For people with ulcerative colitis (UC), a chronic autoimmune condition that causes ulcers, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other symptoms, evidence that vinegar can suppress gut inflammation sounds especially promising — but the research is spotty. Does that mean patients should rule it out? Not necessarily. “It’s low risk, and it’s been used for many, many years,” says Robin Foroutan, RDN, an integrated dietitian at the Morrison Center in New York City and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Many integrative practitioners suggest using diluted vinegar to improve digestion because the practice appears to support the stomach, possibly by encouraging proper stomach acid secretion.” She adds, “Many people do report feeling a big difference in energy and digestion.” RELATED: 9 Healthy Foods for Ulcerative Colitis

Vinegar Could Help Keep Gut Bacteria in Check

In a study published in January 2016 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vinegar proved to have an anti-inflammatory effect on mice who were chemically induced to have symptoms similar to ulcerative colitis. For the study, researchers gave the mice apple cider vinegar diluted in drinking water. After one month the scientists found that the vinegar had reduced inflammation in the colon and suppressed proteins that trigger the immune system’s inflammatory response. They also found that the mice had higher levels of friendly bacteria in the gut, such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. “Based on the results, vinegar seemed to have changed the ecology of the bacteria living in the digestive tract and had an effect on the microbiome,” says Foroutan, who was not involved in the study. In other words, apple cider vinegar appears to have a probiotic effect, helping “good” bacteria thrive in the digestive tract and ultimately reducing inflammation. For people with ulcerative colitis, that could mean fewer ulcers and a reduction in symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and rectal bleeding. More research involving human subjects is needed. RELATED: 6 Ways to Naturally Treat Ulcerative Colitis

Vinegar’s Effects on Obesity and Cancer

A few human studies have shown that apple cider vinegar has potential as an alternative therapy for a number of health conditions, such as obesity. In a study published in the journal Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, obese Japanese subjects consumed vinegar daily over a 12-week period. Researchers found that subjects who ingested vinegar experienced significant weight loss and lower cholesterol levels compared with subjects who didn’t drink the vinegar. Certain ingredients in vinegar, like bioactive compounds and acetic acid, appear to offer significant health benefits. The most potent antioxidants in vinegar are polyphenols and vitamins, which both have a long history of fighting oxidation, according to an article published in May 2014 in the Journal of Food Science. Japanese black vinegar, for example, inhibited the growth of human cancer cells in a small study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer. RELATED: Can Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet Help You Lose Weight?

Finding the Right Kind of Vinegar for Treatment

While most vinegars have health benefits, the kinds most commonly used as home remedies are cider vinegar and white vinegar. Cider vinegar is made from fruit juices, grapes, dates, figs, sugarcane, and apples, while white vinegar tends to be made from grains, molasses, coconut, honey, beer, and maple syrup. Researchers have looked most closely at apple cider vinegar, says Foroutan; it contains pectin, a fiber that helps promote good bacteria growth in the gut. But consuming too much pectin could cause diarrhea. Researchers have also studied acetic acid, a compound found in a number of different kinds of vinegars. Another component of vinegar that’s been touted for its benefits is the “mother.” This filmy substance is fermented bacteria, found in unfiltered vinegar. Though there is no evidence to suggest that it improves gut health, the mother does have a concentrated amount of bacteria, which could mean it has strong probiotic properties. RELATED: The Pros and Cons of Probiotics for Ulcerative Colitis

How Much Vinegar Should You Drink?

For digestive benefits, Foroutan recommends drinking 1 tablespoon of vinegar diluted in 8 ounces of water in the morning on an empty stomach. If that’s too much, she suggests adding it to salad dressings, soups, or even fish. “We don’t have all the answers yet, but drinking diluted vinegar is worth a try, since it’s generally safe and there may be a benefit,” she says. Still, experts like David Johnson, MD, professor of medicine and chief of gastroenterology at Eastern Virginia School of Medicine in Norfolk, recommend caution. “Vinegar can interact with certain medications and supplements, so rather than taking it on blind faith, discuss it with your doctor first,” he says.