While mental illness is prevalent, talking about it is still relatively taboo. But one way to break the stigma surrounding mental health is to start a conversation — and what better way to do so than through podcasts? With the rise of audio as a popular medium for sharing information, podcasts that discuss psychology and mental health have garnered widespread audiences. “[Listening to a podcast] is a way of gaining greater awareness and validation for whatever you’re struggling with psychologically and emotionally in terms of a mental health issue,” says Paula Kliger, PhD, a clinical psychologist and the founder of PsychAssets. Dr. Kliger believes that because you can listen to podcasts on your own, they help create a safe space for self-acceptance and awareness. She says the personal storytelling within podcasts is a powerful tool when dealing with mental health because it allows the listener to identify with another person. “A podcast or adding a podcast along with mindfulness work really gets the person to focus over time on developing a recovery practice,” explains Kliger. “If you are really serious about your mental health problems and you choose a podcast — it is a sign of you wanting to find a way to commit yourself to being well.” Although podcasts aren’t a substitute for medical counseling, they can be used as a cathartic method of self-help and discovery. Here are eight podcasts that cover the full spectrum of mental health, including stories about living with various conditions and how to practice self-care.

Mental Illness Happy Hour

Notable episode: “Why Am I a Mess? My Parents Loved Me — Amanda Bloom” Amanda Bloom is a 30-year-old freelance journalist and has struggled with bad relationships, eating disorders, panic attacks, body dysmorphia, depression, and intense fears of feeling excluded, although she can’t point to a cause. Gilmartin and Bloom talk triggers, medication, codependency, and finding your voice. You can find the “Why Am I a Mess? My Parents Loved Me — Amanda Bloom” episode of ‘Mental Illness Happy Hour’ on iTunes. RELATED: How to Stop a Panic Attack

The Anxiety Slayer

Notable episode: “Does Your Anxiety Have a Message for You?” According to Leek and Sivyer, when dealing with anxiety, we have a tendency to do one of two things: 1) push it away, or 2) push through it. Both methods of coping fail to directly address our anxiety. In this 13-minute episode, Leek and Sivyer search for ways to find meaning in nervousness, which helps us understand it better. You can find the “Does Your Anxiety Have a Message for You” episode of  ‘The Anxiety Slayer’ on iTunes.

Jen Gotch Is OK … Sometimes

Notable episode: “The MYTH of Perfection” Gotch comes to terms with how much of her anxiety comes from unrealistic expectations of perfection. According to Gotch, “no one’s expecting perfection” and it is not a real thing that can be achieved. She talks through her tips for avoiding feelings of imperfection and fighting off feelings of being less than. You can find “The MYTH of Perfection” episode of  ‘Jen Gotch is Ok … Sometimes’ on iTunes.

Mentally Yours

Notable episode: “Actually Asking for Help” Yvette interviews Jake Mills, founder of the nonprofit Chasing the Stigma and the app, Hub of Hope, about how he’s using technology to offer support to those struggling with mental illness. Mills talks about his suicide attempt, men’s mental health, and how the UK can break down the walls that refrain us from asking for help. You can find the “Actually Asking for Help” episode of ‘Mentally Yours’ on iTunes.

The Hilarious World of Depression

Notable episode: “Imposter Syndrome: True Tales, Tricks, and Tactics for When You’re Feeling Fraudulent” Moe peels back the layers of imposter syndrome and how deeply it can affect people struggling with depression. Dr. Valerie Young joins the episode to talk about who imposter syndrome effects and what you can do about it. Listeners also share their struggles with feeling like a fraud and tactful ways to treat it. You can find the “Imposter Syndrome: True Tales, Tricks, and Tactics for When You’re Feeling Fraudulent” episode of ‘The Hilarious World of Depression’ on iTunes.

The Struggle Bus: Self-Care, Mental Health, and Other Hilarious Stuff

Notable episode: “Episode 142: Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable” On this episode, special guest co-host Hilary Asare fills in for Tamarkin. Asare and Heller jibber jabber about irregular sleep cycles, PTSD, and finding a support team when faced with sexual assault and abusive bosses. They also discuss how to support loved ones without overstepping boundaries. You can find the “Episode 142: Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable” episode of ‘The Struggle Bus: Self-Care, Mental Health, and Other Hilarious Stuff’ on iTunes.