Follow these dos and don’ts to help better manage ankylosing spondylitis. Do follow your doctor’s instructions. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy or a medication regimen that includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or biologics (medications that suppress inflammatory responses), says Scott Zashin, MD, a rheumatologist in Dallas. It might feel tough at times, but it’s important to stick with your treatment plan. Schedule any office visits you need, keep your doctor’s appointments, and take your medications as prescribed. If your doctor’s instructions are unclear or you have questions about how to take your medication, ask your doctor to clarify before you leave his or her office. Don’t skip any doses. “Most people with ankylosing spondylitis can be helped by a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs and biologics,” says Susan Goodman, MD, a rheumatologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. But some people make the mistake of discontinuing their medications once they feel better. For certain drugs, such as biologics, to remain effective it’s necessary to take them consistently, says Dr. Goodman. Ankylosing spondylitis drugs suppress the symptoms; they don’t reverse them. So if you quit taking your medication, the symptoms will just reappear, she says. Never stop taking your medication without talking to your doctor first. If you feel your treatment isn’t working or you’re having trouble taking your medication as prescribed, talk to your doctor about possible adjustments that may help. Don’t keep any of your doctors in the dark about your medications. If you have more than one health condition and see multiple doctors who prescribe different drugs for you, tell each of your doctors about all of the medications you’re taking. This will help you avoid any adverse interactions or drug overload that could cause you to get sick. Also, fill your prescriptions at the same pharmacy so that your pharmacist can look for potential interactions or other risks. Finally, let your doctors know about any over-the-counter medications or supplements you take, as some of these can also interfere with your prescriptions. Do be patient. Medication doesn’t always work the same way for everyone. Some people see an improvement in their symptoms after two or three doses, while others don’t see a benefit for months. No matter what, it’s important that you continue with your prescribed medications, Goodman says. Don’t be a couch potato. Regular exercise is helpful for everyone, no matter what type of arthritis they have, says Zashin. A workout routine that includes cardio, strengthening, and stretching exercises can help reduce pain and fatigue, improve posture, increase range of motion, and help you feel better overall. One good option for people with ankylosing spondylitis is Pilates, which strengthens the body’s core muscles and helps you maintain flexibility, says Goodman. Just don’t exercise too late at night, since it can impact your sleep. Do eat a healthy diet. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and lean protein may help reduce inflammation and decrease pain, Zashin says. Plus, it’ll also help you maintain a healthy body weight — which is important, since excess pounds can strain the joints in your knees and back, says Goodman. Do stand and sit tall. If you have ankylosing spondylitis, you may find yourself slouching over to counter the pain. But actually, this can do more harm than good: When you bend your spine, you put more strain on it, which adds to your discomfort. Your treatment will be more effective if you keep your chin parallel to the floor and sit and stand as straight as you can, according to the SAA. Do consider complementary therapies. When used alongside your ankylosing spondylitis medication, some therapies, such as massage and acupuncture, may help relieve your symptoms, reports the SAA. Applying heat to stiff joints and tight muscles can provide symptom relief as well. Additional reporting by Erica Patino