To find out what was causing the illnesses, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at whole genome sequences and found that the strains of bacteria matched each other, suggesting a common source of infection. The agency tested blood samples from each of the patients, and investigated the soil, water, and consumer products around and inside their homes. A bottle of the aromatherapy spray in one location was tested and found to contain B. pseudomallei, which causes melioidosis. The CDC is now connecting with the state health departments of the three other people to find out if they may have used this or similar products.

Walmart Recalls All Scents of the Aromatherapy Spray

The identified spray was sold as Better Homes & Gardens Lavender & Chamomile Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones in 55 Walmart stores and on Walmart’s website between February and October 21, 2021. On October 22, 2021, Walmart began a recall of all six scents of Better Homes & Gardens Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones, an estimated 3,900 bottles in all, according to a statement issued on the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission website. Investigators are currently testing the five other scents to find out if they pose as risk as well; as a precaution the recall includes all varieties of the Better Homes & Gardens Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones; this includes Lemon and Mandarin Lavender, Peppermint, Lime and Eucalyptus, and Sandalwood and Vanilla. Walmart has stopped the sale of the product, which was made in India.

What Is Melioidosis and What Are the Symptoms?

Melioidosis is caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei, primarily found in Southeast Asia and northern Australia. The only places where the bacterium occurs naturally in the United States are Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, according to the CDC. There are different types of melioidosis infections, and the signs and symptoms can be similar to other diseases, such as tuberculosis and pneumonia, according to the CDC. Symptoms can include cough, chest pain, high fever, headache, stomach pain, and loss of appetite.

What to Do if You Bought or Have Used the Contaminated Spray

In the event that you have purchased the recalled product, the CDC recommends that you stop using it immediately. Do not open the bottle, do not throw it away or dispose of the bottle in the trash. Instead, double bag the bottle in clean, clear zip-top bags, place in a small cardboard box, and return it to a Walmart store. Wear gloves while handling the bottle or wash your hands thoroughly after handling the bottle. In addition to receiving a refund, consumers will also get a $20 Walmart Gift Card upon return of the spray. If you have used the Better Homes & Gardens Lavender & Chamomile Essential Oil Infused Aromatherapy Room Spray with Gemstones or one of the other recalled sprays, the following measures are recommended by the CDC:

Wash sheets or any other linens the product may have been sprayed on in normal laundry detergent (bleach may be used if desired) and dry completely in a hot dryer.Wipe down any surfaces (such as countertops and sinks) that may have spray on them with a disinfectant such as undiluted Pine-Sol.Wash hands after cleaning surfaces or washing the linens.

If you have used the recalled aromatherapy in the past 21 days and have fever or any of the other symptoms listed, go to the doctor and tell them you were exposed to the product. If you don’t have symptoms, but you’ve used the aromatherapy spray within the last week, your doctor may recommend that you take antibiotics to prevent infection.