Dealing with vision loss can be difficult for anyone — and if you’re struggling to cope with those emotions, know that you aren’t alone. In fact, people who are visually impaired are more likely to have depression or anxiety, according to a study published in December 2020 in the journal Clinical Ophthalmology. While there are many vision aids and treatment options that can help you manage DME, it’s also important to take care of your emotional health. Use this advice to better cope with DME-related vision loss.

1. Keep your DME diagnosis in perspective.

DME isn’t always permanent. If caught early, the vision impairment is usually temporary, and certain treatments can even help restore your vision. “Luckily, most patients come in with only moderate visual impairment,” says Sunir Garg, MD, codirector of the retina research unit and a professor of ophthalmology on the Retina Service of Wills Eye Hospital at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. For example, he says, some people may have trouble reading or seeing road signs. “We can get most [of them] driving again comfortably and back at work.” In more advanced cases, you may never regain all of your sight. There are treatments available that can effectively slow the progression of DME, though, which can ensure that you keep the eyesight you do have, says Dr. Garg. That’s why it’s important to face the condition early on and acknowledge any vision problems that might arise in the future; it’s the only way to get the help you need.

2. Find a good pair of glasses.

DME treatments, particularly anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) injections, work quickly and effectively to improve your vision. In the meantime, you may need to be fitted for a pair of glasses that can help you read, says Lee M. Jampol, MD, an ophthalmologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Louis Feinberg, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

3. Use a low-vision aid.

Magnifying screens and lenses, large-print books and audiobooks, telescopes, and large-print phones and watches can all improve your ability to read and help you carry out daily activities, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). These devices are most helpful for people who still have some vision left — those who can read headlines but can’t see fine print, for instance, says Garg.

4. Ask for help.

If you have trouble reading street signs while driving, ask your family and friends for a ride instead of trying to drive yourself. Dr. Jampol notes that while you may need help driving, you’ll likely still be able to take care of yourself without in-house help from neighbors or nurses.

5. Consider vision rehabilitation.

If you’ve lost elements of your vision permanently, a low-vision specialist can teach you how to maximize your sight and maintain your independence.

6. Embrace your feelings.

Coping strategies such as acceptance, spirituality, and social support may help you deal with the stress that can follow a DME diagnosis, according to a research review published in the journal Ophthalmology. People who use positive coping strategies (preparing for challenging situations, self-reflection) have better overall functioning and quality of life, finds a study published in May 2019 in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. Your doctor can also refer you to a mental health professional if needed.

7. See a specialist.

While there are many types of vision specialists, it helps to know exactly which ones can help you maintain your independence. Your ophthalmologist, a low-vision specialist, and an occupational therapist can all be good resources, notes the AAO. Garg notes that during the pandemic, many people with diabetes were not able to receive eye treatments for DME, which worsened their vision. Once regular treatments were started back up, many were able to regain much of this lost vision. If you need to catch up on eye care, it’s not too late. “We have good protocols in place to keep patients safe … while still enabling them to receive the specialized eye care they need,” he says.

8. Seek support for your diabetes care.

A huge part of treating your DME is making sure you’re taking control of your diabetes. That means sticking to your diet and exercise routine, as well as taking medications as prescribed. Many hospitals offer diabetes support groups, which you may find helpful, says Garg.