People get sick with COVID-19 when respiratory droplets and aerosols carrying the virus come in contact with the eyes, mouth, and nose. And gyms are high-touch, close-proximity spaces where vigorous exercise increases the range at which people exhale respiratory particles because they’re breathing more heavily, says Iahn Gonsenhauser MD, chief quality and patient safety officer with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus. “Gyms in general are probably one of the highest-risk spaces of all of our reopening and returns,” he says — but vaccines, updated safety precautions, and new variants of the novel coronavirus have changed (and continue to change) the equation. “We’re in a new normal now. For fully vaccinated individuals, returning to the gym is a low-risk activity in most communities,” Dr. Gonsenhause says. “But for unvaccinated people, going to the gym is high risk because of how contagious the delta variant is and how concentrated the cases are.” If you’re unvaccinated, Gonsenhauser suggests exercising at home or outdoors — or if you do go to the gym, be sure to follow safety precautions while you’re there, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and disinfecting your hands and equipment after use. RELATED: Why Exercise May Help Protect Against COVID-19 Complications

How Is COVID-19 Spreading at the Gym?

Research continues to show that the primary way people are getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 — the virus that causes COVID-19 — is by coming in contact with infected people (and coming in contact with those respiratory droplets and aerosols), explains Mary Rodgers, PhD, principal scientist of infectious disease research for Abbott, a healthcare company that has created multiple molecular and antibody tests for the COVID-19 virus. Virus particles in these respiratory droplets and aerosols can make their way to you and me both by floating through the air (until gravity pulls them down), as well as by landing on surfaces that people touch and then carry virus particles to their eyes, mouth, or nose. And exercise — during which you’re exerting yourself more and breathing more heavily — makes you expel more respiratory droplets and aerosols. Moderate-intensity exercise can increase your breathing rate to 7 to 10 times your at-rest breathing rate, according to the University of Florida. (Full-out intensity exercise that leaves you gasping for breath can increase that resting breathing rate up to 20 times). Ventilation and how much stale air you’re breathing in depends, of course, on the design of your gym, Gonsenhauser says. “But many gyms are enclosed, high-touch, and close-proximity spaces.” The good news is that research increasingly shows that people largely aren’t getting sick with COVID-19 from touching surfaces contaminated with the virus, Dr. Rodgers says. According to an April 2021 statement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the risk of contracting COVID-19 from contaminated surfaces or objects in nonhospital indoor settings is now considered very low. “This still holds true with the delta variant. It’s still transmitted through respiratory droplets and aerosols. Surfaces are still decidedly low risk,” Gonsenhauser says. That means touching shared gym equipment or locker room surfaces is probably less risky than previously thought when it comes to COVID-19 risk. And, of course, vaccines dramatically reduce COVID-19 transmission risk, too, as do taking additional safety precautions (like mask-wearing and social distancing). It’s worth noting that some states are tracking sources of COVID-19 outbreaks and discovering that gyms are making up a small percentage of transmission, even with the delta variant at play. The Louisiana Department of Health, which has been documenting the origin of outbreaks weekly, found gyms as a low risk setting for an outbreak compared with offices, restaurants and shopping malls. So far, there have been 131 outbreaks at daycares leading to 549 cases compared with 23 outbreaks at gyms resulting in 118 cases as of mid-September, for example. RELATED: Your COVID-19 Summer Safety Guide

How Risky Your Gym Is Depends on Where It Is and What Safety Measures Are Being Taken

Ultimately, how risky your gym or fitness center or studio is when it comes to COVID-19 transmission depends on several factors, including vaccination and infection rates in your area. To help assess how risky the facility you plan to exercise in is, consider these questions:

How many cases of COVID-19 are being reported in your area? Are you in the middle of an outbreak? Lower case numbers mean you’re less likely to come in contact with someone carrying the virus. Gonsenhauser says gyms and indoor workout facilities may be more risky when there are more than 100 cases per 100,000 individuals in a community.What safety protocols are in place? According to the CDC guidelines, gyms and fitness centers should adjust positioning of equipment (like treadmills and weight training gear) to allow users to maintain social distancing of at least six feet. You might see “do not use” signage, unplugged machines, or even physical barriers between workout stations to adhere to social distancing. The CDC is also encouraged gyms to install hand-washing and hand sanitizer stations throughout their facilities and limit the number of people in the gym at one time. But keep in mind that gyms and fitness centers defer to state and local guidance. In California, for example, the state fully reopened on June 15, lifting all restrictions on social distancing and capacity limits in all public spaces, including gyms, per a June 2021 statement from the Governor’s office.Is your gym well ventilated? Risk also depends on the design of your gym or fitness studio, Gonsenhauser adds. Generally, the airier the gym, the better, he says. Open windows and outdoor gym spaces can help reduce the risk of transmission because there’s more ventilation, adds Steven E. Mayer, MD, a sports medicine physician at Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois.Is there an outdoor option? Anyone at the gym should choose outdoor spaces, such as outdoor tracks and fields, when possible, Dr. Mayer says. Gyms have taken note of this and have adapted swiftly. “There’s been a lot more utilization of outdoor opportunities when that’s made sense,” says Paul McEntire, chief operating officer of the YMCA, which has over 2,500 gyms across the country. He says YMCA centers moved spin classes outdoors into parking lots, while other facilities moved yoga and Pilates classes onto rooftop spaces, where possible.What are your personal risk factors? When deciding how risky your gym is, your individual health matters, too. If you have underlying health conditions, your risk of becoming infected with or getting more severe COVID-19 may be higher, Gonsenhauser says. If you’re not vaccinated, your risk of getting sick and infecting others is higher.

