What Is Clostridium Difficile?

Clostridium difficile, also known as C. diff, can also lead to nausea, loss of appetite, and fever. It most commonly strikes the elderly as well as those with health issues and, very commonly, people who are taking antibiotics. Besides being passed person-to-person, C. diff germs can live for quite some time on objects like bed linens, medical equipment, and door handles — common points of contact. The best defense against its spread is to clean surfaces thoroughly and make sure everyone from patients to health care professionals wash their hands thoroughly.

How Do Stomach Acid and Antihistamines Play Into It?

Stomach acid has an important part in our food digestion. “It begins the process of breaking ingested food down into its components and preparing it for absorption of nutrients in the small intestine,” said William Katkov, MD, a board certified gastroenterologist at Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif. “Stomach acid also acts as an early line of defense against anything we take in that could be harmful, such as bacteria.” In some people, however, stomach acid can cause ulcers either because of elevated amounts or a sensitivity that makes even regular levels problematic. Many doctors treat it by prescribing antihistamines. “There is a histamine receptor on certain cells in the stomach that stimulates acid secretion,” said Dr. Katkov. If you can block the histamine receptor with medication — an antihistamine, then you can reduce the acid secretion. These antihistamines are known as H2 blockers because they bind the receptor on the cells in the stomach called H2 receptors. (The histamine receptor in the stomach is not the same as the one that triggers allergies, and H2 antihistamines are different than antihistamines taken for allergies, such as Benadryl.) While antihistamines can be helpful when it comes to treating stomach acid issues, researchers in the PLoS One study found an association between antihistamines and Clostridium difficile, and it was even more noticeable in patients who were hospitalized and on antibiotics as well as antihistamines.

What Should a Patient with Stomach Acid Issues Do?

Katkov recommended several steps that people with stomach acid problems can take. “Patients and doctors should use anti-acid medicines cautiously and thoughtfully,” he said. “All medicines can have unanticipated side effects.” Katkov also warned against jumping to conclusions about the study results and believes more research is needed to clarify whether there is a true cause-and-effect relationship between antihistamines and greater risk for C. difficile infection. Finally, according to Katkov, he encouraged everyone to remember mom’s advice: Whether in the hospital or out-and-about, good hygiene, and especially frequent and thorough hand washing, are key.

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