The best remedy for constipation is drinking more fluids, adding fiber to your diet, and getting more exercise. It’s also important to know that going a day without a bowel movement does not mean you have constipation. Sure, some people have three bowel movements a day, but others only have three a week. Normal is relative, especially in this case. How Do You Know When You Are Constipated? Constipation is one of the most frequent complaints doctors hear. It’s estimated that constipation results in at least 2.5 million doctor visits annually in the United States and Americans spend hundreds of millions of dollars on laxatives every year. Constipation occurs when stool passes too slowly through your digestive tract. This allows too much water to be absorbed, making the stool harder, drier, and more difficult to pass. Although everyone’s digestive system is a little different, if you have not had a bowel movement in four days, you may be constipated and a laxative could help. If you have tried adding fiber, drinking more fluids, and increasing your activity, and you are still constipated, there are many constipation remedies that are available over-the-counter. These include laxatives, stool softeners, lubricants, and tap water enemas. Here is what you need to know about laxatives:

Bulk-forming laxatives. These laxatives work by drawing water into your stools to make them larger, softer, and easier to pass. They work slowly and stimulate your colon naturally. They are considered the safest type of laxative and the only type that might be recommended for daily use. Examples are psyllium (Metamucil), polycarbophil (FiberCon), and methylcellulose (Citrucel). It is important to drink plenty of fluids with a bulk laxative.Saline laxatives. These laxatives are also called osmotic laxatives because they draw extra fluid into the large intestine to help soften stool and flush out your colon. Because the active ingredients in these laxatives are commonly magnesium or phosphate, they can be dangerous for people with kidney failure. A common example of this type of laxative is Milk of Magnesia, which is magnesium.Stimulant laxatives. These are the roughest type of laxatives because they cause your bowel to contract and squeeze out the stool. Stimulant laxatives can be taken by mouth or by suppository. When taken by mouth they work in about seven hours; by suppository they can work in about 30 minutes. These laxatives should never be used more than once every three days because they can cause your bowel to lose its ability to contract. A common example of a stimulant laxative is bisacodyl (Dulcolax and Correctol).Other constipation remedies. Stool softeners and lubricant laxatives are also helpful because they make dry, hard stools easier to pass. Mineral oil can be used as a lubricant laxative, as can a glycerin suppository. Even though mineral oil is available over the counter, because it can interfere with your ability to absorb the important vitamins A, D, E, and K, it’s essential to discuss its use with your doctor.

Benefits and Risks The benefit of laxatives is that you can purchase them without a doctor’s prescription and they are generally safe and effective. Laxatives may help prevent constipation caused by some drugs or prevent straining to have a bowel movement, which might be dangerous for some people. Here are some risks to be aware of:

Laxatives may cause cramping, bloating, and nausea in some people.Long-term use of laxatives, except for bulk laxatives, can make you dependent on laxatives to go to the bathroom and may mask important constipation symptoms.Laxatives can interfere with how other medications are absorbed. In general you should avoid taking a laxative within two hours of taking other medications.Never use laxatives for weight loss. Laxative abuse does not help you lose weight and can result in dangerous dehydration, weakness, fainting, and kidney damage.

Laxatives can be useful constipation remedies, but they are not a substitute for eating enough fiber, getting regular exercise, and drinking plenty of fluid. Other ways to avoid constipation are to never ignore the urge to have a bowel movement, set aside regular times of the day for a bowel movement, and avoid foods that are high in fats and sugar. If you are having trouble with constipation, talk to your doctor about what type of laxative might be best for you. Never ignore symptoms of blood in your stools or dark, tarry stools. If you have constipation for more than two weeks, abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting, talk to your doctor before starting any constipation remedy. Learn more in the Everyday Health Digestive Health Center.