— Missy, Ohio Actually, walking down stairs burns more calories than walking on a flat surface, and it certainly burns more calories than standing in an elevator. As long as you don’t have balance or joint problems, or any medical reasons not to, I definitely think it’s worth it to take the stairs down as well as up. Find out more about how many calories you can burn by taking the stairs, both up and down, on My Calorie Counter. Q2. I love walking, but when I walk at a fast pace my shins really start to hurt. What can I do to stop the pain? First, make sure your walking shoes have good arch support, since shin splints often happen because of a fallen arch or flat feet. Also, try to avoid walking hills until you’ve walked on a flat surface for at least five minutes. This will warm up your shins so they don’t become overstressed. If you want to strengthen your shins, here’s an easy towel exercise you can do! Sit in a chair, your feet bare, and place a rolled-up towel just in front of your toes. Grab the towel between your toes and your forefeet and unroll it, flexing the arches of your feet at the same time. Try to do this for 15 to 30 seconds every other day. It will help you keep up the good work and stay fit. Q3. I started having blood in my urine two days ago after strenuous weight lifting and aerobic workouts for cardiac rehabilitation, three times a week. Also, my left side hurts. It is not a lot of blood, and it starts and stops. — Betty, Illinois Seeing blood in the urine can be very upsetting. There are a multitude of potential causes, some benign, others more significant. Discovering the cause is based almost entirely on your medical history: Was there any trauma, are you taking any drugs, what is the nature of the blood — small amounts, even tiny, or are there clots? — and do you have any associated symptoms? The long list of potential causes includes kidney stones, which are usually associated with significant pain; primary kidney problems, including diseases that cause inflammation, such as glomerulonephritis; trauma, such as a car accident; and medications that interfere with clotting, such as warfarin. Abnormal growths, including cancer, can also be the source of blood in the urine. Strenuous exercise, including both weight lifting and aerobic training, can cause blood to appear in the urine. There is a specific condition known as march hematuria, which was originally described after soldiers experienced blood in their urine following long marches. Patients who are part of a cardiac rehabilitation program may also be on medications that “thin” the blood and may lead to blood in the urine. The typical workup for blood in the urine includes tests to check clotting (particularly if the patient is on any medications that may interfere with this process), radiology exams such as CT urography, and cystoscopy — a look into the bladder with an endoscope. Learn more in the Everyday Health Fitness Center.

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