And being physically active is an important part of disease management. A research review published in June 2017 in the journal Clinical Experimental Gastroenterology found that exercise can improve disease activity, help with fatigue, and boost quality of life for people with this inflammatory bowel disease. Finding the most effective approach can be difficult, as each person experiences different challenges and symptoms. How can yoga, an ancient practice that originated in India, be integrated into the 21st-century lifestyles of those with Crohn’s so that they can not only function, but also thrive? That is a fundamental question being explored today by many doctors and researchers. A review and analysis published in January 2019 in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that yoga-based programs can help reduce depression and anxiety in people with IBD, as well as improve overall quality of life. Another study, published in April 2015 in PLoS One, suggests that yoga can help Crohn’s patients deal with stress. Researchers at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital enrolled patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in a relaxation-response-based program that lasted nine weeks. The patients participated in multidimensional activities that included utilizing the breath to focus, visualization, contemplation, yoga, and mindfulness techniques. A majority of the participants self-reported symptom relief and improvements in overall quality of life. The results suggest that incorporating yoga into one’s everyday life can lead to a more positive outlook, which in turn can decrease flare-ups and inflammation. It’s important to note that the program was administered in a group setting. Being a part of a community of individuals who practice yoga and meditation is a bonus, because those with chronic digestive diseases often struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Yoga for Beginners: How to Start a Practice

While yoga and the “wellness” industry has exploded in popularity in the West, this millennia-old mind-body technique can still be off-putting to a beginner. Yoga is unique among exercise modalities in that it incorporates physical postures, called asanas, and breath control, called pranayama. The union of the two leads to a calming yet strengthening routine. While there are many kinds of yoga, certain poses and breathing exercises can be especially beneficial to those with digestive diseases. Restorative yoga is shown in this video from GI (Gastrointestinal) Research Foundation, a nonprofit that focuses on ways to incorporate exercise, yoga, and meditation into GI treatment. Restorative yoga includes deeply relaxing poses that assist in calming the nervous system and reducing symptoms associated with digestive diseases. David T. Rubin, MD, the lead scientific adviser for GI Research Foundation, a professor of medicine and a codirector of the digestive diseases center at the University of Chicago, recommends poses like:

Side stretchesTwistsWind-Relieving pose (knee to chest)Modified shoulder stand (for more experienced practitioners)

“The benefits of yoga and meditation for those who suffer from chronic diseases have been long known by some, but ignored in more traditional approaches to disease management,” says Dr. Rubin. ”It’s time that we embrace these holistic approaches to support our IBD patients and complement their other therapies.” The free resources provided by GI Research Foundation are a great start to get acquainted with yoga and meditation exercises tailored to people dealing with IBD. Before you commit to a program at your local studio or gym, be sure to speak with your doctor about the options.