The short answer is probably not, according to Steve Vasilev, MD, a gynecologic oncologist and the medical director of Integrative Gynecologic Oncology at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. ACV simply doesn’t have enough research behind it to support any cancer-fighting claims, Dr. Vasilev says, addressing the connection between apple cider vinegar and ovarian cancer. Even when studies found benefits from the vinegar in other areas, as in weight loss research, results were modest rather than significant. “One of the reasons I became board certified in integrative medicine was because so many of my patients were asking about remedies like apple cider vinegar and other options,” Vasilev says. “So I understand the appeal of wanting something that feels more ‘natural’ than a treatment like chemotherapy. But that said, if I’m going to recommend something as a complement to therapy, it needs to have extensive, compelling data behind its benefits, and I don’t think ACV is there.” RELATED: 8 Touted Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (and What the Research Says)

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Drawbacks

Although there’s no evidence that ACV can fight ovarian cancer, that doesn’t mean it lacks benefits in general, according to Britt Brandon, author of Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks for Health. Keep in mind that the vinegar is made from apples, she says, which do confer major nutritional advantages. “Apples are packed with vitamins and minerals that give ACV its myriad health benefits, as well as pectin, which aids in digestion,” she says. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, apples provide a high amount of vitamin C and are rich in quercetin, a type of plant chemical with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. One reason to consider ACV instead of — or in addition to — just eating apples is that the organic, unfiltered kind contains many beneficial and naturally occurring bacteria, nutrients, and enzymes, says Brandon, as well as acetic acid. Some natural-health practitioners promote acetic acid as protective against cancer, but again, there simply isn’t research to support that theory, Vasilev says. Although a popular idea is that changing blood pH levels by adopting an alkaline diet to lower acidity will affect how cancer cells grow, the scientific evidence is lacking. In fact, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research, it’s virtually impossible to alter the cell environment of the human body to ward off cancer simply by switching up what you eat and drink. RELATED: Diet and Cancer: What You Need to Know — and Eat — to Feel Your Best While Fighting Cancer

Finding the Right Balance

Playing around with ACV is one thing if you’re feeling healthy and have no underlying conditions, says Vasilev, but if you’re in the midst of ovarian cancer treatment, it may be less advisable. That’s because the acidity of the vinegar, even diluted, may be unappealing — especially if you’re already struggling with appetite issues due to treatment like chemo. As with other types of potential food-based remedies, Vasilev says the best approach is to integrate ACV into a healthy eating plan, rather than consuming large amounts in the belief that “more is more.” “Splashing some apple cider vinegar on your salad or putting some in a smoothie or some soup is a good approach, in large part because it means you’re eating nutrient-dense foods and using the vinegar as an add-in,” he says. “I don’t see the benefit of taking shots of the vinegar a few times a day, but if a splash here and there helps you to eat more vegetables, that’s a good thing.”