doctor and he tested positive for COVID-19, too. He has to be extra careful because he has diabetes. But he’s feeling better now, too. If I hadn’t had the blood clot, Roger and I probably wouldn’t have known we had the virus and we would have both been more likely to spread it. RELATED: 10 Diabetes Care Tips During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How Do You Feel Now?

I feel fine now. I was terrified when I first heard the test results, and I was terrified because I know you can have a stroke from a clot and die. But I am feisty and not willing to let these things get me.