Our mission, then and now, has been to raise awareness of the inequities in health and healthcare among Black Americans, as well as the racism and bias within communities and institutions that have led to these disparities. With knowledge, we are empowered to help influence change toward improved healthcare and self-care. But getting there is no simple task. The public outrage and social unrest that followed the events of 2020 have exposed harsh, undeniable truths about the human condition in our nation and, in particular, the Black American community. Now more than ever, special attention must be paid to disparities, inequities, and concerns that challenge and compromise the physical, emotional, and social well-being of Black Americans.

Why did Black Health Facts launch on Juneteenth, a commemoration of the abolition of slavery in this country?

This historic date signifies many things: emancipation, freedom, justice, and liberty. It’s about awakening to ugly truths, reckoning with injustice, and trying to right unimaginable wrongs. But it’s also a celebration — and now a federal holiday — of the history and culture of a people who, largely through resilience, have managed to find joy in spite of a great deal of oppression and hardship. Juneteenth 2022 comes just over a month after another atrocity perpetrated against Black Americans: On May 14, in a racism-fueled domestic terror attack at the Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York, 10 Black people were targeted and killed by an 18-year-old white supremacist. Longtime residents of the town, including an 86-year-old wife, mother, and grandmother and a 32-year-old known for her kindness and smile, senselessly and suddenly lost their lives because of hate. While Everyday Health does not have the power to prevent tragedy, we are here to help lead the way toward something people can control: inspiring and enabling wellness for everyone to live their best lives. We work toward that goal every day. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Our collective health and wellness is no exception. Any injustice and any inequity, whether it’s in our cities, streets, workplace, or healthcare, cannot be ignored. Black Americans experience uneven access to healthcare, gaps in insurance coverage, and lower quality of care. They are underrepresented in medical research studies and clinical trials. Education and employment — areas in which they tend to have fewer advantages — as well as food insecurity, are all social determinants of health. These are facts. We want you to know the facts, and we want you to share the facts. Black Health Facts continues its mission to be a resource center for indisputable health facts, figures, and statistics. But behind every fact, there are many stories. That’s why we invite you to share the facts and stories affecting your lives and well-being. Everyday Health Chief Health and Medical Editor Patrice Harris, MD, MA, FAPA, regularly speaks to these facts in our content, offering perspective on what is behind them and, most importantly, how awareness can help you get better access to resources to live a fuller, healthier life. A psychiatrist and national health policy advocate, Dr. Harris is the first Black woman to hold the role of president of the American Medical Association. She is passionate about making mental health as important as physical health. We look forward to continuing this work with more features and opportunities to inform and engage directly with you. A lot has been done, but there’s a lot to come.

Black Health Facts is a knowledge movement. It’s not just a moment.

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