And remember: The risk of going back to a gym in any state and city will look different because of the different precautions each locality is taking, and different and fluctuating vaccination and infection rates. As all of these variables change, so does the COVID-19 risk posed to you by your gym. “More than ever, it’s important to know COVID-19 infection and vaccination rates in your community. If you’re in an environment that’s not being aggressive about vaccination and precautionary measures, there’s a better chance your gym is also not being strict about safety measures, so your risk is amplified,” Gonsenhauser says. RELATED: 61 Gyms, Studios, and Fitness Instructors Offering Online Workouts 

What About Going Back to Group Fitness Classes — Is It Safe?

In the fitness world, group classes have taken among the longest to return. They’re risky for COVID-19 transmission, especially if classes at full capacity in tightly packed spaces thanks to participants breathing heavily and likely not wearing masks at all times (whether it’s for comfort, to hydrate, or for some other reason), Gonsenhauser explains. While some states have relaxed limits for fitness classes, others are still recommending fewer people in group workout settings. New York, for example, is requiring gyms in the state limit class sizes so that there is always at least six feet between participants — or 50 percent of the typical class size, per the state’s reopening policy published by the Department of Health in May 2021. Gonsenhauser suggests that those who are vaccinated can return to group classes safely. Wear a mask, if possible. If you aren’t vaccinated, touch base with your gym to understand their policies for group classes. He notes that some gyms have kept group classes outdoors to remove concerns about ventilation.

Tips to Stay Safe if You Do Go Back to the Gym

No matter what precautions your state, city, or gym is taking to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, here are a few suggestions from our experts to help make your own risk-analysis about returning to the gym and stay safe if you go:

Get the Facts

“Do your due diligence to understand what’s going on where you are,” Gonsenhauser says. Get information from your local health department on current COVID-19 guidelines; COVID-19 statistics by state are also available from the CDC and should be taken into account when timing your return to the gym. Call your gym. Ask what cleaning, social distancing, health screenings, and other protocols are in effect to keep you safe. “Most enterprises will be forthcoming, and some may have already reached out through email with statements on their practices,” Gonsenhauser says. If you have specific concerns, flag them to your gym, says McEntire. He says most fitness centers likely want to hear from their members and make tailored adjustments based on their feedback to help them feel more comfortable returning to the gym. RELATED: Can You Get the Coronavirus From a Public Bathroom?

Consider Your Health Status and Risk

According to the CDC, older adults and those of any age with underlying health conditions are at an increased risk of severe illness following infection. If you or someone you live with or are in close contact with are in those categories, any risk is heightened, and you want to be taking extra precautions, Gonsenhauser says. Understand that you’re at a much higher risk if you’re unvaccinated. As a result, you should continue safety measures, such as social distancing, wearing a mask, and disinfecting your hands and your equipment while at the gym, Gonsenhauser warns. “Currently this is a disease primarily of the unvaccinated. Most anything related to the gym will be low risk for folks who are vaccinated. They can return to a more normal use of the gym, but for those who are unvaccinated the same rules apply as they did at the height of the pandemic,” he says.

Stay Home if You Have Any Symptoms or Have Been Exposed to the Virus

Some facilities will ask you before entering if in the past two weeks you have any flu-like symptoms or if you’ve had contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19. But you should be asking yourself those questions before you even go to the gym and staying home if you answer “yes” to any of them, Gonsenhauser says — even small coughs or a tickle in your throat.

Wear a Mask, Including When Exercising if Possible

Wearing a mask reduces both your chances of being exposed to the novel coronavirus, as well as the risk for exposing others. Of course, face masks can be uncomfortable and inconvenient when breathing heavily, Gonsenhauser says. While some gyms are allowing exercisers to not wear masks during intense exercise as long as they maintain six feet of distance from others, it’s still safest to wear a mask at all times.

Disinfect Equipment and Your Hands

“Use hygiene stations between exercises and disinfect equipment before and after use,” Gonsenhauser recommends. While gym staff should be regularly cleaning equipment, it’s still possible that you could pick up a weight that someone else just set down (and may contain virus particles from someone who is infected). Your gym should have hand sanitizers and cleaning wipes readily available for frequent use. He also recommends vigorously washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before and after your workouts.

Be Quick When It Comes to the Locker Room and Water Fountain

Both Gonsenhauser and Mayer recommend avoiding locker rooms and public restrooms when possible when you’re unvaccinated, and making haste even if you are vaccinated. “These are close-contact spaces that generally involve touching a lot of surfaces and are also commonly home to respiratory secretions,” Gonsenhauser says. Also avoid using water fountains, which some gyms are roping off for safety anyway. “Take your own water bottle,” Gonsenhauser says — ideally one that you can drink out of without touching the mouthpiece. If you need to use these facilities, don’t linger, make sure you have your mask on hand and wash your hands immediately after.

Don’t Touch Your Face — if You Need to Wipe Away Sweat, Use a Towel

Don’t use your bare hand or arm to wipe that sweat from your face, as there’s always the potential for rubbing virus-carrying respiratory droplets directly into your eyes, nose or mouth. Opt for a towel. Some gyms provide towels; the most cautious choice would be to bring your own, Gonsenhauser says.

Disinfect Frequently Touched Items When You Get Home

“Phone, headphones, anything — disinfect it,” Gonsenhauser says. After disinfecting any objects that were in the gym with you (a disinfectant wipe can work), he also recommends showering and changing clothes (even though there’s a relatively low risk of the virus living on your clothes). These steps are less urgent if you’re vaccinated, though it’s still a good idea to disinfect commonly used items regularly. RELATED: 7 Tips for Staying Active During a Pandemic